Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, November 5, 2020
My Rosary is stronger than Satan

(Marcos): My dear friends, Our Lady appeared during the Rosary of Tears and she gave the following message:
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, continue praying the Rosary of my Tears every day, for with it many plans of Satan will be defeated and destroyed.
Do not lose hope because I am with you and as I have already said, 'My Rosary is stronger than Satan', and with him, even if Satan wins some battles, then further ahead you can reverse these victories of Satan in triumphs of the Lord, in triumphs of my son.
So pray, pray, pray!
Read chapter number 9 of the Book 'A Road of Salvation' of my son Afonso de Ligório.
I bless you all, especially you, my little son Marcos. Rest, you have suffered a lot in the last days, but I am with you and I will never leave you.
Pray my Rosary every day!
To all I bless Lourdes, Pellevoisin and Jacareí".
Video containing the Message of Our Lady and the reading of chapter 9 of the bookA Road of Salvationby St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori