Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Message of Saint Lucy

(St. Lucy): Dear brothers and sisters of mine, I, Lucy, rejoice again to be here with you today to give you again my Blessing, my Peace and also my Message, to take you higher and higher in true love for God.
Open your hearts even more to true love for God by rereading and healing all the Messages that have already been given to you Here. Read them until your hearts strive even more to grow in true love for God until you reach filial love for Him.
When you reach filial love then you will truly give everything to God and there will be nothing else to give to Him. For this is what He wants from each man, from each of His children: that all His children love Him because He is your Father, because He created you, because He is the source, the origin and the end of every man's life.
Then, you will truly be the true children of God and you will give to God the perfect love that He so longed for and came looking for Here.
Win and leave behind once and for all the caring love, also the servile fear, so that you truly create in your hearts the friendly love and soon after Him the filial love for God. Love God only because He deserves it, because He is good. Loving God only to give Him joy, satisfaction and contentment for seeing Him perfectly loved by a creature, by His child.
Then you will give to God the return of all His graces, perfect gratitude, perfect correspondence to Him for all the graces He has given you. And truly, God will rejoice in you and for you, and then He will come to unite with you, to dwell with you, to dwell in you and you will finally be one with Him.
I, Luzia, have lived this Love in My life, I have come to this Love quickly, because I wished with all My strength, I sought it and fought to create in Me this true love. And I am ready to help you also to create in your hearts this love and to reach this love.
Come give me your hands and I will lead you safely to this perfect and pure love for God.
To all I bless with the love of Syracuse, Catania and Jacari.
Continue to pray my Rosary at least once a week so that I may give you the great graces that will make you grow in true love. Read the Messages, meditate, seek silence and intimacy with God and the Mother of God.
I love you very much and every day I love you more, I care for you and I cover you with my Cloak of Love always.