Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, January 1, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes. Yes Mummy, I will. Yes, I will.
I will do exactly as the Lady said.
Yes, Mama, I will. Yes, yes, Mama, I will.
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today you celebrate my Feast as Mother of God.
I am the Mother of God, with my "Yes" I brought into the world my Divine Son Jesus Christ who is true Man and true God.
Therefore, I am the Mother of God, and as Mother of God, truly, I have great power over the Heart of my Son, because I gave him the human being with whom he redeemed you and saved you by dying on the Cross and rising again.
The Flesh of my Son sacrificed on the Cross, the Blood of my Son poured out on the Cross I gave him. And so I am his true Mother, and he owes me a great debt of Gratitude and Love for having given him the "Yes" that enabled him to come into the world to redeem all humanity.
Therefore, I enjoy every favor with the Heart of my Son, and where it is believed that I can do everything with my Son and that my Son always attends to me and that I am Lady over his Heart, there will be the great Graces of my Motherly Love and of my Power.
I am also the Queen of Peace, today is the World Day of Peace, Confraternization and Peace. I am the Queen of Peace, and with this title I have appeared in many places and I have also come here as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to tell you all My children that the Peace of the world is in great danger.
And now we need to multiply the cenacles of prayer everywhere for the Peace of the world, so that today we can still reach from the Lord the Grace of lasting Peace, for this restless world full of wars and without peace.
Without Peace man cannot save himself, that is why Satan strives so hard to destroy the Peace of the world, because he knows that without Peace man cannot practice Virtues, cannot pray, cannot truly grow in Holiness as God wants.
That is why it is necessary for all of you to multiply the cenacles of prayer everywhere, to pray for Peace, so that we can protect Peace, we can defend Peace, and we can spread Peace more and more.
Satan's plans are to destroy not only your souls, but even the world in which you live. That is why it is necessary to pray for Peace, because without this world you will not be able to pray, you will not be able to practice the virtues to reach Heaven.
That is why, my children, Satan strives to destroy this world. We will defeat it together with the Rosary in our hand. So that this world in which you live can have the necessary Peace so that you can grow in the Virtues, in Holiness and so achieve one day the Happiness and the Glory of Heaven.
Multiply the cenacles everywhere; teach everyone to pray My Meditated Rosary.
Don't waste time! Bring to My children the knowledge of all My Messages, of Movies and Hours of Prayer that My obedient little son Marcos has made for you.
That then the greatest number of souls may join you in praying for Peace, and so with My Army of Peace, I may defeat all of Satan's plans of hatred and evil.
Pray, because now Satan intends to make many fall into sin, to make many lose their salvation. Pray and watch over yourselves, my children. And pray for everyone, so that no one will listen and be seduced by Satan.
Many will really believe they are right, but they will be losing their souls in sin.
Persevere in the Way of Prayer and Holiness where I put you here, and do not lose My Cenacles here for nothing. Because I truly say to you: A Cenacle just like this one that my little son Marcos makes for you is worth more and has more profit than a 10-day retreat on bread and water. Because in these Cenacles, I pour My Flame of Burning Love into your hearts through the Prayers, the Word of my little son Marcos.
And here in these Cenacles you truly pray with your heart, like nowhere else could you pray. And here, through the Meditations of My Messages and the Prayers made here, the Holy Spirit Himself communicates to you with all His Gifts and all His Love.
Open your eyes and your spiritual ears to all this Spiritual Wealth. So that My children, all misery and inner poverty may be destroyed in you, and I may enrich you with the great Treasures of My Motherly Love.
Today I give the Plenary Indulgence to all who pray My Rosary of Peace, Mine Hour of Peace every day. I also give the Plenary Indulgence to all who bring My Medal of Peace, and who pray My Rosary with Love every day.
I also give the Indulgence to all My children who with Love, every year, come here on this Date to praise and honor Me in My great Mystery of the Mother of God.
Yes! Because I am the Mother of God I have been raised to a certain equality with the Divine Persons, by an almost infinite number of graces as My Thomas Aquinas and My Afonso de Ligório taught you.
