Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Message From Our Lady And Saint Lucia (Lucia) Of Syracuse - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 20th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Forever be praised Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Yes. Did the Lady like it, and was she happy too? Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes."
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I come again to invite you to be holy for the greater glory of God. Let God find you and let God find you, so that in this way your heart can have a perfect and profound encounter with Him so that the true call of holiness, the flame of true love, will be born in your hearts.
I want to lead you to a profound encounter with God in prayer, I want to lead you to a profound encounter with God in prayer, prayer that is ever deeper, ever more intense, ablaze with love, sincere and completely desirous of knowing Him, loving Him, serving Him, adoring Him, responding to Him. To have this true encounter with God the first step is the desire for God, desire Him, desire prayer, desire the encounter with God to begin each day of your life in deep prayer. The second necessary thing is to renounce all your attachments that so often prevent God from approaching you. Renounce also all the thoughts that so often occupy your mind and make you arid and scattered and prevent you from concentrating and feeling God's approach to your heart. Third, calm your hearts, the restless, disturbed, irritated heart cannot perceive God's presence in its prayer, the heart that is continually restless with the things of the world, with vain things, with exaggerated amusements, with inordinate pleasures, cannot, cannot feel God's presence, nor have a true encounter with Him.
This is why, since the beginning of My apparitions here, when I taught my beloved son Marcos Thaddeus to pray with the heart, to pray with the heart, I always told him to calm his heart, to renounce to all the disturbances, all the distractions, all the distractions of the heart and of the soul, because all this comes from Satan, comes from your disordered attachments that blind your soul preventing it from seeing the truth, from seeing God's presence in prayer, drying up your heart and making it hard, preventing it from feeling God's visit and presence in prayer.
Do this, calm your hearts, cast out and renounce all disturbance, so that then your soul can have the deep, perfect and intense encounter with God. Then your heart must be well prepared for the encounter with God, by praying some prayers from the bottom of your heart, speaking sincerely to Him, speaking sincerely to Me, opening your hearts with sincerity, showing Us all your feelings, sufferings, joys, your desires, and even your thoughts and sins. By making this sincere prayer We will come close to you and begin to make Our mystical and divine light enter your hearts, illuminating them and dispelling all the darkness of confusion, of sin, of worry, of disturbance, of sadness, of discouragement, of languor, of lukewarmness, and of aridity. Then you must intersperse these sincere prayers of the heart with prayers that I have already recommended to you here, the meditated rosary, the rosaries I have given you here, my rosary of tears, some of the Holy Hours of Prayer, you can also sing with your heart, then you will return again to the sincere prayer of the heart, and then you will read My Messages, You will meditate, and thus in the reading of My Messages, everything will become clear to you, all that you must do, all the evil that you must not do, all the graces that you lack in order to be holy, the sins that you still have in your soul and that you have not been able to overcome, all this will become clear and will appear before your eyes. Then, again, you will pray the heartfelt prayer, giving yourself totally to God and to Me. And finally, My children, you will consecrate yourselves completely to My Heart, so that I may take you, keep you, guide you, nourish you, and strengthen you, as something and property of Mine.
The prayer of the Heart will lead you to a profound encounter with God; it is from this profound encounter that all the saints in Heaven that you know have been born. In this profound encounter, their souls and hearts were enkindled by the flame of love of the Holy Spirit. So it was with My little daughter Aged of Catania, Lucia of Syracuse, Barbara, Sebastian, and so many of My saints. And so also, if you have the perfect, the profound encounter with God, you will be so inflamed by this love that you will never be the same again, the person you have been until now will cease to exist, and will give place to a new creature reborn from the flames of the Holy Spirit.
It was this profound encounter with God and with Me in prayer, in addition to the first one at the Apparition, that made My most beloved son Marcos so inflamed, so ardent, so fearless, so zealous, so obedient and dedicated to the service of God and My service during all these years. And you, too, will be aflame with such love, such zeal, such ardor if you open your hearts to God and to Me in deep prayer with your heart, and then the true encounter with God will begin a new life for you, the true life in God, and you will then become the perfect humanity realized in God as I am Myself, and then Our Hearts will merge into one, and we will be one flame of love.
Come My children, renounce your sins, the evil desires of your hearts, reshape, resize your whole life by putting all other creatures below and God to Me and My Apparitions first, and then meeting with Me will be easy and then your souls will truly be transformed into living flames of love. I will pour the flame of love from My Heart into every soul that I thus find open, willing and thirsty to have the true encounter with Us. Come, My children, come to Us, come to Me without delay because I can no longer hold, contain, repress within Me reconcentrated My flame of love that I so desire to give you and so desire to pour out to you until it consumes your entire being corrupted, rebellious to God, disobedient and purely carnal and earthly to give birth in your heart to a new soul thirsting for God, holiness and Heaven.
