Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Message From Our Lady And St. Rose Of Lima - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 21st Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Forever be praised Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Yes..."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today, I call you again to the true love that is pleasing to God, I call you especially to a deeper and greater love toward the Eternal Father, the Father in Heaven, who sent Me Here among you with such love to give you My Messages for so long for the salvation of mankind.
Love the Eternal Father more, praying fervently to Him every day, having a deep intimacy with God the Father, opening your hearts to Him, seeking to please Him in all your works and actions so that in you He sees Himself reflected, sees His image reflected in you by your perfection, by your great holiness, by the spiritual perfection of your souls, you can become the image and likeness of God, and so the Eternal Father will be pleased with you, will be pleased with you, and will shower upon you the blessings of His love and grace.
Love the Eternal Father more, trying every day to practice the Christian virtues that I have recommended and taught you in My Messages, and above all, have the holy fear of God, fear God the Father, trying not to do any sin that could hurt Him and displease Him, because this is the true fear of God, that is, the fear of committing some sin, some act that might offend Him, hurt Him, make Him suffer, not the fear of God, but the fear of offending God, of hurting Him. This holy fear that I teach you here in My Apparitions in Jacarei must be present in your hearts and lived by you every day, so that the Eternal Father may rejoice with you, and may feel loved, corresponded to, adored, and truly obeyed in you.
Love the Eternal Father more, seeking every day to know Him better, to meditate on His Word, to try to make Him better known and loved, winning more and more souls for Him, trying to make your life a perfect reflection, sign, and echo of His Love on earth. Love as He loves, bless all as He blesses, reach out your hands to all as He reaches out, receive all into your arms as He receives. And so by spreading the love of God the Father in the world you will make Him known and loved, because God the Father is love, and it will be through love that He will be best known and truly loved.
With Me, thank Him because today when you celebrate another month of My appearances among you, thank Him with Me, because He has been so good to you, allowing Me to stay here with you for so many years. Yes, the love of the Eternal Father here at these Apparitions is revealed as never before in the history of mankind after the Word became flesh. Yes, the long years that I am Here with you and the Saints are the greatest proof of how much the Heavenly Father loves you, how much He loves you, and how much He truly desires your salvation. Extend your arms to Him, therefore, answer yes to His love, to His call, consecrate yourself completely to Him as My little son Marcos did, giving his life, his strength, his will and his freedom to God because this is the true consecration that He desires, that He expects from you, the true love that He wants to receive from you. Then, My dear little children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in you and through you in the whole world and with My Heart will triumph the Heart of the Eternal Father who loves the world so much and who sent Me here full of grace and goodness to save all Our children, His and Mine, Our children whom We love so much and desire so much to see happy with Us in Heaven forever.
Continue to pray all the Prayers that I have given you here and told you to do, through these Prayers I will make you grow even more in sweet intimacy with the Eternal Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, the whole Trinity, and I will make you more and more transformed and truly be reflections of the Holiness and Love of the Holy Trinity in the world.
I am with you at all times and I know even how often your heart beats per minute, so My children, do not be afraid, Heavenly Mother is with you, She loves you, She watches over you and guides you through Her Apparitions here, all of you, more and more to Heaven. Be docile to Me, let yourselves be carried and carried in My Arms, and I will surely transform you into great Saints.
I bless you all at this moment with all My love from Fatima, La Salette and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace to you Marcos, the dearest and hardest of My children. Truly through the transmission of My Apparitions and My Cenacles Here to the whole world, My Immaculate Heart has begun a new phase in My Apparitions that will lead you to the definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Peace My beloved children."
(Saint Rose of Lima): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Rose of Lima, rejoice today to be able to be with you and to give you My first Message. How I love you! How I protect you! How I pray for you to the Lord and the Mother of God and how I truly desire to help you to reach Heaven to be happy with Me forever.
I want to help you get to Heaven and that is why I come Here in these Apparitions in Jacareí with the Mother of God to tell you: Pray deeply, pray with the heart so that your soul truly grows in the love of God every day and the flower of love in your souls goes on developing and growing more and more until it reaches fullness. Who prays with the heart will be a great saint, because the secret of My holiness was also this, the prayer with the heart that generated in My soul the true love, that transformed Me into a great work of holiness from the Hands of God.
Pray with the heart, live more and more this intimacy with God, praying to God sincerely and giving God your whole life, the "yes" of your heart, so that He can accomplish in you His will and His great wonders.
I have come to help you get to Heaven, and so today I say to you: let go of all the things that prevent you from being holy, from being completely of God and of the Mother of God, let go especially of the vain things that you know very well that occupy the place of your heart that belongs only to God. Let go also of the sins that you do not want to renounce, because until you renounce these sins the Holy Spirit will not come back to dwell in your souls, nor will He do any work to help you, to accomplish your salvation, to lead you to salvation, so renunciation is very important for you if you want to be saved.
I, Rose of Lima, want to help you to reach this great inner renunciation that will make you free from all the chains with which the devil holds you, and so your souls will fly fast, swiftly in the Heaven of true love, towards the great holiness that God wants for you.
I want to help you get to Heaven, so I want you to increase even more your love for the Saints, so that We can help you more and more to get to Heaven. Do the Hour of the Saints with more love, pray all the Rosaries, all the Rosaries dedicated to Us that you have learned here in these Apparitions, so that Our action and Our grace may increase in your life day by day until they lead you perfectly to the holiness that the Lord desires of you.
And finally My dear brothers, let yourselves be led by Us by imitating Our virtues, obeying Our Messages and letting Yourself be led by Us by Our action in your life so that every day you will grow, grow, grow in holiness and perfect love until you are crowned in Heaven.
I, Rose of Lima love you very much, I pray for you at the Throne of the Lord, I love this place with all My Heart that is My little rose garden. Yes, this place is My spiritual rose garden, where I cultivate souls as little fragrant roses to give to God, to give to the Most Holy Mary for Her greatest joy, contentment and love.
Here is the rose garden of rose of Lima, of rose of Heaven.
To all of you at this moment I bless with love, and especially to you Marcos who for so many years have loved Me, prayed to Me with love, and sought to follow in My footsteps of holiness.
I bless you all lovingly now and to all I give My peace."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
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