Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, August 28, 2017
Message of Saint Jude

(St. Jude): Beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, today I come again to give you my Message, to bless you, to say to you: I love you with all my Heart, I love you with all the Flame of Love that Jesus and Mary have placed in my Heart.
I am your protector, I am your guardian, I am your friend, I am your companion. I miss you, come always before me to open your heart, to pray, to give me all your difficulties, sufferings and problems. To also receive from Me all the peace and all the love of Heaven!
I am with you in all the moments of your life and I never, never abandon you. I wish that you continue to speak to all people of the great power that I enjoy with Jesus and Mary in Heaven, so that people may turn to Me with confidence and receive not only great graces from the Lord, but also His Light, His Holy Spirit, His Flame of Love.
Dear Brother, know that I once returned to Jerusalem from one of my apostolic missions, I was passing through the city when I was appointed as one of the Apostles of the Crucified.
The enemies of the Christians, the Jews who persecuted us surrounded me with sticks so that they could kill me. But My Most Holy Queen Mary, who knew everything, prayed for Me and then I miraculously disappeared before them and was placed in the Upper Room safe from that mutineous mob.
However, at that moment when I was surrounded and saw myself without a way out, my Heart suffered great anguish because I did not fear death, but rather, I feared dying without having finished the mission that the Lord had entrusted to me. So I offered to God my suffering for your intentions so that in the future you would really be the great Saint that the Mother of God desires.
And may all the graces from Heaven be given to you so that then you may fulfill your mission with full love and full obedience to the Lord.
Also know that once when I was walking through the cities of Persia preaching the Gospel certain magicians and sorcerers challenged me by inviting me to a banquet.
At first they seemed to want conversion, to want the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, but what I did not know was that they had poisoned the food they served Me. And then, when I drank that deadly drink, I knew that it was poisoned and so, once again, I prayed to My Most Holy Queen to help Me.
She came and appeared to Me giving Me the grace to escape unharmed from that deadly poison. This fact caused many who were present at the banquet to be converted.
But those priests remained hardened in their paganism and hardness of heart. They then dragged Me out of the place where we were and took stones to stone Me.
Some of them really touched Me causing Me great pain. I was in a good mood for Martyrdom and I was offering all of this for you when then, My Most Holy Queen appeared to Me to cheer Me up again, to free Me from their hands because I had not yet completed My task, My mission.
I disappeared before them and was placed safely by Her in another place where I continued my preaching. All this, dear brother, I offered for you whom I love more than anything. See how great my love for you is, go ahead, always trusting in the love I have for you and in the power of my merits before the Most Holy Trinity.
Invoke it always and through these merits I will give you great graces, offer them and ask the Blessed Trinity for graces through them and they will be abundantly granted to you.
Above all, go forward loving the son that the Queen of Heaven herself gave you and that for you will be the source of great and unlimited graces.
Above all, he will be the channel through which your sanctification, your perfection and your salvation will truly be accomplished by the Lord. And you will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven taking with you many, many souls converted and sanctified by the Cenacles of Prayer.
Yes, dear brother, you have the love of the Blessed Virgin, it is yours, you also have the love of your beloved son Marcos, it has my love.
You must therefore feel happy and greatly enriched by the Lord, because He has given you much more than many generations of the past and has favored you much more than many kings and wise men of the past.
Rejoice in your heart, vibrate with joy because your name is written in Heaven, it is written in the Heart of the Mother of God.
I bless you with great love now and pour out upon you my graces of love".
(Marcos): "See you soon, beloved St. Jude Thaddeus".