Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Message from Our Lady and Saint Luzia of Siracusa

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes my dear Mother, yes. Yes, yes, I am glad you enjoyed these two Cenacles. Yes, I will. Yes.
"-My beloved children, today I come again to tell you: Love! Only with pure love will your hearts be pleasing to God and do works pleasing to God. Only love in pure transformation can make possible the union of your souls with God, with the Holy Spirit, so My children, open your hearts and let the supernatural love in pure transformation grow in them, so that then, with this love of the Holy Spirit, you can become the perfect image of God, His living reflection of holiness in the world, so that the world can then know His Love, His Holiness, His Kindness and all hearts can give themselves to Him.
Let supernatural love enter your hearts, renouncing your will, which is the greatest obstacle to love in pure transformation entering into you, triumphing in you, realizing in you the perfect conversion that I desire and which is the greatest obstacle to God's will being done in your lives.
If you renounce your will as the Saints did, as my little son Marcos did when I asked his yes twenty-two years ago, then I will be able through you to spread my love to all souls and even there will be no need for so many words, because your own example, your own love will speak to all souls: of God, of His Divine Love, of My Love and the souls will then be touched, converted and give themselves completely to God. What has hitherto prevented the divine will from being done in your lives and in the world is the attachment that the human being has to his will. As long as you remain obstinate in it, love in pure transformation will not be able to live in you, nor will it be able to accomplish anything in you. So, little children, renounce your disordered and corrupted will and the love of God will then come with His overwhelming power to your souls and will be able to accomplish in you great wonders as it did in Me, as it did in the Saints.
Let supernatural love enter your hearts, living an ever greater life of prayer of intense intimacy with God through frequent meditation on My Messages, the life of the Saints, the Word of the Lord, living ever more united with God through the communion of your desires with the desires of the Lord and the perfect confluence of your will and thought with the divine will. In this way, you will truly be the perfect humanity realized in God as I am and have been, and then in your lives God's will will will be done fully and through your transformed lives the world will also become a garden of grace, beauty and holiness.
Continue to pray all the prayers, all the Hours of Prayer that I have asked you Here, continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, the Rosary of My Tears, Mine . org/hora%20da%20paz/hora%20da%20paz.html")Hour of Peace and all that I have asked you here, because these daily prayers will bring you closer and closer to God, closer to my Heart making you rise from the vain things to the heavenly things that give to your souls: peace, beauty and holiness. With these prayers you will receive the inner strength that comes from the Holy Spirit to renounce all your sins, all vain things and your sinful will that so often prevents you from answering yes to what God wants from you. Then, My children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and in your families, and from there, for My Heart to triumph throughout the world will be a matter of few steps. I am with you in your sufferings and will never abandon you.
To everyone at this moment I bless, especially you Marcos the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, who through these Cenacles seen around the world have made Me more loved and better known than ever! Now I can triumph in the hearts of many of My children and free many nations from Satan's slavery. To you, my slaves of love Marcos Augustus and Marcos de Paula who with you have consecrated themselves entirely to me and also to all my children here present and to those who listen to me, love me, praise me and give themselves to me now from all over the world, I generously bless Lourdes, Caserta, Fatima and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos".
"Dear brothers, I, Lucia of Syracuse, bless you again today and rejoice to be here with you in your midst.
I, Lucia, invite you today: Be topaz of holiness and of love to the Lord, so that your soul, enriched, embellished and perfected by divine love, may be of attractive beauty for all the souls of the world to know the truth, the love and the grace of God through you.
Be topaz of love, renouncing all sin, which takes you further and further away from God, who cuts off the flow of divine grace and the Holy Spirit in your souls. Renounce the sin that makes your souls always languish, tíbias, weak and almost on the verge of spiritual death. Yes, renounce all sin so that your soul may recover divine grace, recover love, recover joy, recover union with God, with Mary Most Holy and with the Holy Spirit, so that your soul full of spiritual vigor may be a brave warrior, a brave soldier in the Army of the Lord and of the Mother of God, and so that it may work for the establishment of His kingdom on earth and for the salvation of souls, without delay.
Be a topaz of love, renouncing your rebellious will, which always seeks to carry out your will in place of God's will or masked by the pretext of doing God's will, so that in this way, renouncing what you most want, you can seek what you do not want and that most of the time is God's will for you. Then you will truly fulfill the will of the Lord, you will give glory to His Name, and your life will be a vibrant hymn of love to the Lord.
Be topaz of love, living more and more in a life of deep prayer, in intense intimacy of prayer and meditation with God, so that following in the footsteps of the Saints of Heaven you too can carry out the will of the Lord on earth and transform this swamp of sin that is the world into a Garden of grace, beauty and holiness.
Be topaz of love, seeking more and more to live in perfect communion of your will with that of the Lord, so that through your life a river of grace, holiness and love may flow to the thirsty souls of this world and all may be healed, restored, strengthened and purified, sanctified by the water of the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God.
Be Topaz of Love so that your beauty and high spiritual value may enchant the souls of this world so adorned by sin, and so that all souls with you may become one flame of love for the Lord, for the Mother of God, for Holiness so that this world, of a heap of ruins that it is now, in which it finds itself, may become the mystical city of God, His holy city where God dwells and reigns day and night.
You are the holy cities of the Lord, your souls are the real home of the Lord. Open your hearts wide to the King of glory who comes to you already in Love and in Love. The Warning is near and each soul will see itself with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, will see its ugliness, will see its wickedness, will see its impurity, will see its pride, will see its rebellion to God, will see its falsehood with God and with the Mother of God. And from that look of the Holy Spirit no one can escape! And the darker the soul, the worse the pain and dread, the terror it will feel. So convert without delay because time is running out!
Pass on the Messages that the Sacred Hearts and We the Saints give you Here for all souls throughout the world, may they be converted as soon as possible, because soon the Warning will come and after it if there is no amendment of life and conversion will come the great Punishment from Heaven.
I, Lucia, am with you, I love you, I protect you, I keep you and I will never abandon you. I love this Place as the ward of My eyes, as the most intimate fiber of My heart and I will never abandon My most beloved Marcos, nor any of My brothers who here love Me, praise Me, obey Me and with Me give their hearts to God.
Pray My Rosary whenever you can, because through this Rosary that My Marcos composed and made for Me, I will be able to help you, sanctify you, and pour out a true flood of divine graces on all of you.
To all of you at this moment, I generously bless Syracuse, Venice and Jacari.
Peace Marcos beloved, peace to all of you beloved My friends".
(Marcos): "Yes. Yes. See you soon! (pause) See you soon dear Saint Lucia!"