Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Beginning of the Daily Transmissions of the Cenacles and Daily Live Appearances Via Internet on Webtv Worldwide:т

(Marcos): Yes, yes. Yes this is already done my beloved Lady. Yes this other task I promise to the Lady that this other week will not pass, I will do it. Yes, I will take her. Yes, I am glad, I am glad that the Lady has enjoyed this Cenacle too. Yes. Yes, thank you very much. Yes, I will tell everyone.
"Dear children of mine, today when you console Me on this Saturday afternoon that I asked you to consecrate Me with special veneration, prayer and love, I come again to tell you: I am the Mother of Beautiful Love and I have come from Heaven here in Jacareí to call you to this true love for God, for Me, who saves the world, who brings peace to the world.
Have true love in your hearts so that this world completely dominated by sin can once again find the way to salvation and peace, so I wish that you may be bright stars of love for this world that is in darkness, so that it may be enlightened again and thus find the way that leads to salvation.
Be bright stars of love, bringing love where it no longer exists, being a sign of God's love where there is only sin, mistakes and darkness. Be love where there is only war, discord and evil so that God's love through your love can finally triumph in all hearts, in all souls and so that everyone can finally have peace.
Be bright stars of love by fighting wrongs, fighting every lie, fighting every sin and making all souls in the world know the truth which is the Gospel of My son Jesus Christ, the truth, which are My Messages of Pain and Love given to you Here, That then, knowing the truth, all souls may be delivered from error, from ignorance, from the darkness of the soul, and may at last find the light of salvation, the day of the Lord's grace, that then Satan may be increasingly crushed and His kingdom annihilated.
Be bright stars of love, bringing My messages to all My children, to every corner of the world so that all may know and love Me. To the soul who obeys My Messages I promise salvation and I promise all the graces necessary so that they may safely reach Heaven with all their loved ones. And these souls will not be touched by Satan, but will be kept by Me in God's holy grace. So little children, pray My Meditated Rosary every day, pray all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you Here, so that as soon as possible the world may be converted and have peace.
Convert quickly, because the Warning is at the door! As the night precedes the day, so I come My children, before the great day of the Lord dawns, as the dawn precedes the rising of the sun in the morning, so I come before My son to prepare his way. Open your hearts to Jesus who comes to you in glory. Leave the vain things of the world, leave all kinds of sin, and prepare My children because the new Heavens and the new Earth are already closer to you than you can imagine.
I, your teacher, I, your heavenly gardener, I, your bright star of salvation, am with you to show you the way that leads to Heaven. Pray more, those who pray a lot are saved, those who pray little are exposed to lose their soul, and those who do not pray will be condemned. Pray a lot, because with prayer you will save your souls and the souls of the whole world.
At this moment I bless all My children who listen to Me, who love Me and who comfort My Heart with their love, and all of you also who are here My beloved little children and especially you Marcos, the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, you cannot imagine how much joy and happiness you give Me by bringing to all My children My Messages, My Rosary, the prayers that Heaven so much wants men to pray through these Cenacles. Peace and joy to your heart, beloved child, peace and joy to the hearts of all My children who hear us now.
I bless you with love from La Salette, Fatima and Jacari. Peace Marcos, peace to all My children".
"Dear brothers My, I Luzia, Lucia of Syracuse, I rejoice to be with you once again today. I come to tell you: Be rubies of perfect love for God. Give God all your heart, all for everything, heart for heart, life for life! This be your motto, this motto that was Mine must also be yours, this goal, this desire, this dream that was Mine must also be yours. Just as Jesus gave us all his Sacred Heart, you must give all yours to Jesus, just as Jesus gave all his blood for you, you must give all yours for him, just as Jesus gave all his life for you, you must also give all yours for him.
Be rubies of perfect love, living this immense love, this greater love in your lives, do not be narrow of heart giving your love and your hearts to the vain and passing, ephemeral things of this world, but rather give your heart and your love to Jesus and then your treasure will be in His Sacred Heart, a safe place where no thief can steal it, where no moth can gnaw it, where no rust can corrode it. If you place your love in Jesus, then your treasure will be eternal, while if you place your love in the vain and passing things of this world, you will be poor and miserable, and even before death comes, you will find nothing, as by enchantment death will hinder you, take everything from you and nothing will remain in your hands. Only that which is done out of love for Jesus, only that which is given to Jesus is kept for eternal life and gains eternal value for Heaven. Therefore, dear brothers, I say to you: You are in the world, but you are not of the world, you are on earth, but the vain things of the earth are not for you.
Be rubies of perfect love for the Lord by letting His flame of Love, the Holy Spirit, the flame of Love of the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary penetrate your hearts, burn in your hearts, mold your hearts again by fusing them with the Sacred Heart of the Lord, with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and with the Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph. Then you will be precious rubies in the eyes of the Most Holy Trinity, in the eyes of the Mother of God, you will glow with incomparable beauty and nothing, nor can anyone obscure it, can cloud your splendour and beauty, then the whole world, all souls seeing your beauty, seeing your beauty will desire to be rubies of perfect love just as you do for the greatest joy of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of souls.
I Lucia of Syracuse, Lucia, am with you in all your difficulties and trials, nothing makes me so happy after being with God in glory than to come here to give you my Messages, because I love you so much, I want you so much and I will do everything, I will move everything to help you reach Heaven.
To you Marcos, who love Me so much and who made Me so loved and known through the Video you made of My Life and My Martyrdom (Be saints 6), to you who are My good student, My good disciple, and to all who love Me, praise Me, trust in My intercession, and now listen to Me generously and also bless this Place that for Me after Heaven, together with Syracuse, is the most dearest of My Heart. Peace to you all this night".