Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Sacred Heart of Jesus): Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, come today on the Centennial of the Apparitions of my Most Holy Mother to tell you: Great was the Love of my Sacred Heart for humanity, when a hundred years ago I sent my Most Holy Mother to Fatima to save all humanity.
Great was the Love of my Sacred Heart on May 13, 1917, sending my Mother to the Cova da Iria, to give the entire world the Message of Love, of conversion, of prayer, of mercy and of peace through our little Shepherds.
Great was the Love of my Sacred Heart for humanity when my Mother left my presence in Heaven full of glory, power, majesty and love. And she came down to the Cova da Iria to be able to give Our little Shepherds and the whole world through them the great merciful opportunity of salvation that Our Hearts offered.
Yes, My Sacred Heart at that moment blessed all humanity, made new light shine in the world and opened to humanity torn apart by wars, by the action of the devil, by its own sin. It opened for humanity the new way of salvation, the great opportunity of peace, of conversion that leads everyone to salvation.
My Sacred Heart loved the world immensely when My Mother proposed to Our Little Shepherds that they offer themselves totally to Me, bearing all the sufferings I would send them to save sinners, to stop wars, to save humanity and to lead all humanity to the great victory of My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Heart.
At that moment, in the 'yes' of those little Shepherds I opened for all humanity the luminous road of peace, of mercy, of salvation that destroys war, destroys sin, destroys the darkness of Satan, destroys the mystery of iniquity.
And in the 'yes' of those three children my Sacred Heart was satisfied, my Sacred Heart rested, my Sacred Heart truly rejoiced with joy. Because there I found a generous, deep, true 'yes' as I seldom have on earth. And then I could truly make my Merciful Plan of Love happen with my Mother.
My Sacred Heart deeply loved humanity when on that May 13th and also in the following apparitions of my Mother, month by month, I offered to all humanity the possibility of peace, conversion, salvation. By offering through my Mother the remedies for the world. The Rosary, the Rosary, penance, the practice of sacrifice, mortification, conversion.
In Fatima my Sacred Heart was truly glorified in those three children and offered the whole world mercy, forgiveness, my love as in a loving embrace of the Redeemer, of the Savior to all mankind.
That is why I wanted my image, the image of my Sacred Heart, to be right there in front of the Chapel of the Apparitions of my Mother. To show the whole world that through my Mother in Fatima I opened my Sacred Heart full of Love to offer men forgiveness, grace, mercy as in a great divine embrace of Love.
Yes, My children, Fatima is a Triumph of My Mother's Love and Love. For this reason I desire that all of you continue to live the Message of Fatima and make it known to the world.
That is why I want you this month to give 30 (thirty) films that Our beloved Marcos made of My Mother's apparition at Fatima to 30 people. I want them all to know My Mother's Love, to know My Love and the Message of Love, of Peace, of the Conversion that I made echo in the Cova da Iria in all humanity.
The Centennial of My Mother's Apparitions in Fatima was a moment of joy, of joy for Me it is true. But it was also a moment of great sadness. Because I see that even though a hundred years have passed, humanity has continued to walk the path of sin, of wars, of perdition, despising My Mother's Message and My Message.
Our Love has been trampled on and that is why although many have been saved because of Fatima many have been lost because Fatima was despised by those who knew it and was not made known to those who did not.
That is why I want My children, that truly you all carry My Mother's Message at Fatima, which is My Message of Love and Mercy. Which is God's embrace offering salvation to all humanity, to the knowledge of all My children, so that they may be converted and saved.
I also want you this month to be able to give My Meditated Rosary of the Little Shepherds #2 that Our little son Marcos made for everyone. So that in this way, meditating, knowing the example of Our little Shepherds, humanity can finally find its medicine, its conversion, its salvation and its peace.
To all I bless with Love now together with my Blessed Mother and especially to all my children who help our beloved son Marcos to make the Message of my Blessed Mother known, loved and spread in Fatima.
And I also bless you, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, you have greatly consoled my Heart at the moment of my crowning with thorns. At that moment when the thorns pierced My head and My enemies spat at Me, they beat Me with the reed. I could see you in the supernatural and mystical vision, and your future faithfulness, love for Me and My Mother consoled My Heart which was also pierced by the thorns of human ingratitude, evil, brutality.