To all of you at this moment I bless generously and especially you, the hardest working and dearest of My children, and I also bless all those who are here with Me today, especially My little children who have come from so far away to be with Me in My apparition in Minas Gerais, I bless them all. I bless all of you who from all parts of the world are with Me now in prayer, you prayed with Me, I prayed with you, you were inside the great Shrine of My Immaculate Heart and I tell you little children: Many souls during these Hours of Prayer were saved and in Heaven there was great rejoicing among the Angels and Saints of the Lord.
Continue to do all the prayers that I have given you here with love, perseverance, and obedience, because through them I prepare and prepare you more each day for the Second Pentecost, which is already at the door.
I bless you all now from Montichiari, from Heede and from Jacarei.
Peace My beloved little children, peace to you Marcos."
(Saint Lucia of Syracuse): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, today I, Lucia, Lucia of Syracuse rejoice that I am able to return here once again and to be able to give you My Message and to bless you with all My love. Today I truly invite you to be burning embers of love for God and for the Mother of God, so that your hearts, like mystical braziers of love, may carry the fire of love that is in this holy place of the Apparitions, to kindle with it the holy fire of the Lord's love in all the souls of the whole world.
Be mystical braziers of love by living a life of deep prayer, of intimacy with God, seeking to have a true encounter with Him as I myself had. Yes, do what the Mother of God has just told you: seek the true encounter with the Lord through deep prayer. Empty your heart of all disordered attachments, of all your sinful desires, and your soul will be freed from the blindness that prevents it from feeling God's love, from seeing the truth, the reality of God's existence, that God is alive, that God IS, that God is willing to come close to you to live with you, is willing to love you, is willing to dwell in your hearts as in His temple, in His holy palace, that He is willing to save you all and to share His infinite happiness and joy with you. Your souls will then feel the presence of God will recognize, will see that God exists then just as the flower opens to the spring sun, your souls will open to the rays of divine love that will penetrate your souls and transform you into mystical braziers of love.
Open your hearts to this great love of God, having this encounter with Him that does not happen amidst the shouting, the hustle and bustle of the world, but only in peace, in serenity, in deep and intimate prayer with God. For this, always after your work and after fulfilling your daily obligations, which are also God's will, try to have times set aside for prayer so that your heart then seeks God, turns to God, and has an encounter with God in serenity, peace and love. Then He will come to you and you will feel the sweetness of His love, of His presence, of His affection, and His Word will truly be understood by you, and all that you did not understand before will be shown to you already in the very light infused by the Holy Spirit in you.
Be braziers of true mystical love for God, trying every day to cultivate true friendship with God, that is, fearing to offend Him and to hurt Him with sin and so fleeing from everything that goes against Him, trying to do everything that pleases Him, everything that gives Him satisfaction, joy and holy contentment and so doing everything to please Him, praise Him, love Him and bless Him.
Then, growing in this perfect friendship with God and the Mother of God as I myself grew when I lived in Syracuse, your souls will become so many braziers of mystical love for God, and from you this fire of love, this flame, this warmth of love will radiate into all the hearts around you, and just as I also passed on by My example, word, sufferings and martyrdom, this flame to millions of hearts in the world who followed Me along the same road that I walked, you will also make many, thousands and millions of souls follow you along the road of perfection and true love for God.
I, Lucia of Syracuse, am with you at all times, I love you, bless you, and keep you. Be very happy now because Our Prayers together, today, have saved 50,000 (fifty thousand) souls, yes, many of them were in great danger of falling into mortal sin, some were of dying people who were in the last fight against the king of darkness and Our Prayers obtained for them the grace to escape from Satan's temptations and snares and for the dying ones the grace to die, to depart from this world in peace, in friendship and in the love of God and therefore they escaped from the hell fire.
Rejoice with Me because prayer has great power before God, and I always unite My merits with your prayers here to achieve these wonders of grace of divine Mercy. I am always Here and when Marcos opens his mouth to invoke Me, I immediately offer the merits of My life and martyrdom, and not only to him, but to all of you, because of the love I have for him, I reach out and pour great graces and blessings from the goodness of the Lord.
Yes, while you were Here praying the Rosary of My dear sister Agatha, that our beloved Marcos made and composed for Her, from your mouths, your eyes, your faces and hearts came out a very intense light that paralyzed and blinded the demons and that is why today, so many thousands of souls have been preserved from sin and others who were in it have come out and can now find the way of grace and conversion.
Continue with all these prayers that are made of fire, they came from Heaven and to Heaven they return with thousands and millions of souls rescued and saved by divine grace.
To all, at this moment I bless with love and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees, of My friends and devoted servants and also to all who hear Me now, who love Me, who are docile to My voice and to all who from all parts of the world now respond yes to the divine love, to the love of the Mother of God and truly want to have the encounter with Them and to merge their hearts with Them.
I bless you all lovingly now."
(Marcos): "Yes see you soon. See you tomorrow."
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