Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children of mine, today I call you again to true love, which is pleasing to God and only through which you can reach Him.
"Seek true love, leaving behind all the vain things in this world that prevent you from receiving and knowing Him, so that in this way, truly, your heart may be free and available so that divine love may reveal itself, be poured out into Him, and the great conversion, the great sanctification, which the Lord desires from all of you may be accomplished in you.
Seek true love, so that your souls may become pure, enlightened, worthy and holy temples so that the Most Holy Trinity may dwell within your heart, may rule your whole life and may lead you ever more along the path of holiness so that it may be perfectly glorified in all of you.
Seek true love, that you may be those holy cities which the Holy Trinity and I desire you to be, those mystical cities where We may dwell, reign and rule every day, having in you Our royal palace, Our royal garden of rest, Our garden of delights, and so on, May your souls be our abode and We will be the abodes of your souls, and thus united in one flame of love, may we live by giving the Lord perfectly the glorification, the obedience, the adoration that He desires of you and Your Mother Me, the perfect love, the perfect obedience, the perfect correspondence that I so desire and desire of you.
Seek true love, so that your souls truly knowing this love, may live in it, may give it, spread it, communicate it to all souls who do not yet know it so that this world immersed in sin, in disobedience to God, in love with God may finally immerse itself in a new time of holiness, grace and love. If true love is present in your souls, then this world shrouded in the darkness of sin, of the errors that are increasingly spreading both within and outside the Christian people, this world will know the new light of their resurrection, of their Pentecost, of their complete transformation into that world of holiness, love and peace that I so want for you and that I so much pray and struggle to bring to you.
Seek true love for the Lord, proving this love for Him, more by deeds than words, more by deeds than just desires and intentions, so that My children, truly, your life may be a perennial witness of God's love, God's grace and the strength of His love as was the life of My little daughter Bernadette Soubirous, St. Bernadette. Then your life too will become a song of perfect love for the Lord and for Me as Her life was and your lives will truly be as My little daughter Bernadette's life was, a perfect reflection of My purity, My holiness, My love, My grace.
Today, when you are celebrating my little daughter Bernadette of Lourdes, I, with generosity, with love, bless you and say to you: Here in this blessed place of my apparitions, which is my new Lourdes, my last Lourdes, I will finish everything I began with my little daughter St. Bernadette in Lourdes. Here I will bring My Plans to their perfect conclusion and execution, and My Immaculate Heart will triumph by banishing the darkness from the world and causing a new time of peace to dawn for all mankind, a new time of grace, holiness and love.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, for through the Rosary, the Holy Hours of Prayer, I will increasingly make you like my little daughter Saint Bernadette. Here, in the person and work of My little son Marcos, who with the videos he made of My apparitions at Lourdes and My little daughter Bernadette, made millions of My children love Me more, many other millions knew Me, gave their hearts to Me and began to follow Me along the path of Prayer, Penance, the escape from sin, the search for daily holiness. Yes, in his person and work, in his work, I reflect My mystical light, which will become more and more intense the denser the darkness envelops all things.
My Heart will triumph and My victory, My glory which I have manifested to My beloved children since My apparitions in Lourdes until I arrive Here in My last apparitions in Jacari, My glory will be seen by all the world and Satan will be annihilated forever.
To all with love I generously bless you from LOURDES, TURZOVKA, EL ESCORIAL and JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children, remain in the peace of the Lord. Peace to you Marcos, the most striving of My children".
"Dear brothers and sisters, today when you are celebrating my feast, I, BERNADETTE DE LOURDES, come to tell you: Pray with love! Prayer with love leads your souls to seek the Lord ever more, ever more His will and helps you to carry it out faithfully as He wants it from you. Prayer with love beautifies your souls, purifies your hearts, strengthens your spirit against Satan's temptations, opens Heaven for you, and makes you climb faster and faster the steps of the ladder of holiness that leads you to Heaven.
Pray with love, because prayer with love brings you closer and closer to the Hearts of Jesus Mary and Joseph, transforms you into His image and likeness, gives you a little of that purity, that spiritual perfection that the Immaculate Mother of God has in Her, makes you resemble St. Joseph more and more in obedience to God, in love, in fidelity to Jesus and to the most holy Mary, makes you grow more and more in purity, chastity and holy fear of the Lord. Prayer with love makes your soul live, with it the Holy Spirit can communicate to you, through it He can act powerfully in your souls and so your souls can finally know the true life in God, the life of holiness that He desires for each one of you.
Give to the Lord your yes, as I myself have done, keeping nothing for you, that is, give to the Lord your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole being. Foster in your hearts the holy desires to serve the Lord better, because the holy desires will always lead you to have your soul burned with love for God. During the day tell the Lord many times that you want to love him as I have loved him, as all the saints have loved him. Tell the Lord and the Holy Virgin that you want to obey them as no one else has done until today, so that the holy desires will lead you to really love the Lord, to love the Mother of God, to fulfill His will as no one else has done until today, and so one day you will become true and great saints for the greater glory of the Lord.
Do your daily duties with love every day as I did, because the fulfillment of your daily duty will lead you to the daily perfection that will impel you, will elevate you more and more to a high holiness and then at the end of your lives, you, like fragrant and beautiful flowers, will be harvested from the garden of this world, and then you will be planted again in the gardens of Heaven where you will enjoy the supreme happiness that the Lord and the Mother of God prepare for each one of you for all of you!