Yes, My Son, you consoled My Heart at that hour. The pain that I felt mainly because of the pride of men and that I, therefore, spied and satisfied by accepting to be crowned by those very painful thorns.
That pain was eased by your humility, by your spirit of submission to My Mother, to Me. By your deep and total obedience, by your total surrender to Our Hearts living every day in love, in obedience, in humble and hardworking service to Me, to My Mother and for the salvation of souls.
Yes My son, your humility has comforted My Heart and relieved the pain of My crown of thorns that I have endured to spy out all the sins of pride in the world.
So rejoice your heart because you were the comforter of your God at the moment he was suffering that very harsh pain caused by all the sins of pride in the world.
Remain in this way obeying My Mother and Me with this humility, this simplicity and candor of the children that you have in your heart.
And in this way you will continue every day to close the wounds caused by so many other thorns with which sinners crown Me every day despising My Love, preferring to live without Me, denying the salvation that I offer every day with the sin of pride.
To you, my son, who comforted me so much and consoled my Mother in my Passion, I now bless you with Love and all of you from Fatima, Montichiari and Jacari".
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children of mine, I am the Lady of the Rosary, I am the Woman dressed in the Sun crowned with Twelve Stars, who came down to the Cova da Iria terrible as an Army in Battle Order.
Fatima is one of the seals of the Apocalypse, it is also one of the trumpets of the Apocalypse: 'And a great sign appeared in heaven, a Woman more brilliant than the Sun clothed with the Sun.
Yes, Fatima is one of the seals of the Apocalypse that was opened on May 13, 1917. This indicates to you that you are at the end of time, that the Apocalypse is fulfilled and that the return of my son Jesus in glory is imminent. Raise your hearts on high to see the Savior who comes full of power and glory to judge the whole earth.
In the Cova da Iria I invited My little Shepherds: Will you offer yourselves to God?
The same invitation I extend to you now: Will you offer yourselves to God? To save many souls through prayer, sacrifice and penance?
Do you want to offer yourselves to God in order to live with love every day in the grace of God, in holiness, in the perfect fulfillment of his commandments and his law of love?
Do you want to offer yourselves to God so that My little Shepherds may despise the world, its honors, its glories, your own will, its seductions, its worldly pleasures in order to live a life completely turned to Heaven, to God, to save souls, to give glory to God, to console Him and glorify Him?
If you want this, then My children, I will truly be able to fulfill in all of you the will of the Most High and the merciful plans of salvation of the Heart of Jesus and of My Heart.
The 'yes' from the pit of Iria must echo every day in your life too. In this way you will all be the continuation of the 'yes' of My little Shepherds and of My own maternal 'yes'. And through this 'yes' that will console the Heart of the Father, of my Son, of the Holy Spirit, the door of salvation, the benevolence, the mercy of the Most High will be open to so many souls that without this 'yes' of yours they would have no chance of salvation.
The 'yes' of the Cova would echo in your life, in your life every day especially when the Eternal Father asks of you, of each one of you: the sacrifice of your own will, the renunciation of your own will to what you most desire for your pleasures to suffer for a little the cross, the humiliation, the persecution.
In order to be able to save so many souls from this suffering and, above all, to make reparation for the worst sin of this lost and misguided humanity: the sin of pride. With which humanity raises its hands to heaven and cries out: 'I will not serve the Lord!
Your 'yes', the 'yes' from the Cova da Iria must echo every day in your lives, in the lives of you, especially when God allows you suffering, illness, pain. And so, through this loving sacrifice offered in silence and in the hiding of prayer I can do my wonders by saving souls, peoples and nations.
And more and more by bringing down to the ground all that My enemy with great pride lifts up and builds in humanity to be able to lead it to its own destruction.
The 'yes' from the Cova da Vai should echo in your lives every day as it did with My little Shepherds who did not just give Me a single 'yes' on May 13, but repeated this 'yes' every day.
Then many souls will be saved, communism will be destroyed and crushed by Me all over the world. The wars will end the world will have peace. And finally my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
The victory of My Little Shepherds who have finally had their holiness recognized by the whole Church and humanity is the triumph of 'yes', the triumph of love!
