Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Message from Mary Most Holy

(Marcos:) Yes, dear Madam, I am glad you were happy for his re-presentation here today. I hope I have comforted your heart! (pause) Yes. As you already know I am in the middle of it, I hope to finish it for the next few weeks and soon afterwards I will begin the one who will draw so many swords from your heart. (pause) Yes. (pause) I understand, beloved Lady. I will do as you wish.
"Dear children of mine, today I call you once again to walk the road of true love, putting aside from your hearts everything that opposes divine love.
Love in pure transformation will only live in you when the disordered love of the world, of yourselves, of creatures, comes out of it, only then will it have propitious space in your hearts, to enter there, to make habitation and grow in you. Love in pure transformation seeks souls completely dead to themselves, souls emptied of themselves, forgotten of themselves, selfless, to the point of completely allowing Him to do in them whatever He wants without putting any resistance.
The love in pure transformation that is the Holy Spirit Himself, will only enter your souls when your will dies and then you are completely docile to His will. Thus the Holy Spirit will dwell in you as in a temple, in you he will spread his perfumes smoother than pure nard (balm), he will pour oil, oil into your souls, purer and smoother than that of the olive tree, healing in your souls all the spiritual wounds, all the wounds that sin has caused in you and disfigured the beauty of your souls. Then the Holy Spirit will restore to your souls that beauty, that beauty that was created by God, and then your beauty will enchant His divine eyes and He will take pleasure in you and live with you.
Love in pure transformation will only dwell in you when all the inordinate love of yourselves comes out and gives way to Him, that love in pure transformation rests in the pure souls, in the peaceful and meek souls, in the souls that have no vanity, in those who do not allow themselves to be carried away by the lust of the eyes, by the pride of life, nor by the lust of the flesh, like the dew that comes down on the morning lilies, so He also comes down and rests on the pure souls. You must be these souls, answering yes to all that over the years I Here have taught you and asked that your souls may open like lilies to the divine dew of the Holy Spirit, and your souls may then grow in the holiness He desires and expects of you.
I am the Bride of pure Love in pure transformation, I am the most chaste Bride of the Holy Spirit and only in the souls in which I live, in which I reign, in which I rest as Queen and absolute Lady, only in these souls does the Holy Spirit descend like a soft dew, like a sweet refreshment, to live, dwell and rest with these souls forever. Therefore, every soul that wants to receive the visit of the Divine Spirit, must first know Me, love Me, honor Me, as the Fourth Commandment of God says: honor father and mother. The soul who will honor Me will come to Her and the Holy Spirit will dwell in her, the one who will offend Me and who will insult Me and He will not only not come to her but if He is in her He will withdraw and curse her for centuries to come.
Come then, My children, let yourselves truly be possessed by Me, educated by Me, formed by Me in the way of holiness, for in so doing I will prepare you as a beautiful and fragrant abode, that My Divine Spouse may come from Heaven and dwell in your soul. Pray the Holy Rosary every day, with Him I purify you, I beautify you, I enlighten you, I perfume you more and more to present you truly beautiful, candid, innocent and luminous so that the Holy Spirit may be pleased with you and come to live in you.
Continue with the Hour of Peace and all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you Here, he who loves the Hour of Peace loves Me, he who despises the Hour of Peace despises Me, therefore, pray these prayers so that I may further strengthen the mystical bonds that unite your souls with My Heart and may thus hasten the second historic descent of My Divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit, upon the whole world and upon your souls.
Here, in this place, in the person, at work, in the work of my little son Marcos I am deeply glorified, I am completely consoled and perfectly loved. In every work that comes out of the heart and Hands of this My son, My splendor, My glory shines for all My children, so that all of them seeing My light can come out of the darkness of sin and find Me and With Me find the God of salvation and peace. In the work and work of My little son Marcos, I reflect My great light that will become more and more intense the denser the darkness covers all things. Truly Here in this My son I am exalted, I am glorified, and My fruits can be seen and savored in the fruits he gives abundantly. Therefore, as I said a little while ago in My Apparitions Here I say again: Because My son Marcos made the Video of My Apparition to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres as the Lady of Good Success and thus made Me known and loved by thousands and thousands of My children, I promise, to hasten the Hour of My Triumph. This year I also promise to perform wonders like never before in your lives, I promise to pour out a greater outpouring of My graces, of the graces of the Holy Spirit, of My flame of Love upon you, upon Brazil, upon the whole world, I also promise to pour out a very special abundance of graces upon My children who truly help My son Marcos, love all the Apparitions that He puts on video and offers to you and those who together with Him suffer, work and struggle will have this year truly a flood of new blessings descending unceasingly from My Heart upon all, upon all of them, upon all these My children.