Yes! My Holiness is so great that it borders the boundaries of Divinity, and whoever believes in My Power, in the life of this My child I will realize the great Graces of My Maternal Power.
To all, I bless with Love from FÁTIMA, from LOURDES and from JACAREÍ".
(Saint Cuniberto): "Marcos, I, Cuniberto, am happy to come here today to give you this My Message. I am happy to come here to give this Message to all of you, my dear brothers!
Yes! I, Cuniberto, Servant of the Lord and Mother of God, bless you all today and say: Seek Love. Seek Love, seek Love with a pure heart, with an open heart, with a heart enlarged to the Lord.
Seek Love while He lets Himself be found. Seek Love while He is here, close, within reach of your hearts.
Seek Love while Love is given, while Love is poured out here, generously, to all those who desire Him.
Open your heart to this Divine Love which is Jesus himself, who is the Holy Spirit of Love.
The Lord came here with great Love and Kindness to give His Divine Charity to all. Only he who does not want to receive it, only he who does not want to, and harden his heart for the Lord, will not receive it.
Open your heart to that Love, let that Love penetrate your hearts, until finally your souls are True Flames of Love for the Lord.
It is from Love that Peace is born; as long as the human being does not have Love in his heart, he will never have Peace. Love is Jesus, Love is God, and as long as man does not have God in his heart, reigning in his heart, he will never have Peace. He will always be dissatisfied, he will always be blind, searching in worldly things for a love that he will never find, will never satisfy his heart in the pleasures of this world, of worldly things.
Man must have the True Love in his heart, and for that he must pray, pray, pray!
Without prayer man cannot reach God, and therefore cannot reach Love.
Therefore: Pray, pray, pray until your prayer becomes Love, so that God can live in your hearts, and through you radiate His Love to all those who do not know Him, so that Peace may triumph in the world.
Pray the Rosary every day, because with it your hearts become more and more docile, open, and well prepared to receive this Fire of the Divine Love of the Lord.
I, Cuniberto, love you all very much, I pray for you every day, and I never leave you alone when you are in tribulation, when you are suffering.
My dear Marcos, how much I love you! For many years I have been protecting you, guarding you, defending you, and also protecting, guarding and defending you, my beloved brother Carlos Tadeu.
Yes! I also saw you, and I saw my beloved Marcos in life, because the Blessed Mother once showed me you in vision and entrusted me to pray for you, to pray for this Shrine.
Yes! Great is the Mission that the Blessed Mother has for you, my dear brother Carlos. Yes! Prepare yourself with much prayer because the Blessed Mother prepares great things for you.
Yes! Great is Her Love for you, great is the Mission that She reserves for you, and great will also be the amount of souls that will be saved by her "Yes" and by what the Mother of God will do through you.
Pray, trust, wait! And she loves, she always loves the one who loved you much more than many generations. And she also loves the son she gave you, through whom you have received so many graces now, and even more will receive.
Yes! Truly, this son that was given to you was given for your Sanctification, for your Salvation and that of many souls.
Yes! It was a great gift, the greatest that the Lord has given you. Just as I was a great gift from the Lord to my parents, saving my family through my prayers and my merits. Just as I was a great gift of the Lord to my parents, saving my family through my prayers and my merits, so the son that the Lord and the Immaculate Virgin gave you will be a cause of grace, blessings and much salvation.
Rejoice! Because your name is written in Heaven, it is written in the Heart of Jesus, and it is written in the Heart of the Father.
I bless you, and I am with you always in all your sufferings. Pray to Me, call to Me, and I will help you.
To all I love, to all I promise My Protection whenever you call me, and to all I now bless you generously with Love.
(Marcos): "Dear Heavenly Mother, you may be kind enough to touch these Thirds and Objects that we have made for the prayer and protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said: Wherever one of these Rosaries or Holy Objects arrives, there I will be alive, carrying the great Graces of the Lord.
My children, continue praying the Rosary every day.
To all again I bless and leave my peace.
(Marcos): "See you soon, dear Mama. See you soon, dear Saint Cuniberto.