Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 28, 2017
Message of St. Jude Thaddeus

(St. Jude Thaddeus): Beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, today I come again from Heaven to bless you and to say: Congratulations! Happy Birthday! May all the graces and blessings from Heaven fall upon you today.
Dear Brother, how I love you! You cannot imagine how great the love I have for you and how much I defend you, how much I protect you, how much I love you.
Know that when I was preaching the good news of the Gospel everywhere, I once came to a city and began to preach the Gospel.
Many people in that city were converted, but others did not want to be converted. And seeing that they would lose many souls to the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ, because they were priests of pagan gods, they plotted My death.
Yes, one day they waited for me on a deserted road, they beat me so much that they judged me dead, but by the grace of God and the help of my Most Holy Queen I survived.
She came to Me, appeared to Me, and gave Me strength to lift Me up and continue on My path and as She spoke to Me, showed Me to you beloved brother, showed Me your future obedience to Her, your future love for Her and the Lord. And the knowledge that you would be the fruit of all those pains, of all the sufferings that I suffered comforted Me and gave Me new courage to move forward.
Yes, you consoled My Heart very much at that moment. Yes, in that vision even though my body was all reduced to one pain and one wound, my Heart rejoiced. And then, truly, I regained courage and set out to proclaim the good news of the Lord.
My Most Holy Queen disappeared and returned to St. John the Apostle with the Angels who accompanied her at the Apparition. And then, taking my staff again, I went on proclaiming the good news of the Lord, I returned to the same city, and then I preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ even more forcefully.
Those who persecuted Me while I was still alive were very surprised, but still they did not want to be converted. Then they plotted something much worse against Me, they raised false charges against Me, above all, they forged a theft of some rich man's object and took Me to court, to judgment, and then they decreed that I should be stoned.
But My Most Holy Queen did not allow it, she made them rigid like stone statues, so that I was able to get away from that city and go to another region, thus saving My Mother in Heaven my life. But at the trial I suffered a lot and I was already certain of the hour of my death, so I offered that great anguish for you.
See, dear Brother Mine, how much I love you and how I offered everything for you. You must therefore feel happy because these My merits also belong to you and you can dispose of them to obtain many graces for yourself. Whatever is the will of the Lord and whatever you ask Him for these My merits, for the merits of these My sufferings, everything will be granted to you.
Ask for the increase of the flame of love in you and it will be given. The flame of love is what you must ask the most; it is what you must desire the most. To possess this flame of love of the Mother of God, this same flame that I possessed in such a great degree, in such intensity and fullness.
To possess it you must renounce all earthly things that prevent you from possessing it, that occupy a place in your heart that must be hers alone, and all that cools this flame in your heart.
In this way this flame will enter into your heart, grow and burn greatly and powerfully, and even this flame will warm the cold hearts around you.
Every soul of good will, every soul who is of the truth and predestined will accept the Messages of the Mother of God that you spread and will accept her flame of love.
The soul that is not of the truth, that is not of good will, this soul will reject the Message of the Mother of God and all that you speak, because she is the daughter of darkness and the soul that is the daughter of darkness does not approach the light and hates the light.
Therefore My brother, do not be discouraged by these cold and hard souls. Always go forward in search of those souls who are of the light and are just waiting for the announcement of the light, the brightness of the light to run to it.
Yes, you are a light that the Mother of God lit in the world together with our beloved Marcos to illuminate the earth in this time of so many and so dense darkness. Go ahead, go forward and do not fear, I will always be with you and will never leave you!
Today, on your birthday, I pour out a copious shower of blessings on you, fruits of these merits, of these sufferings, of these martyrdoms that I have suffered for our Lord and for our Most Holy Queen.
These merits all applied on you will become abundant graces of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of St. Joseph. Yes, and these blessings will remain with you all your life until your departure from this valley of tears.
Today you have been greatly enriched by Me, greatly enriched by the Mother of God, greatly enriched by all Heaven, She sends you congratulations, hugs and many blessings for your birthday.
Fear nothing, because all Heaven is always watching over you. Always love the one who loved you first and will always love you.
Love your son Marcos, who even when you didn't know that he wanted you for his father, already loved you, already loved you very much. Love the son of the prophecies of the Mother of God, love the son of the promise, the son of the hope of the Mother of God. So that through him you can receive even more benevolence, pleasure, and the blessing of the Lord and the Mother of God.
Everyone who loves an apostle of Christ loves Christ himself, he himself said in the Gospel: Whoever receives you receives me. Whoever hates me hates you, whoever despises me despises you.
Very well, if you love this most beloved son of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Mother of God you will be loving God himself, the very Mother of God who appears to him and who chose him to be her spokesman, her ambassador, her messenger and her most beloved son on earth.
You should feel happy because you have never heard of a Queen giving to anyone, her beloved son. Yes, a Queen gives neither her son nor any good that is too dear to her heart to any other.
The Queen of Heaven has given to you beloved brother the one who is her most beloved son, her benjamin, her most beloved seraphim of love. And the son who for 26 years gives her immense glory, consolation, love, faithfulness and joy and upon whom her gaze rests.
Yes, it was in him, in his eyes, that she reflected her most beautiful and luminous figure so that all humanity could see her and believe in her. Yes, it has never been heard that no one has had in their eyes the most beautiful figure of the Mother of the Lord reflected.
In the eyes of your son this great miracle happened, not once, but many times, because he is truly the most clear, clean, pure mirror where the Mother of God can reflect so that everyone can see Her presence, know Her Love, see Her light, glimpse Her Light.
Yes, this is the son that the Immaculate One has given you, cheer up her heart, because She has given you a great honor, deference and grace that will not be given to any other mortal.
Exult with joy, because if this had been given to St. Alphonsus he would have died of love. If it had been given to Me, for example, I would have died pierced by a spear of divine joy and love.
You must therefore, beloved brother, feel happy, rich and extremely, greatly loved by the Blessed Trinity and the Mother of God who has favored you in a unique way.
Continue on the path of grace, holiness, prayer and love. Pray the Rosary, always pray my Rosary, for those prayers you will still profit much and receive from divine goodness.
I, Judas Thaddeus, bless you and cover you with my Cloak of Love now from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari.