Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite you all to grow more in true love for God and for Me.
"You find my messages about this and the Prayer repetitive, but time is passing quickly and everyone is still paralyzed in the same place without growing in true love for God and for me. Understand that without growing in true love you will never be holy, and if you are not holy you will never enter Heaven.
That is why I am very concerned about the growth of true love in you. Because you have had a small, weak love for God and for Me even today, your life is completely arid, desert of love, tibious, sterile, does not even produce a fruit of love and holiness.
The time has come when you must overcome this small love that you had for God and for me until today if you want to enter the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart and the Kingdom of my Son's Heart.
Only the strong, only the great in love will be able to enter the Kingdom of my Heart, the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, every day seek to grow even more in true love for God and for me. I have taught you how to do this: every day praying more and more with the heart, renouncing your will, your opinions to do what I send you in My Messages. And above all, always and at all times trying to give. giving yourself more and more to God and to Me, thus going beyond the measure of the love that you have until today.
We need to pray more, we need to love more, we need to sacrifice more, we need to work more for the cause of My son and also for Me. Do you love My son? Do you love Me? Sacrifice yourself more for Me, pray more, work more and dilate your hearts more so that My Flame of Love can enter more intensely into your hearts.
In this way I will transform you into the great Saints that I came to seek here. And remember what My daughter Luzia told you here: You are the ones who must expand your hearts so that my Flame of Love can enter more and more and with more power. And you will enlarge your heart, renouncing more and more your will and your flesh, praying more and more with your heart, also increasing your work, your giving and your sacrifice to Me. In this way you will enlarge your heart and I will be able to fill your heart much more with My powerful Flame of Love.
In fact, here I will not allow there to be mediocre souls in love, mediocre souls in holiness. Here I will make souls grow and become truly great souls in love, capable of great sacrifices for God and for Me, capable even of shedding their own blood for Us. Capable of giving themselves to the last drop of life and strength for God and for Me.
Then the world will truly know that I truly appeared Here and that I truly form Here with My Messages and My flame of Love, the holiest people to await My son Jesus who is about to return in Glory.
Continue to pray My Rosary every day and all the prayers that I have given you Here, because they will expand your hearts to receive ever more of My Flame of Love.
Do not allow your hearts to become narrow, to become attached to your selfishness, thinking only of yourself and the fulfillment of your desires. For if this happens, My Flame of Love will come out of your hearts and I will not be able to put it back, because My great flame of love does not fit into little hearts narrowed by selfishness and love of one's own will and one's own flesh.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".