I, Bernadette, your sister who precedes you in glory, love you very much! I love very much this Place chosen by Heaven which is the new Lourdes of the Mother of God. Here, where she will finish the plans she began with me in Lourdes I am and always will be there for her to act powerfully for your salvation, to act powerfully for the conversion of sinners, to act powerfully for the salvation of all humanity. Pray, pray more, because prayer is the salvation of the world, it is your salvation and the salvation of all families. With prayer you will be saved, without prayer you are already lost. Pray, pray a lot, because those who pray a lot are saved, those who pray little are in danger of condemnation and those who do not pray are condemned. Pray, because it is prayer that will attract the Second World Pentecost, that will convince men of sin, that will show them the truth, that will convince them of the truth and that will make many hearts open to the new time of grace, holiness and love that the United Hearts prepare every day for you.
I, Bernadette, am with you, I cover you with my mantle and especially I cover my beloved Marcos who always loved me, always honored me with his devotion, with his prayer and his affection and who through everything he did, from the Videos of the Apparitions of the Mother of God to me in Lourdes, as well as my Rosary and all the other things he did to make me known and loved, thanks to him and in him I am now better known, I am loved, I am invoked with confidence and I can thus act much more for the salvation of souls. In the person, in the work and in the work of my dear Marcos the Lady of Lourdes has Her greatest triumph and I also have the greatest exaltation of the truth of the Apparitions of Lourdes and also the knowledge of the glory of the Blessed Virgin that the Me in the Grotto of Lourdes has revealed great mysteries of Her Immaculate Conception, of Her glorious dignity as Mother of God and also of Her most pure and infinite love.
To everyone at this moment I bless and also especially to you, dear Marcos, I now generously bless LOURDES, TURZOVKA and JACAREÍ.
Marcos peace. Peace to all of you my beloved brothers".
"Dear brothers My, I QUITERIA, servant of the Lord and Mother of God I am happy to come and bless you today.
Make the Crusade of the Rosary with love because from Crusade of the Rosary depends your salvation to millions of souls, to your Homeland and to the whole world.
Make the Crusade of the Rosary with love, giving the Mother of God your Meditated Rosary prayed with love, devotion and piety, so that satanic forces may be overcome and destroyed in you, in your families and throughout the world.
Do the Rosary Crusade now any day of the week, not only on Sunday, so that every week you have souls in your homes praying the Holy Rosary for the salvation of Brazil, the world and souls.
I, Quitéria will pray with you, I will come with the Holy Angels of Heaven to bless you, to pray with you, to help you in the fight, in the spiritual battle through the Rosary against all the forces of evil, against all the powers of evil.
Be Holy as the Lord God wants you to be Holy. Holiness consists first of all: in the soul to die to itself in all things and at all times, to renounce your rebellious will to accept the will of the Lord. Thus, fulfilling His will, the soul truly sanctifies itself and when a soul sanctifies itself many millions of other souls will sanctify themselves for it by their prayers, sacrifices, their example of life, and then the world will increasingly become the Kingdom of the United Sacred Hearts, kingdom of peace, kingdom of love!
Desire holiness, because to desire holiness is the first step to obtain it, whoever desires holiness a lot will reach great holiness, great spiritual perfection and will certainly be a great saint in the glory of Heaven. The desires of the soul are wings that make it fly ever more quickly on the path to perfection, so that by acquiring virtue after virtue it can more and more leave sin, resemble the very Heart of Christ, the very Heart of the Immaculate Virgin and the Heart of St. Joseph. Desires are wings that make the soul looking at the great mountain of perfection climb it quickly, because in this way, free from all embarrassment it can run, or rather, fly up the mountain until it finds its treasure on high, which is holiness to give joy, love and contentment to God for all eternity.
Oh, yes! Just as a bird cannot fly if its leg is tied to something, just as a bird can no longer fly if its wings are stuck to something viscous, so the soul cannot fly in the sky of holiness, on the path to holiness, fly up the mountain of holiness if it does not renounce everything that holds it, enslaves it to the vain things of this world. Therefore, open your heart to the holy desires of holiness, leave the death of this world and seek the life that does not pass away, the eternal life that was created for you so that you may be happy with God, with the Mother of God and with you the blessed for all eternity.
I, Quitéria, am at your side and the soul who asks me in prayer to give him the holy desires of holiness I will give him. Do as Blessed St. Gerard did: 'I want to be holy. I will give myself completely to God to be holy.' Do as Blessed Bernadette of Lourdes did, saying without ceasing, 'I want to be holy. I want to love God with perfect love, I want to love him as he has never been loved. And then follow these holy desires by praying with love, renouncing every form of sin, seeking ever more what pleases God, and I tell you: with holy desires united to prayer, united to the practice of what you say in prayer, with the practice of virtues, you will soon be great saints. The measure of your holiness will be according to the measure of the desires you have in your hearts to be holy.
I, Quitéria, love you very much and I will always be by your side to help you, bless you and protect you from all forms of evil. And now I bless you generously with love, with the blessings that Heaven has given me today to pour out upon all of you".