Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you all again to Love. You will not be able to feel God, you will not be able to unite with God until you have in your hearts the true Love, the Supernatural Love, the Agape Love.
So that you can have this Love throw out of your hearts all the love for worldly things, all the disordered love of yourselves and your will, so that you can finally have space and place in your hearts for Supernatural Love.
Do not forget little children that without prayer you will never be able to feel and have the true Love that is God's gift and at the same time a Virtue. Only with prayer can you receive the gift of Love, of Charity, of Supernatural Love. And only with prayer can you have the strength to practice Love as Virtue, Virtue of Charity.
For this My children, pray, pray until Love is born in your hearts and you are Love, live Love and spread Love to the whole creature.
Continue praying my Rosary every day, because through it I will always make this true Love grow in your hearts.
Pray the Rosary so that you can truly be converted, because you are in the last half hour of God's day. And soon my son will come to judge the living and the dead and to give to each one according to his works.
And woe to those who do not have good works in their hands to give back to the Lord for so many Graces that He has given you.
So pray the Rosary, pray a lot so that you can produce fruits of Supernatural Love to give My son and thus obtain from him the possibility of entering into his Eternal Kingdom of Glory and Love.
How I wish that My children know My apparitions in Knock, Genoa and Vicenza. How many of My children do not know these apparitions that My most obedient son Marcos revealed to you, made known to you through the film Voices from Heaven 9.
For this reason I wish you to give 10 of these films to 10 My children who do not know these My Apparitions. So that My children may see how much I have loved the world, how much I have loved My children throughout the centuries.
How much I have done for them, how many apparitions I have made on earth, how many graces I have brought. How many punishments I have barred, how many epidemics, how many pestilences I have annihilated with My apparitions saving millions of My children and preventing the human race from being extinguished from the face of the earth.
Yes, I always showed My Love to My children, especially when they needed Me most, when they suffered there I was, appearing on Earth to tell them: Do not be afraid of anything My children, because I will be with you, with you every day and will protect you.
I want My children to know My Love and so come to Me to receive from Me My Flame of Love and so I transform the whole world into My Mother Kingdom of grace, beauty, peace and Love.
To all I bless with Love, especially you Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of My children and also your Spiritual Father Carlos Thaddeus, My most obedient son who has done everything for Me, everything to make Me known and loved and to whom I love with all the strength of My Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with Love from Knock, Genoa and Jacari".
(Most Holy Mary): "As I have said wherever these Rosaries, Scapulars and objects arrive I will be alive, carrying with great love the greatest graces and blessings of the Lord.
To all I leave my peace.
Good night. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama".