Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I call you again to perfect and filial love for God. Renounce interest in love, renounce the love of servile fear, renounce every kind of false love toward God.
Open your hearts to true love for God, truly seeking to love and serve Him because He is your Father, He is your origin, He is your origin and the end of your life.
Give your hearts to God with all your affections to love Him with all your strength. And seek every day of your life to grow in this true love more and more, renouncing yourselves and your will for love of God in order to truly do God's will, fulfill and obey His Plan on earth.
To grow in this true love too, repeat many times the act of love that I myself inspired in the heart of my little son Marcos, so that he would put into the little accounts of the Rosary of God the Father: 'My God, my Father I adore you, I want: increase my love and make me love you more and more.
Repeat this act of love to God the Father all day long, even outside the Hour of God the Father, so that the true desire to love God, to seek Him for Himself and to serve Him will always grow in your hearts because He is your Father and He deserves it. And do not seek Him and serve Him in exchange for His graces, rewards, consolations or goods.
Do not be selfish children who seek the Father only so that the Father will give you what you want to satisfy your will, whims, and human desires. But seek the Father to truly give Him the love, the affection He deserves for having created you in such an admirable way, taking you out of nothing, calling you into existence and maintaining that existence every day with love.
Making the Sun rise for you, the Moon shine for you, the stars brighten your nights, making water come out of the earth to quench your thirst and out of the bosom of the earth come bread and food for each one of you.
All that you are and all that you possess came from God and to God you must return. Without Him you would not have the strength to get out of bed. And what is man without God? From one moment to the next, the slightest sickness already ends the body of man and reduces it to something that only knows how to suffer attached to a bed.
Therefore, my children, renounce your pride and pride and do what I tell you: Love God, renounce your will, give your 'yes' and your life to God, pray with love all the prayers I have asked of you. And then, you will truly please God, you will be the good, true and loving children of God, and He will recognize you before the Angels and the whole Universe as His true children.
When a doctor or a teacher tells you to do something you obey, because you know that if you don't obey you will die or else you will be harmed. Because when I tell you to do something you do not obey Me? Because when I tell you to do something that is for the good of your souls and to save them, do you not trust Me and do not do what I say?
This shows how much you despise Me and how bad and hard at heart you are. For if you truly loved Me as your mother, you would obey and do with love what I say.
So become My children, and be yourselves signs of true love for Me as is My little son Marcos. The sign that you saw from My figure with him at My coronation was given by Me. To show you that My son Marcos and I are one united in a single mystical and supernatural Flame of Love.
He conformed so much his will to Mine and obeyed so much as I asked him, fulfilling everything with love, that he became one with Me in Love. And it is the same thing My children, I want to do with you, but if you do not renounce your will and do not give Me your 'yes', you will not be able to unite with me as My little son Marcos did.
So follow his example: Love Me more than yourselves, more than the world, more than friends, family and any creature like My little son Marcos loved Me, and you too will unite with Me as he did.
In fact, in this sign I show not only that My apparitions here in this place are true. But I also show that truly when a soul like My son Marcos loves Me more than anything and more than everyone and unites his will with Mine.
When that soul makes Me his reason for living and his way to God, I truly unite myself with that soul in such a strong and profound way that I remain close to it wherever it goes. And I follow her wherever she goes, and whatever she does, I am there all day and all my life, because this soul gave Me her life, gave Me her will and her freedom. And after she gave me that, there is nothing left to give me.
And that is what my little son Marcos did to me, giving me his 'yes', giving me his life and his love, he gave me everything. That is why I also gave all my love to him, I gave all of him to Me as his treasure, reward and inheritance.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Medjugorje and Jacareí.
Continue to pray my Rosary every day and all the prayers I have given you, through them I will make you grow more and more in true love and union with God".
(St. Emilia): "My beloved brothers, I, Emilia, rejoice in coming from Heaven for the first time today to love, to bless, to form and to give Peace to all of you.
"Follow me on the path of true love, because I have loved God with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my being for all my life. And even though I entered into a marriage with a holy man, My heart was not divided. On the contrary, My heart worked tirelessly to take My husband's heart even more to God, so that he would not only love God as I do, but even love Him more than I do and be holier than I am, loving God more than Me his wife.
And that is what a true wife must do, to lead her husband to holiness. It leads him to love God more than she loves herself. Because then, the human love of the two will be supernaturalized and will lead them in a continuous growth in true love for God that will elevate them to a high degree of holiness and together with them the children too.
Follow Me on the path of true love by seeking to fulfill God's will in your life on all paths, everywhere, in your state of life. So that you may truly be perfect in everything: in prayer, in love, in caring for daily obligations, in the obligations of the state of life proper to each one. So that truly, you may be models of perfection and holiness for the world in all states of life as I was.
Then God will truly rejoice and be pleased with you and in you, in you. And He will give you His grace, His love, His complacency and through you He will show it: His great love, His great kindness to the world and the world will believe in Him and give its heart to Him.
Follow Me on the path of true love by living a life of perfect prayer to God and His Mother, always seeking intimacy with them in prayer, meditation. Also the knowledge of God that will make you love Him and love His Mother more every day.
In this way you will grow as mystical roses of love, of penance, of sacrifice, of holiness and you will give to God a great glory, you will give to Mother God a great glory in Heaven.
To all I, Emilia, bless you with love now and pour out upon all of you the abundant blessings and graces of the Lord.
I, Emilia, love this place that is dear and dear to my heart, love My dear Marcos who is a great and dear brother to all of us, the blessed, the Saints of Heaven, in him rests the love of God and the Mother of God, His predilection, His affection and His blessings.
Everyone who collaborates and works with him in his mission will be blessed by the Lord. And he who hinders and spoils his mission will be cursed forever by the Lord and cast into the eternal flames, where he will pay for all eternity his wickedness.
Take care of this sin against the Holy Spirit who will close the door to Heaven for you. For to obstinate in disobedience to the Messages that the Mother of God gives Here is a sin against the Holy Spirit that will not be forgiven, neither in this life nor in the next.
Be obedient and docile to her and you will see how she too will bless you and unite with you as she united with our beloved Marcos, by the bonds of perfect love, by the bonds of affection, faith, prayer and peace.
The sign of the figure of the Mother of God next to Our most beloved Marcos confirms completely for all of you that the Mother of God truly appears to Him here with all Heaven and that where He is she also is. Where he goes She also goes and what he does She also does, confirms and blesses.
To all of you now I bless you with love, with all my heart once again and especially I bless the religious objects that you have with you".