Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children of mine, I invite you to the TRUE CONVERSION OF THE HEART so that you may truly become the dwelling place of the Most High and at the same time the channel of his love for the whole world. Love the Lord with all your heart giving your whole life to Him. Ask the Lord not so much what he can do for you, but what you can do for him. Offer your life in the service of the Lord as the Saints have done, so that truly through Us the sanctifying water, the water of His grace may flow and flow over this world in the midst of men dominated by sin and Satan, so that all may finally be freed from the dominion and satanic yoke of My adversary, and so that the world may know a new time of peace, of grace, beauty and holiness.
Your life is a precious gift from the Lord that must be placed at His service so that He can accomplish in you what He has planned from the moment your soul was created and infused by Him into your body. The Lord has then woven a plan of perfect love upon you, but it cannot be accomplished unless you give a generous, true and total yes to Him as I have given it myself.
No longer spoil the Lord's plan with your rebellion and your refusal to do what He says. But first, today, turn your hearts to Him so that once and for all He will set in motion His divine plan of love in your life that will culminate in the glorious Triumph of my Immaculate Heart in you and in the whole world.
Make My Appearance to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus known to My children all over the world so that as soon as possible all that I predicted and asked there may come true and My Heart will triumph in Brazil, Ecuador and the whole world, finally putting Satan in irons in hell so that he will no longer go out there to harm the Earth.
Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí, I will finish what I began in My Apparitions in Quito. Here, in this holy place where My Heart is so comforted, so loved, so glorified by My little son Marcos who has served Me with all his Heart since he was 13 years old, he who gave Me his whole life, he who has never had other love than Me, he who with his works has glorified My Heart before the whole world, in him in whom I will fulfill the prophecies contained in all my apparitions, especially my apparitions to Mother Mariana de Jesus, he who will carry out what I began with that My daughter, he who is truly the sign of My Immaculate Heart for the whole world, and Here in this place where My Heart shines as never before, I will bring all My secrets, all My works and all My plans to their perfect fulfillment. Therefore, you who are included in this great work, do not waste any more time in seeking your disordered human desires, but rather sanctify your works, your time and your life, working for Me to spread My Messages, My Holy Hours of Prayer which I have given you here, of the Videos of My Apparitions that My Marcos Thaddeus made for Me, so that as soon as possible, My Heart may pour out My flame of love into the whole world, transforming it into a single furnace of love for the Lord, and thus the infernal empire may be overthrown and My empire, the empire of the Lord, the heavenly empire of Love may be finally raised on Earth.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, for through them My Immaculate Heart pours out upon you every day many effective graces so that you may overcome sin within you, around you, in your home and in the world. And so, may the new dawn of salvation, the new day of the Lord's Grace, spring forth into the world.
At this moment I generously bless you all with love from LA SALETTE, PONTMAIN and JACAREÍ. Peace Marcos. Peace, my beloved children".