Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite you once again to expand your hearts so that my Flame of Love may enter them and produce in them great things as it has produced in the hearts of the Saints and especially in today's Saint John Bosco.
Yes, He enlarged their hearts greatly, enormously, by many prayers, sacrifices, working and giving Himself more and more to Me.
He wished for My Flame of Love more than anything, he loved Me more than anything and I gave him My Flame of Love enormously too, accomplishing through him great things. Making My glory through Him spread from Turin to the whole world, through the Religious Orders that He founded, through the schools that led to so many millions of My children, not only in the human formation that gives peace, that gives stability, that gives good work, that gives human fulfillment on earth. But also the religious formation without which man is nothing more than an animal that can read and write.
Yes, truly through my son John Bosco I have done wonders all over the world and saved millions and millions of young people, who without his yes, who without his tireless work would be fatally lost and now would be suffering in hell for all eternity.
Through you I also want to do wonders for the salvation of My children and to bring millions and millions of souls to Heaven. If my son John Bosco had not said yes to me and sacrificed himself and donated as much to me as he did. Those millions of young people He saved would have been in hell for more than a hundred years, and yet their hell would have just begun, because hell is eternal and will never end, whoever falls into it will never leave it.
What My son did, what My son John Bosco did for these souls is of infinite value, because it was the greatest charity a brother can do for another brother: to give his life to save his brother's soul.
I want to do the same things through you My children, but if you do not widen your hearts, if you do not widen your hearts to My flame of Love, I can never, never do anything in you and through you. And your life will continue to be what it has been until today, a rachitic, weak tree with almost no fruit of holiness.
May My son not have the displeasure of approaching you and seeing that you are as barren as that fig tree of the Gospel. May he also not find any spoiled fruit in your souls, that is, sin.
Therefore, I ask you, My children, to truly renounce everything, your opinions, the will of you and your flesh, and finally expand your hearts to Me, opening them through many prayers. And above all, the daily exercise of dying to yourselves and giving yourself more and more for Me by letting My Flame of love grow this way in your hearts.
The greatest gift I desire from you as a thanksgiving at the Jubilee of My Appearances Here Sunday is a truly enlarged heart open to Me, so that My Flame of Love may enter and realize in your hearts great things, great wonders of love.
Continue praying My Rosary and all the prayers that I asked of you every day. Meditate on My Messages, they are extraordinary for those who think and meditate on them and they are a stumbling block for those who despise them and have them as something of little value.
Because those who do not meditate on My Messages will not see their own mistakes, their defects, they will not see the virtues they do not have and need to acquire in order to be saints, they will not see the coldness of their own hearts. And for this reason they will die of spiritual inanition, they will die of spiritual paralysis in their sins. And so, they will unfortunately end their lives without God's grace and without the holiness that is the only key that opens the door of Heaven to man.
I want to accomplish in you the great work of sanctification as I did with my John Bosco, give me your yes, expand your hearts to me and I will enter with my flame of love doing wonders.
To all I lovingly bless Marcos, the most faithful student of my son John Bosco after Dominic Savio, my favorite son, the most hard-working and dedicated of my children.
And to all of you My children I bless you with love from Turin, Fatima and Jacareí".