When a soul rises, raises the world, when the soul grows in holiness before the Lord, the Lord who does not allow Himself to be overcome in Mercy pours over the whole world a shower of grace and a true flood of His Divine Mercy. Pray, pray more, for only by Prayer will I be able to make the mystical rose of perfect love grow in you, to produce the sweet perfume of holiness and of perfect and holy works for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and glory and of My Name which Here in these Apparitions, now, must shine with the brightness much greater than that of a thousand you are together.
Forward My children! I am with you, in your sufferings, do not fear, non avete paura, because my Immaculate Heart follows every step and knows every tear that falls from your eyes. I am with you, Io sleep with you. Do not be afraid.
To all, at this moment I bless with love, from Lourdes, from Quito in Ecuador and from Jacareí. Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos, the most hard working and dedicated of My children".
"Dear Brothers My, I Luiz Gonzaga, I rejoice in being able to come and give you My first Message. Oh, how I love you! Oh, how much I love you! Oh, how much I want to help you reach high holiness for the greater glory of God, of the Immaculate Virgin and of St. Joseph, so I say to you: Renounce all sin, because sin kills the life of sanctifying grace in your souls. Deplore sin and leave sin once and for all, so that Satan can have no influence over you, and so that with his divine influxes he may push your souls ever further along the path of holiness.
Renounce all sin, for sin cuts the divine link that unites you to the Lord, that unites you to the Mother of God, and with this, you lose the graces necessary for your sanctification by becoming more and more shaky, languid, and increasingly obscured by the darkness of evil. If you renounce sin, your soul, well united, bound to the Lord and to the Mother of God, will receive from them the necessary influxes, the graces necessary for your sanctification, and then I say to you: Not all hell can do anything against you. If your love is true, if your love is faithful and pure even though you have small defects in your person, this will not prevent you from being holy, not even the deprivation of so many things you love will prevent you from being holy.
Love, true love within you will be decisive for your sanctification. Do not be one of those who bind a mosquito and swallow a camel, that is, who worry about vain and insignificant things and let sin grow more and more in your soul. Oh, no! Do not live in peace with your sins, for if you do this your soul will surely be condemned. Make war on your defects and sins and together with prayer grow more and more in good works before God. There is little point in praying, but in making war on your own defects and sins, there is little point in maintaining an outward appearance of being a servant of God, if the interior is completely eroded by the termite of sin, especially those sins that you do not mortify, against which you do not fight and which you silently let erode your soul like a voracious termite. Oh, no! Extirpate even the slightest sin from your heart so that then it may be beautiful, pure, holy, upright, honest, true servant of the Lord, and then your prayer will be accepted by the Lord with pleasure and pleasure. And then He will realize in your lives His plan of love and even many graces that you ask for in prayer. Prayer is only pleasing to the Lord when accompanied by the yes of the heart, the sincere effort to overcome sin, to fight the defects, to grow on the path of holiness. If only you have this pure intention, this desire is already enough for your prayer to be received in Heaven and to perform in your life great miracles, great resounding graces of love.
I, Luiz, ask you: Renounce all sin, because sin is the cause of all the evils, pains, discord, wars, tragedies and unhappiness that exist and happen in the world. If men would renounce sin they would be blessed by God and God would give them a life as harmonious, as beautiful and as peaceful as the first Fathers had in Paradise.
Propagate more the Holy Rosary, because the Rosary will extirpate heresies, fight vices and sin, give souls the inner strength to renounce all kinds of sin and answer more and more yes to the Lord. Continue with the Rosary of Tears of Blood, with the Hours of Prayer that the Sacred Hearts have sent you to do Here, because with these prayers your souls are strong, the prayer groups are strong and through your devil prayers is always more defeated in the world.
To all of you today I bless with great love and especially to you Marcos, who for so many years have known that you love Me, I know that you pray to Me and I know that you are always with Me".
(Marcos:) "Yes. See you soon! Come back soon, beloved Luiz!"