Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I thank all of you for all the prayers, especially for the siege of Jericho that you are making. Thank you for helping me to save souls. Continue praying the Rosary every day and all the Prayers that I have given you here.
Again I repeat: One single Cenacle that my son Marcos makes is worth more than 10 days of fasting to bread and water, praying without ceasing.
If people do not improve, do not progress, it is their fault and not that of My son Marcos.
Truly, if there were Cenacles like these that he does, in every part of the world, the world would already be a Heaven, a Paradise of Love for God, the world would already be the Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart.
Do not miss these Cenacles and pray in them with your hearts, so that you may truly enjoy all the Grace that is given here to you and become the great Saints that I have come here to seek and I demand that you all be, because this is the Will of God!
Despise the world, serve God, no longer be sinners!
I desire that you give 10 Films of My Appearance in La Salette No. 1 to 10 of my children who do not know the Message and the Secret. Do it quickly, my children.
And in this month of January concentrate on spreading My Appearance and Message of La Salette.
I bless you all, and especially you My dear son Leandro who today makes his birthday. I bless you with all the graces and blessings of my Immaculate Heart.
Thank you for all that you have done for Me in these years that you are here.
To you, and to all My beloved children, I now bless with Love from LOURDES. from FÁTIMA. and from JACAREÍ".
(Saint Lucia): "Dear brothers, I, Lucia, I ask you: Pray, pray more every day!
Many want the Consolations of Heaven and the pleasures of the earth, they want the Consolations of God and the consolations of the flesh. This is not possible! That is why many do not progress in Holiness, many are here near the Light, but they do not want that Light and prefer the darkness.
It is sad to see souls so close to the Light here, and then look at the darkness of the world and prefer the darkness. It's their fault! It is neither the Mother of God, nor the Lord, nor our beloved Marcos. They prefer the darkness because they want it.
Pray that you will not be of the number of those unfortunate ones who will bitterly cry in the Flames of Hell for their bad decisions.
Pray the Rosario, that you may be faithful and that every day you may grow in holiness. Meditate, read the Lives and Writings of the Saints.
Take seriously what is said here, so that truly these Cenacles may be the cause of Salvation for you.
I, Luzia, love you very much, but I will not be able to help you if you do not want to and if you do not take Our Messages seriously.
Pray then, take seriously all that Heaven says here and I will then be able to help you with My Graces.
I desire that you renounce worldly things once and for all and choose God, for time is up.
To all, I bless with love from SIRACUSA. of CATANIA. and JACAREÍ".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother in Heaven, may You touch these Rosaries that we have made for prayer and protection of Your children?
(Marcos): "See you soon.