Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima

(Mary Most Holy) Dear children, today, as you celebrate here the Centennial of my apparitions in Fatima to my three little Shepherds elected and chosen: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, I come from Heaven once again to say: I am the victorious Queen of the world!
The holiness of My Little Shepherds Francisco and Jacinta, finally, recognized not only by the Church but by all humanity is a Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. It is the sure sign to you, My children, that I always triumph over all My enemies and My children obedient and faithful to Me as My little Shepherds always will in the end triumph.
My glory, the glory of my Immaculate Heart, my Love, my power, my presence in Fatima was finally seen and recognized today by all humanity. And this is the sign I give you that in the end I will triumph, because I am the victorious Queen of the world and my faithful and obedient children will also triumph with me.
I am the victorious Queen of the world and 100 years ago I came down to Fatima to call all My children to prayer, to penance that will lead all humanity to victory. To the victory of my Immaculate Heart freeing all peoples and nations from communism, socialism, atheism and all satanic forces that oppress my children and prevent my children from having the full life in abundance that my son Jesus came to bring and that only in him can my children find.
Yes, I came down to Fatima to give My children the infallible weapons of victory: the Rosary and Sacrifice. With which they will be able to win all battles, convert all sinners, win and overcome all difficulties: personal, social, worldwide. And thus, lead the whole world to true peace, to lasting peace, to the peace of God.
I am the victorious Queen of the world and 100 years ago in Fatima I promised: 'FOR THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPHERE!
From you My children, I want only trust in My power, docility to My voice, obedience to My Messages, fidelity to the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
If you do this, My Heart will soon triumph and finally I will be able to realize My Secrets given in Fatima, My plans begun in Fatima and which here I will bring to full realization through My little son Marcos.
Today is a day of great joy for Heaven and Earth, because the Triumph of My little Shepherds Francisco and Jacinta is also My Triumph. And it is the sure sign of the triumph of all My children who love Me, who obey Me, who listen to My voice and who faithfully follow the path of prayer, penance, holiness, contempt for themselves and the world only to do the will of God that I reveal to them here in My Messages.
Yes, My Triumph will happen as surely as the Triumph of My little Shepherds Francisco and Jacinta and those who are obedient and docile to Me as they too will triumph over the world, over hell and over themselves.
Today I bless with all my Immaculate Heart all my children here present and those who listen to me. I give My children who are here My Special Blessing, which they will be able to transmit to all those they meet. And I give the plenary indulgence to My children who pray the Rosary every day, both those who are here and those who are listening to Me from afar.
And on all my beloved children I pour out the copious graces of my Immaculate Heart and of my Centennial that the Most Holy Trinity granted me to pour out only today on those who were in Fatima and who are here.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, for through it My little children, I will save you all.
To all of you I bless with love and especially you My little son Marcos, My 4th Pastor. Yes, thanks to you My Message of Fatima has come out of oblivion, it has been made known to millions of My children.
The lives, examples, prayers and sacrifices of My little Shepherds are already known today by many of My children who already love them and who want to follow them and imitate them on the same path of holiness by which I led them.
Thanks to you My children think, remember, live My Message of Fatima more. Thank you, my dear Angel, at my Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima, today you have the right to a particular, extraordinary, singular and special blessing from my Immaculate Heart. For during all these years you have truly been my 4th Little Shepherd, my hard defender of my apparition in Fatima, my faithful apostle of the Message of Fatima who has greatly consoled my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart.
And also to you my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, who has also helped so much my little son Marcos to make Fatima better known and loved, my Message obeyed by all my children.
You who are truly also the hope of My Heart, who together with My little son Marcos is all My hope. A very special blessing from my Immaculate Heart descends upon you today on the occasion of my Centennial.
A copious blessing of the Blessed Trinity descends upon you today through the hands of My little Shepherds as well.
To all and to these My beloved children who have given their 'yes' here, their bodies and their lives, My slaves of love, to all I bless from Fatima, Bonate and Jacareí".
(St. Francis Martho): "Dear brothers My, I, Francisco Martho, who today you can call St. Francis Martho, I come with the Mother of God and with my sister Jacinta to tell you:
Obey the Mother of God with all your heart so that she may give you the flame of her love and this flame may enter your hearts completely as she did with me, with my sister Jacinta and my cousin Lucia.
So that through you the Mother of God may also work wonders to show Her glory, Her power for the whole world, to convert sinners, to bring all souls to God.
Obey the Mother of God with all your heart, giving her every day the 'yes', the same 'yes' that we gave her in today's first Apparition 100 years ago: 'Yes, we want, we want to offer ourselves to God.
Do not be afraid to offer yourselves to God, because God is truth, God is love, God is peace, God is happiness. He leads his saints along the narrow, narrow path that leads to eternal life, while sinners take the broad path that leads to perdition.
But God's Saints are never alone and this narrow, narrow and difficult path God is there comforting with His Grace, Our Lady is there comforting His children with His Grace and will give strength to them so that they do not become discouraged. And as the word of God says, 'They will fly like eagles, they will run and never get tired.
Obey the Mother of God with all your heart, so that day after day her heart may triumph in you as it triumphed in Us the little Shepherds. And so, from triumph to triumph, you too will come to her triumph, just as Sister Jacinta and I have come today.
We have triumphed in all holiness, we have triumphed before all Heaven and Earth, Our holiness has been recognized and the truth of Fatima has finally been confirmed and established.
Therefore, My beloved brothers and sisters, trust in the Mother of God and in the end you too will triumph over all trial and tribulation, over all sin and come as We glorious to eternal life.
I bless you all, especially our beloved Marcos, who like Us has the mission to convert this perverse and sin-dominated world and to carry the requests and calls of the Mother of God so that it may be converted.
To you our beloved friend and brother we bless and also to you our beloved Carlos Thaddeus, who like our beloved Marcos has the mission to make the Messages and calls of Fatima known to the whole world.
We give you a very special blessing today and every day 13 My sister Jacinta and I will come to bless you and once in a while give you a Message.
To all of us we bless with the love of Fatima, of Loca do Cabeço and of Jacareí".
(St. Jacinta Marto): "Dear Brother Carlos Tadeu, I too bless you today, with my brother Francisco. Every 13 days I will come with him to give you a special blessing and once in a while a Message.
Also, on February 20 of each year, Our Feast you will receive a special blessing.
And to all of you My brothers, I say: Love the Immaculate Heart of Mary with all your heart, with all your strength, because only this heart deserves all the affection, affection, obedience and love of your hearts.
To all I say: Pray the Rosary every day, it has taken me to heaven and it will take you all too.
I bless you all with love from Fatima, from the Loca do Cabeço and from Jacareí".