That is why My children also give their 'yes' to Me, the 'yes' of you to Me like them. And one day all humanity will also praise, celebrate and rejoice in the victory of your 'yes' to Me, the victory of Eternal Love.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because through it I will always triumph more in your lives and in the lives of all My children.
I bless all of you, all of you and especially you Marcos, my great Apostle of Fatima, my 4th Little Shepherd. And also to you, my beloved Carlos Thaddeus, you deeply consoled my Immaculate Heart when you divulged Fatima in the cenacles that you made in your city.
And today I solemnly say to you: Truly, you consoled the Heart of my little Shepherds when they were in prison. They saw you, I showed you to them in an intellectual and interior vision and they also knew your future obedience, fidelity, love for me.
And this consoled them and also gave them courage to suffer for Me the imprisonment and even martyrdom that for hidden purposes of Divine Mercy did not happen.
They saw you together with My beloved Marcos and that consoled them. Therefore, my son, always imitate the goodness, humility, candor, obedience and simplicity of these children. By loving Me as they loved Me and one day you will also be great in the Kingdom of Heaven as they who made themselves so small and that is why in Heaven they are so great.
I bless you all with the love of Fatima, Bonate and Jacari".
(Sister Lucia of Fatima): "Dear Brothers My, I, Lucia of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rejoice in coming today once again to bless you all and to say: Fight for the Immaculate! Be true apostles and soldiers of the Immaculate Conception announcing Her Messages everywhere.
Be the soldiers of the Immaculate teaching everywhere that the time has come that the kingdom of God is near and that every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, may all be converted and give the tasty fruits of holiness and love to the greater glory of the Lord.
Be the true soldiers of the Immaculate Conception, proclaiming everywhere that she is the mediator, advocate and runner of all humanity.
Because this Dogma of the Mother of God has not been recognized or taught by the Church, souls do not know the Mother of God, they do not know what they owe her for having suffered so much with Jesus Christ for the salvation of all humanity.
That is why She appeared to Me and to My cousins in Fatima with Her Immaculate Heart crowned with thorns. To teach the world that She is the runner of humanity, who offered her sufferings together with Jesus for the salvation of all.
When humanity knows the Dogma of Her Corredemption, it will feel the need to know Her, to love Her, to correspond to Her Motherly Love and to be Her true children.
And as St. Louis of Montfort said, when all are true children of Mary, all will be true children of God. And when Mary reigns in all hearts, Jesus Christ will also reign in the hearts of all people.
Go and teach all the Dogma of the Corridor, make everyone understand how much they owe this Mother for having suffered so much for the salvation of humanity. And teach everyone to love this Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, making everyone understand that the greatest reparation she wants beyond that of the Five First Saturdays is the reparation of Love.
She wants a filial, deep, true, sincere, unselfish love, that all her children love her precisely for this: because she is the Corridor of humanity that for all has suffered the greatest pain with Christ. And for this reason she deserves all the love, all the obedience, all the praise of all her children.
If you do this you will be true soldiers of the Immaculate, of the beautiful Lady of the Holm oak tree, and then, the Immaculate Heart of her will triumph and the task, the prophetic mission of Fatima will be accomplished culminating here with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of her.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day. I have become Holy for the Holy Rosary and for it you too will become saints like me and my cousins Francisco and Jacinta.
To all I lovingly bless Marcos and especially my beloved brother Carlos Tadeu, whom I also love very much and for whom I pray every day in Heaven.
And to all who like you Marcos, who has a Fatimistic heart full of love for the Message of Fatima and are the Lady's soldiers brighter than the Sun.
To all I bless with love Fatima, Coimbra, Pontvedra, Tui and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I promised before, wherever one of these Rosaries, Medals and Scapulars arrives there I will be alive carrying great and abundant graces from the Lord.
Here I will finish what I began in Fatima. Here my Immaculate Heart will triumph and finally the world will recognize my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. And I will be venerated, loved, recognized as the Corridor, mediator and Advocate of all humanity.
And then, the whole Universe will recognize and reign and With Me My son will reign forever.
To all I leave peace, good night".
(Sacred Heart of Jesus): "Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, you did not just clothe My Mother with the pure gold of love and joy. You have also clothed Me, so now I have revised you from the copious graces of My Divine Heart.
Good night son, come home in peace".