Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
I Will Decide the Outcome of All the Events of Humanity

Dear children, today when you contemplate my first apparition in the poor Cova da Iria to my three little shepherds: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, I come from heaven again to tell you:
My apparition in the Cova da Iria is a sign of hope for all my children, because there I appeared as the woman dressed in the sun, the woman, the Lady brighter than the sun who in the end will defeat and destroy the great red dragon with the strength and power of the Most Holy Rosary.
My apparition in the poor Cova da Iria is a sign of hope for my children, because there, 103 years ago, I prophesied my certain and definitive triumph when I said: "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
I will have the last word in human history! I will decide the last day of humanity! I will decide the outcome of all the events of humanity and only I will emerge victorious from the struggle against the forces of evil, because only I am the Immaculate Conception, the one over whomatanás never had power and who was never under slavery to him and to sin. Therefore, only I will be the only winner in the final fight against the forces of evil.
My apparition at poor Cova da Iria in Fatima is a sign, an apocalyptic sign for my children. Yes, my apparition at Fatima marks the opening of the seals of the book of the Apocalypse and the beginning of the definitive war between me, the Woman Dressed in the Sun, and the dragon, which will end with the total victory of my son Jesus and my Heart over all evil hostiles.
So,you are living the final times, you are living the Apocalypse. It is happening in your days as well as the book of Daniel. Whoever has ears to hear it, listen!
Now, therefore, you must take the Rosary and pray it more than ever and watch over their souls, so that they do not lose the salvation and reward that my son Jesus prepared for his true warriors, the champions of the faith.
Now is the time to fight and fight the good fight towards definitive victory. Those who do not fight now, who do not watch over and protect themselves with the shield of prayer, meditation of my messages, vigilance, fasting, penance, mortification, will be struck by the arrows of the enemies and will fall. they will lose their salvation.
Therefore, pray, fight and protect your souls with the listening of faith, prayer, vigilance of sacrifice and penance.
Go forward! fight the good fight, soldiers of the light of my Son .
May the life of each one of you become like those of my little shepherds: luminous lamps that illuminate this world wrapped in so much darkness.
My apparition in the poor Cova da Iria is finally a sign of joy for all my children, because the Mother of Heaven, who promised her definitive and certain triumph there, will soon come to fulfill her promise and bring to all the New Heaven and Earth.
In fact, at the end of the last century I already wanted to fulfill this promise. I couldn't do it because not one third of souls were converted and it is necessary that at least one third be converted so that then the Lord's plans can be realized.
Help me, my children, to convert my children and bring them all to the God of salvation and peace who is my son Jesus so that then the number of the elect may be completed and finally all the prophecies from Daniel to the Apocalypse, from Fatima to here, may be fulfilled and finally my Son may come on the clouds of Heaven as the victorious king of love and peace.
Pray! Pray and pray! Spread the Fatima movies that my little son Marcos made so that my children will be converted and the number of the elect will be completed more quickly. Give them to six of my children who do not know him and also give the Rosário Meditado 271 so that my children know my messages recorded there, convert as soon as possible and thus the number of the elect is completed and finally my son Jesus comes as the immortal king of love and peace to renew Heaven and Earth and bring to all of you the new time of holiness, love for God and peace.
To all I bless with love now: from Fatima, from Lourdes, from Bonate and from Jacareí.
Peace to all! Peace to you, my beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus. I bless you tonight and tell you: Continue carrying my messages as you can at this moment. God is pleased with your sacrifices, but wants you to moderate them, because I need you to be stronger and stronger to carry out the great mission that I have for you. And rejoice! Because I gave you the best; the most dedicated, hard working, selfless and sacrificed seer for love of me. And to you, through him, I will increasingly cumulate with the great graces of my Heart.
By the yes of the son I have given you, by the merits, sacrifices and works of love that he does for me, I will favor you and make you rich in the grace of the Lord.
And to you, my beloved little son Marcos, whose optimistic heart today has rejoiced and rejoiced so much with my little shepherds and with me, I now bless you for everything. for all that you have done all your life to make my message of Fatima better known. From the movies that console and please my Heart so much, to the sceneries, to the processions of cars and so many other things, vigils, Cercos de Jericho, lectures of my Apparitions in Fatima, to the tiring, exhausting pilgrimages you made with my pilgrim images. Finally, for everything, today I give you 822 special graces and for the one you preferred, the father I gave you, the one you chose, I give 80,128 graces today.
Peace, Marcos, my warrior! Fight for me always with love and courage! My only hope!"
"To all my children who pray my Rosary every day and help my son Marcos to make my message of Fatima known, spreading the films he made and the rosaries meditated with the lives of my little shepherds, I give today the plenary indulgence with all the love of my Heart.
Once again, I bless you all to be happy and leave my peace.
Peace, Marcos, my warrior of Fatima, the most hard-working, dedicated and optimistic of my children".
Video of this Apparition: