Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite you all once again to imitate My little Shepherds of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who had so much love for My Son Jesus and for Me.
Imitate the Love of the Little Shepherds of Fatima by living continually in prayer, in prayer of love, of displeasure, of reparation to the Heart of Jesus and to My heart, for so many sins with which We are offended. Also, praying with supplication for the conversion of so many sinners, who still today continue to reject the Love of their God, of their Father, of their Creator and also the Love of their heavenly Mother, who loves them so much but whom they do not want to love.
Thus, living in continuous prayer of love, reparation and supplication for the conversion of these ungrateful souls, you will truly imitate the example of the little Shepherds, who with so much love lived continuously in this spirit of prayer, giving great consolation to the Heart of Jesus, to my Heart. And achieving the conversion of so many sinners for whom they begged with prayers, tears, supplications and burning groans.
Imitate the love of the little Shepherds of Fatima, the little Shepherds Francisco and Jacinta, living continually in sacrifice and penance. Offering little hidden sacrifices every day and offering for the conversion of sinners, so that they may be converted and be touched by God's grace finding the way to conversion and salvation.
Offer small sacrifices too, so that you yourselves, My children, may purify your body and soul, dominate your flesh and submit it to the spirit enlightened by faith, destroy and kill within you vanities, the desire to appear, the desire to be beautiful in the eyes of the world, to be strong, beautiful, perfect to gain admiration, the praise and applause of men.
Offer also small sacrifices every day so that you may submit all the wills of your flesh to the spirit, illumined by reason and faith. That your body together with your soul may be consecrated solely to the praise of God, to the adoration of God, to the love of God, to the service of God and also to the service for the salvation of your brothers and sisters.
Imitate My Little Shepherds of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta and also My little daughter Lucia, in the great and perfect love they had for Me. Obeying all my Messages with love, praying the Holy Rosary every day, living continually to console my Immaculate Heart, to dry my Tears and to give my Heart true consolation, joy and love. The love and affection I have sought all over the world and have not found, except in rare souls that my Immaculate Heart itself has formed in the safe refuge of my Heart, in my interior and also in the mystical furnace of Love of my own Heart.
Imitate My Little Shepherds of Fatima, in that great obedience they had and in that great insatiable desire to console My Immaculate Heart, to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to save more and more souls each day to lessen Our suffering, so that We would no longer suffer for the loss of so many souls.
Finally, imitate My Little Shepherds of Fatima: Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, in their great, ardent and intense love for the Most Holy Trinity. That they saw in that wonderful light that I infused in them in the first Apparitions and they saw themselves immersed in God, as if living in God and God living in them.
They were burnt by the Flame of Love of the Lord, by the Flame of Love of my Heart at that moment and since then they felt like burning in God.
It is this Flame that I also want to infuse into your breast, your soul and heart. Open the doors of your hearts to me, open the doors of your souls so that I may also infuse this My Flame of Love into them. By communicating to you that light, that same wonderful light that I have communicated to them and that is God and all of you will also burn in God living in Him and He living in you.
In this year of the Jubilee of 25 years of my apparitions Here, pray more, pray more, pray much more with your heart! So that at last My Flame of Love may enter your breast and burn your heart with these Mystical Flames forever, transforming you into the great Saints that My Lord and I desire you to be.
Accelerate your conversion, hasten your sanctification, work more intensely to eliminate your laziness, your indolence. To remove from within you vanities, sensuality, gluttony, lust, pride, pride and all other vices.
For I tell you, My children, the day of great Punishment is at hand. The Warning is at hand, the three days of darkness will surprise much of humanity in sin. And this, punished by God, will disappear! Two thirds of Brazil will also perish if there is no conversion, prayer and penance.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".