Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): My dear children, thank you so much for having waited for me until now. Thank you so much for having waited for me in spite of the tiredness you bring. Thank you also for coming here in this Chapel today to pray. I have been here! I saw each one and blessed each one with all my Love.
Pray, pray more and more! Pray because the return of My Son is very close and the world sleeps more and more in sin, indifference and hardness of heart. And if the return of My Son were today, two thirds of humanity would not be saved and not even the remaining third would be able to pass the examination of the holiness of My Son.
So pray, pray, pray hard that you may truly have the strength to persevere to the end. Meditate on My messages so that you see all that is lacking in you to be saints, so that each day you grow more and more in true love, virtues and holiness that pleases God.
I am always close to you and I know all your sufferings. Do not be discouraged, I will never leave you.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because he who prays My Rosary with heart and piety, will not be devastated by spiritual misery, will keep the faith until the end and will receive from My Son and from Me the Crown of Eternal Glory and Joy.
Here, in this My Sanctuary, in these apparitions of mine, through work, love, claw, strength and determination with which My son Marcos has served Me every day for 25 years, I manifest and show all My power. The power of My Flame of Love in a soul that truly received Her with generosity and largesse of heart.
And in his person and work, I spread My mystical Light more and more, which will become stronger and stronger until it ends up blinding and neutralizing Satan.
To all I bless with Love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".