Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Message from Mary Most Holy



"-Dear children, today, when you are commemorating my APPARITIONS TO MY AMARIAN CHILD and at the same time knowing the MY APPARITIONS TO MY MARIAN CHILD OF JESUS TORRES IN QUITO, ECUADOR, I come to tell you: My Immaculate Heart acted powerfully in these My Apparitions of the past, and in all of them, until I arrived here in Jacareí, and soon My Immaculate Heart will triumph by destroying the power of Satan throughout the world.

I will destroy the power of Satan in the whole world and I will make him put on My footstool, so I appeared to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre and together with My son Jesus I gave her the Crown of My Tears, as a powerful weapon against all the forces of hell, a weapon that you must use with wisdom, constancy, perseverance, and faith if you truly want to keep your faith unscathed in these times of the great Apostasy and the great tribulation in which you live. He who loves the Rosary of My Tears loves Me, and he who despises it despises Me, just as he who loves My Thirteen, the Thirteen I asked for in My Apparitions in Montichiari loves Me, and he who despises My Thirteen despises Me.

The Rosary of Tears will be the sign of the true love of your hearts for Me and it will be the powerful sign against Satan in the struggle that I am now waging against him and in which you are all included, for you are the goal of this great struggle.

Only with the Rosary of Tears can you be strong in the trials, the sufferings you have to go through, and only with the Rosary of Tears can I help you with My maternal graces, so that you do not become discouraged and fall into temptation in these times when My enemy is in all his power. I will destroy the power of Satan and annihilate him, through My apparitions all over the world I annihilate his power more and more, for in every place I appear I always raise My children to unite with Me in Prayer, in Sacrifice, in Penance, in the struggle for transformation and conversion of the world. And so, at each My Appearance, Satan loses his power, because he increases My army of pure and holy souls who pray with Me, fight for the salvation of all mankind.

And following the example of My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus and My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, these pure, humble, simple and unknown souls of the world, with their sacrifices, their prayers and their lives full of virtues and holiness, these souls offer Me a great Mystical force with which I can save many souls and lead all humanity to the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

You can also help Me by giving Me your yes, obeying My Messages, fulfilling with love all that I have told you, so that in this way it may be a great mystical power that I can use, to finally crush Satan's head, to precipitate him into hell, and to bring you and the whole world the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart. Forward! Trust! Do not be afraid, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

My Apparitions in Ecuador are the great sign of My maternal victory, for centuries before the 20th century, the century of Satan, I descended to earth and foretold all that he would do and all that would happen in this your time and at the end of it all I guaranteed you and pre-announced My definitive Victory with Satan's enchainment in the fire of hell forever and ever, from where he will never go out to harm the world. Trust, for in the end I will be the winner, My Heart will triumph!

Keep on praying all the prayers I have asked of you, keep on spreading My Messages and making all My apparitions known and loved by all My children, for only then will I be able to free them from spiritual blindness, from the spiritual slavery in which they find themselves, and I will be able to transform them into brave warriors who will fight with Me as ardent soldiers for the greatest triumph of My son Jesus and My Heart in the world and in souls.

Through My Appearances in Quito as the Lady of Good Success, through My Appearances in Campinas as the Lady of Tears, through all the Apparitions until I arrived in this My Here, in Jacareí, I, have come and replanted myself as a Woman dressed in the Sun, glorious and powerful to tell you: Time is approaching, the Kingdom of My son Jesus is at the doors, prepare the way for the return of the Love that returns to you in Love and as Love. Prepare the way of the Lord's return that already rises on the horizon above the clouds of Heaven, glorious, with His Angels and Saints. Prepare your hearts to receive Him, for He is already much closer to you than the dawn when night ends. Prepare your hearts by sincerely converting yourselves, renouncing all sin and your corrupted will and truly letting the Lord carry out His Plan of love in you by conforming your will to that of the Lord, so that you may become the new immersed creature in God, the new humanity realized in God, as I myself am. Only in this way will your life be that for which God created it and gave it to you, a perfect reflection of the Most Holy Trinity, a perfect participation in His glory, happiness and Peace.

To everyone, at this moment I bless and especially to you Marcos, who as I said before: because you made with so much love the Video of My Apparition as Lady of Good Success to My daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus in Quito, because you gave this immense treasure to know all My children today, I promise you, that as many souls as convert through this Video and give themselves to Me by giving Me their yes, there will be so many crowns of glory that I will put on your head in Heaven and so many other hugs of love that I will give you in the glory of Paradise.

Forward my little knight, my fearless and ardent warrior! Forward! Continue giving to all My children the knowledge of Me and fulfilling the prophecy of My Servant Luis Maria Grignion de Montfort: That in the final times I would be known as never, I would shine as never and My glory would shine as never. You fulfill this My prophecy, you fulfill what I have inspired and revealed to My Servant Mary Grignion de Montfort for so many centuries, and this is the sign that My Kingdom is near, My Triumph is near, and also the glorious return of My son Jesus is near.

To you I generously bless, the most hard working and dedicated of My children and all those who love Me, obey Me and serve Me, as QUITO, CAMPINAS and JACAREÍ".

(MARCOS): "- See you soon Madam!"



