Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
What I came to look for here are these saints made of pure love for God

(Dialogue of Our Lady with the Seer Marcos Tadeu. The seer's responses were audible to those present)
(Marcos): "For ever be praised Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Yes, I will...Yes, my Queen.Yes, my Lady, I will. Yes, I do not worry about me, I worry more about Marcos de Paula. Could you heal him for me? Thank you for confirming this inspiration. I will do it for you, Madam. (pause) It doesn't matter to me; take me or leave me, do what you want. But I ask you from my heart, that you heal my desire, so that I no longer see this suffering. Yes, I understand that. (pause)Yes...I would also like to ask you for several sick people who recommended my prayers...Yes. (pause)I also want to thank you for the beautiful message last Sunday. I have never seen you speak with such power and at the same time with such majesty, clarity and conciseness about the power of the Blessed Rosary. Thank you especially, Mama, for that phrase: 'Satan is stronger than you, but my Rosary is stronger than Satan. That phrase touched me deeply and was the most beautiful phrase about the Holy Rosary that you have ever said in any message. Thank you very much! Thank you very much for that beautiful message which comforted me deeply and gave me more than ever the certainty that the Lady's Rosary is the greatest power in the world and with it, we can defeat all evil. Thank you, Mama! If you had come from heaven and given only this message in those 30 years, repeatedly, it would have been enough for me to love you and serve you all my life.(pause)Yes, I will. (pause) I'll say as many Rosaries as the Lady wants! I'll do it"(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all again to sanctity and I repeat what I said here before: 'Sanctity is the height of love. When you reach the height of love for God and for me, you will have reached sanctity. Sanctity is love! It is full and total love. Therefore, love God with all the strength of your heart, more every day, and then you will advance more every day in perfect holiness. What I came to look for here are these saints made of pure love for God and who do everything, do everything for the Lord, renounce everything for the Lord, leave all worldly things for the Lord and give themselves truly to the Lord to do His will. The saints that I want are the saints burning with love that will show the whole world the beauty of love for God, the beauty of life totally immersed in God. This world adorned by sin and by the detachment from God needs to be embellished. When you love God with all the strength of your heart, when you also love me with all the strength of your heart, then the beauty of this love in you will shine forth and again renew the beauty of Creation destroyed by the enemy and sin.Amen! And with the power of love for God, with the power of true love for me, you will transform everything that is ugly in this world into the beauty of God's grace.And again I repeat: 'Satan is strong, but my Rosary is stronger than Satan.Pray for everything you desire, pray the Holy Rosary, and then you will achieve all the graces and goods for you and everything that is under Satan's dominion or influence, with my Rosary will be freed and his power will be destroyed. When the world believes in the power of my Rosary and prays it incessantly as my little children from Austria did, then the kingdom of Satan will fall, he will be defeated in the personal, family, national and international life of my children and finally, the world will have peace. Through my Rosary I will triumph!It will be useless to seek the solution of the world's problems in other things, because the Most High has decreed that the world be saved by the power of the Angelic Greeting, by the power of the Hail Mary and my Rosary.
To all of me again I bless and especially to you, my little son Marcos. Thank you so much for offering both the pain of your head and the pain of your liver tonight for the salvation of souls. You saved many souls among the dying, sinners and souls of Purgatory.Yes, it was 33,784. Keep offering for the souls who need you so much. Keep on being my helper, Jesus' helper, our friend, our hunter of souls, and also our little angel of love.3 For your father Carlos Thaddeus, you achieved 322 graces tonight. And to you, my little son Carlos Thaddeus, I ask: keep praying all the prayers I asked for. Continue on the path of holiness, love and prayer, and don't forget: I gave you as a son a soul in whom I manifested signs like the ray of light of July 1994, which I didn't even manifest in other very holy children who came and were in this world, to show you that I gave the best, because I love you so much. I never leave you and I am always with you blessing you and keeping you in my heart. To all of you here I also give now 4 special blessings, fruit of this film that my son Marcos made of my Gabriel and also fruit of the sacrifices he offered tonight for all of you. And to all of you I bless: from Lourdes, from Kerizinen and from Jacareí. MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY AFTER TAKING AND ABENÇOAR THE RELIGIOUS OBJECTS(Mary Most Holy): "As I said before, wherever one of these rosaries is, there I will be alive taking with me the great graces of the Lord.I bless you all with love again, that you may be happy, and I leave my peace".
Video of the complete Cenacle on the Apparitionstv Platform: