Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 10, 2020
From the Chair of my Holm oak tree I proclaimed and taught to the whole world

Our Lady of Fatima with the little Shepherds at the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí
"Dear children, today, when you are already celebrating here my Apparitions in Fatima, the anniversary of my Apparitions, I come again to say:
"I am the Lady of the Rosary, terrible as an army in battle order that appeared in the poor Cova da Iria to the Three Little Shepherds to call all humanity through them to prayer, conversion and penance.
From the Chair of my Holm oak tree I proclaimed and taught the whole world penance, conversion, as the only way for humanity to find its salvation and peace.
From the Chair of my holm oak tree, I preached the prayer of the Rosary to the whole world as the only way to achieve peace for the world, the salvation of souls and families and as the only way for humanity, at last, to find its God of salvation and peace.
From the Chair of my Holm oak tree, I taught the whole world the effective means to obtain world peace and conversion for all atheistic sinners who spread their errors throughout the world by promoting wars, persecutions of Christians, the Church, my children, Catholicism and good souls, taking away their right to their freedom, the right to their goods and property and the right to live their faith, worshipping the Lord God in peace and harmony.
Only with the Rosary, prayer and sacrifice can the conversion of these sinners be achieved. That is why, in Fatima, I gave the world the effective weapons with which my children can overcome all the evil in the world and achieve continuous and countless victories for the Lord in their lives.
I am the Lady of the Rosary who came to Fatima to finish what I had begun in La Salette, in Paris, in Lourdes and in so many places where I appeared. Therefore, I call all my children to listen to my insistent appeals, my distressing and painful requests that I made from the top of my holm oak tree in Fatima.
Only when the world returns to Fatima and obeys the messages of Fatima, will it have peace!
Here where I came to finish what I began at Fatima, at Lourdes, at La Salette, in Paris, I wish my children to give themselves to me through a profound consecration of their lives and their souls by dedicating themselves to my cause and helping me to spread my messages of love throughout the world and call all humanity to conversion and to return to the Lord.
Pray! Pray! Pray the Rosary every day! Do penance! Come here in procession! Tell my children about the Meditated Rosary 56 giving it to 10 of my children who do not have it.
Promote my film of Lourdes number 7, giving it to 8 of my children who do not have it so that they know my love manifested in Lourdes , know my call to penance made in Lourdes through this wonderful film that my son Marcos made and that so consoles my heart.
I also ask you: give the rosary meditated with the life and examples of my little shepherds to five of my children who do not have it, so that they can truly imitate my chosen seers and follow the path of prayer, conversion and holiness by which I myself led them and, like them, become mystical roses perfect of love.
I bless you all again with all my love today, especially you, my little son Marcos.
Thank you so much for all the works of love you have done for me, all the movies of my apparitions, all the Meditated Rosaries, all the rosaries and Hours of Prayer so that my children can have a very high, deep, strong and consistent spirituality here. Truly only those who don't pray my Meditated Rosaries, don't pray the Rosaries and Hours of Prayer that you recorded, don't see these movies often; only those let their hearts harden and let themselves be seduced and imprisoned by Satan, because those who are truly nourishing themselves from these Holy Hours, from these meditated Rosaries and Rosaries and also from the wonderful movies that you make every day, will never fall into lukewarmness, into aridity. they will never lose faith, vocation and salvation.
So go on, my son! Keep on doing so that souls may be saved and finally my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I bless you with love!
Thank you for all of this and also for the sacrifice of the headaches that you offered me every day of this week. They saved many souls among the dying, souls in purgatory and sinners who were touched by the grace of the Lord. In fact they were 98,780 and therefore it was by the great merits of these sufferings, these sacrifices that you offered to me, I give you today 8 special graces and for your father Carlos Thaddeus, your favorite and chosen, I give 89,118 special graces that he will receive throughout this year. So, my son, I pour over you and over the one you preferred all the graces of my heart and my heart rejoices to be able to pour over you all the profusion of graces that souls do not want, do not accept and do not seek to achieve with merits of works of love.
To all I bless with love: from Fatima, Banneux and Jacareí".
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