Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear children, I JESUS, today I bless you again and give you My Peace. Today I call you to be the ever fragrant, illuminated and holy altars of my Sacred Heart, where my Heart can truly reign and realize its wonders of love in your souls.
Be the altars of my Sacred Heart, always perfumed by the virtues of goodness, purity, love, time, gentleness and humanity, so that my Sacred Heart may come to rest in your heart, may find many flowers of the most varied virtues to delight in, and so that your heart, exhaling soft perfume of all virtues, may by my grace spread to other souls, to the whole world, transforming My altars destroyed by the action of My enemy and by sin and reduced to ruins into altars again perfumed, beautiful and pure, in order to replace the stench of sin that took hold of so many altars of My own and in them, again to replace the sweet perfume of holiness and virtues.
Be the altars of my Sacred Heart, altars always illuminated by the light of prayer, of meditation, of the continuous search of my Word, of my Will, of the knowledge of me, so that the light of your altars may not be darkness, but truly burning and luminous lamps that with their light dissipate all darkness and fill the world with the light of the Holy Spirit, with the light of the true knowledge of Me that frees the soul from all sin, from all the darkness of evil and ignorance, and makes everyone grow more and more and reach salvation, which I offer generously to all in my Sacred Heart.
Be the altars of My Heart, always beautiful and pure, always precious and adorned with the most varied precious stones of virtues and especially true charity and love. If you go to altars where the flame of true love, where the rubies of true love are present, then My Heart will descend to your altar, to your soul, will enter it, will dwell with you, will reign within you, will fill all your interior with the fire of My divine love until it completely consumes and gives birth in you and from you the new creature, the sanctified creature, the sanctified wife of the Divine Lamb, the ideal soul, the truly suitable soul of My Sacred Heart.
I want to accomplish in you this great work, but in many of you I see nothing but ruins. The altars of your souls have been devastated by the action of sin and of My enemy, the devil, whom you yourselves have consented to enter within you. How great is your ruin! Your altars nest more than serpents and scorpions, what sins, vice, falsehood, and vileness. I have come to flee, to cast out these serpents and scorpions from you, and to restore the ancient beauty of the altar of your soul. I come to make it again as it was in Baptism, pure, and to take it even more to the highest heights of holiness. For this, give Me your yes, let My grace truly enter into your soul, renew it, transform it, purify it and elevate it.
Without your renunciation of sin I cannot do anything in you, I cannot save your souls no matter how much I want to, because I myself have instituted and decreed: THAT THE SOUL TO BE SAVED MUST RENEW THE SINCE AND WANT THE GRACE. Therefore, today, renounce totally yourselves, your corrupted will, every form of sin that offends Me and separates Me from you forever, so that then, I may truly perform My wonders in you and become great saints.
I love you so much! I want you so much! And My love has already been tested and shown to you a thousand times Here, in these Apparitions with My Mother, with St. Joseph, with the Angels and Saints and I never tire of calling you back to My Sacred Heart. But hasten your conversion because soon my Heart will put an end to the time of Mercy, to the time for the conversion of the world, and then I will cause my fire to fall by surprise on your homes and on the nations, and woe to those who are not in a state of grace!
I warn you in advance so that no one will then cast Me in face that I have been unjust and to no one I have warned. I warn you: THAT TRUE TIME WILL STOP AND BE PARALIZED IN THE APPOINTMENT TO YOU. RENOUNCE ALL THINGS AT LAST, AND ALL THAT IS FROM HEAVEN SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU.
To all, at this moment I generously and especially bless you Marcos, the most ardent of the devotees of my Sacred Heart, the servant of my Sacred Heart, the temple of my Sacred Heart".
"Dear Brothers, I Sebastian, servant of the Lord and His Martyr, come again today, for the second time, to bless you and give you My Message.
I love you with all my Heart! I cover you more and more with my protection every day of your life. I come to you today to truly call you to be carnations of love for the Lord and the Mother of God.
Be harpsichords of love for the Lord and the Mother of God, making your life a great and perfect hymn of love to them, giving your heart to them, living to honor them, obeying them and making them known, so that in your simple and daily life, May everyone see and recognize the magnificence of the love of the Lord and His Mother and thus, all attracted by the softness of the perfume of your virtues and at the same time by the hidden charm of the spiritual beauty of your soul, may they also love God, serve Him and give themselves to Him with all their heart.
Be carnations of love, giving to the Lord every day: LOVE FOR LOVE, EVERYTHING FOR EVERYTHING, LIFE FOR LIFE. Since he gave you all his love and gave you his own life by dying for you on the Cross, give to the Lord your whole life, your whole existence, each one in the vocation to which he was called, but loving the Lord with all your strength, with all your soul and loving nothing outside of him nor more than he. Thus your soul, like a fragrant and beautiful carnation, will truly be a sign of God's love in this world and will be pleasing in God's eyes, because then your life will taste your love for the Lord and then He will be pleased with you and come to dwell in you.
Be the harpsichords of love to the Lord, truly proving to the Lord that you love Him, renouncing sin, renouncing yourselves, making war on your defects and your sins and never resigning yourself to praying and living in peace at the same time with the evil within you. But then, by truly fighting your corrupted self, may you witness to God and men that your love is true, that your faith is genuine, and so, from you and through you the light of the Holy Spirit may burst powerfully upon all those who lie in darkness so that they too may recognize their spiritual death and also renounce their sin, and the evil that is in them, and strive to be converted and holy also.
Finally, I call you to a heroic faith in God, a faith similar to the one I had, a love that makes you accept willingly the crosses, the sufferings, the pains of this life before renouncing by word and deed the love of Jesus.
Have a courageous faith like mine, to the point of sacrifice and martyrdom, so that one day you may dwell with me in those immense heights of heaven where I am in one of the places where the angels who fell left empty. Yes, I am one of the most supreme saints in heaven because I have loved so much and because I have witnessed my love for Jesus with my own blood.
Come brothers! Follow the path of spiritual perfection, that from now on your greatest and only desire is to become great saints, because what this world needs most today is true saints, that with word and life they are more than they speak, more than they appear and truly conquer souls for God with true and perfect charity and with works born of this charity.
To all at this moment I generously bless. I bless this Place that is so dear to Me, that is so dear to Me and for which I have a very special protection and care. And I also especially bless you Marcos, who throughout your life never forgot Me in My day, no matter how much you were suffering or how busy you were. To you who every year accompanied My procession with devotion and love in My day, I now bless you generously and all my true devotees.