Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear children of mine, today I, JESUS, come with my Sacred Heart to bless you with my Blessed Mother and my Father Nurturing Joseph and to say to you: Glory be to my SACRED HEART, giving it LOVE FOR LOVE. Giving Him contentment, answering yes to the call that so many years ago in this Place I have made you to be converted and to approach Me so that you can truly be converted and saved.
Glorify My Sacred Heart, giving Him ever more: honor, glory and praise through a pure and holy life, through holy works that truly prove your love for Me and seek to make your lives a constant hymn of love to My Sacred Heart, so that then, through you, May I also spread My light and My love to all souls who do not yet know Me by calling them back to the fold of My Sacred Heart, so that then all My sheep may know Me, love Me, and be saved by My Sacred Heart, by the knowledge of the truth of Me that I am the Eternal Truth.
Glorify My Sacred Heart by giving Me ALL for ALL, since I have given you all My life, give Me yours, since I have given you all My Heart, give Me all yours, because I only give all My Love to those souls who give Me all their love and I only give all My Heart and My predilection to those souls who also prefer Me to all other loves, to all other things and give Me completely their Heart.
Be the burning sparks of my Sacred Heart, bringing the flame of my Love to the whole world, lighting this flame in all souls, every day of your life, bringing them my Word, bringing them my Love, bringing them the knowledge of the truth that saves, so that the whole world can be burnt again in the flames of my Sacred Heart and can become a fire of love.
Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart, lighting My Sacred Fire in hearts and souls through your word and example, so that the fire of My Heart, which is My Holy Spirit, may make the fire of sensuality and envy disappear in souls, of avarice, laziness, blasphemy and sin, and so the souls burned in the fire of my Sacred Heart, burn with me, with my Mother, with my Father Nurturing Joseph to be one flame of love in my Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father.
I chose you from before you were born so that one day you would be here, so that today you would be here and know my great Love, hear my Message and be the bearers, the Messengers of my Message to the whole world. My Heart places His trust in you. You are the last hope of the Earth; therefore, bring My salvation, bring My Love to every creature so that every creature may know, love, praise and bless Me.
Hasten your conversion, because the time of My Mercy is running out and soon the time of My Justice will come, and I say to you, no one will be able to escape from My Arm, which is long and long enough to reach you to the ends of the earth, and I say to you, woe to the mockers, woe to those who have been proud all this time and closed their ears to My Voice, for I say to you, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah will be sorry for the Punishment of this generation. And I tell you, the Sodomites will consider their Punishment a gentle and cool breeze in comparison to the fire I will make fall on this wicked and perverse generation. So convert without delay! No longer pierce my Sacred Heart with the spear of your sin. Come to Me who awaits you with My arms open, and who is ready to forgive you, love you, and save you.
To all at this moment, I bless you generously with love".
"-Loved children of my Heart, today I call you once again to my Immaculate Heart to burn you in the fire of the Holy Spirit and to fill you with the heavenly graces that I bring from the Lord.
Be My brave warriors, who every day, honor Me by fighting with Me and for Me, taking My Messages to all My children, spreading devotion to My Rosary and to all the prayers that I have given you here, so that My children may then find the right medicine, safe and healthy, effective and lasting, that will cure all spiritual illnesses and grant them the perfect health of the soul, so that they may walk the path of holiness every day with a quick and decisive step, thus becoming living reflections of My Immaculate Heart.
Be the brave warriors of my Heart, seeking every day to bring to as many souls as possible the knowledge of my love, so that in this way, feeling my love and knowing how much the Mother of Heaven loves them and calls them Here in this Sacred Place close to her Heart, my Children may finally find peace of heart, The light for their souls and the grace of God that will transform them from hard and insensitive rocks, from cold ice stones, that will transform from swamps of sin into gardens of grace, beauty and holiness, into living flames of love that will proclaim together with me the glory of the Lord and the power of truth for this world that lies in the darkness of Satan's lies, sin and deceptive illusions.
Be the brave warriors of My Heart, giving Me ALL FOR ALL, since I have given you all My Love, give Me all yours! And since I have consecrated my entire life and existence to you, consecrate yours to me by following in my footsteps, by the footsteps I leave for you on the path to holiness. Thus, My children, by following Me closely, I will truly be able to imprint on your souls My virtues, My qualities until you become like Me and thus give honor, glory and perfect praise to the Most Holy Trinity.
Be My Daisies of humility and love, renouncing your ever corrupt and rebellious will to that of the Lord and to Mine, and seeking to conform your thoughts and your will to those of the Lord, to Mine, so that in this way, I may truly impart to you the very powerful inflows of the flame of love of my Immaculate Heart, so that then, your life may become as if it were a continuation of Mine, which gives to the Eternal Father the perfect obedience, perfect correspondence, and perfect Love that He expects from all His children.
Be My Daisies of humility and love, who truly forget themselves, renounce their will and are always with their petals open to receive the dew of the morning and the light of the sun, that is, to receive the dew of My Love, the gentle gnawing of My Will always holy and good for you, and to let yourselves be warmed and illuminated by the rays of light of My Glorious Body, of My Immaculate Heart, which cast out all darkness, all sins, all evils from your life. In this way, you will truly be beautiful, humble and precious daisies in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart, and one day I will truly be able to transplant you from the Garden of my Heart to the Garden of the Most Holy Trinity there in Heaven. Being humble and loving daisies, pure and completely obedient to Me, I will be able to present you to the Lord as the most precious and perfumed branch, cultivated by Myself to cheer Him and give Him contentment and joy.
I am always with you My children, every day, I convert you as soon as possible, because time is running out, I have been telling you this for years, but you have not taken Me seriously. If you do not listen to Me, I will be forced to let My Son show you a little of His justice so that you may truly decide to leave sin and become holy as He desires.
Remember that I am now your mediator, intercessor and advocate, but on the day of God's Justice I will be your judge! Therefore, seek to be at My right hand, that is, together with Me the moment My son comes, seek to be with Me now, in Prayer, in Obedience to My Messages and in faithfulness to My Will and to My Plan of Love so that at that hour, I may be propitious to you and present you to My Divine Son as part of My flock and as My blessed offspring.
Now until the Anniversary of My Apparitions Here pray more, remember all the Messages I have given you, remember all the gifts and benefits I have made to you, remember also all My Apparitions by reviewing them again through the videos that My son Marcos made and gave you, equally, review the lives of the Saints that do so much good to your souls and so please My Heart, So that on the blessed day of the Anniversary of My Apparitions Here, I may find your souls burning with love so that with you I may raise in one flame of love our loves united to the Most Holy Trinity to bless Her for the extraordinary gift of Her Love which are My, Our Apparitions Here.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you Here, through them I will one day transform you into great Saints who will shine with the light stronger than a thousand suns together in Paradise.
To all and especially to you Marcos, the most striving of My children, I generously bless you now, from FÁTIMA, from LA SALETTE and from JACAREÍ".
"Dear children, I, JOSEPH, also bless you today and give you Peace. Convert yourselves sincerely and test by deeds your love for the Lord so that He may truly have mercy on you and give you His Peace.
Taste by deeds your love for the Lord, giving daily to Him and to Mary Immaculate holy works, burning prayers, spreading truly moved by the holy love for them and by the desire to see them known and loved, so that your works may become a pure and burning incense that rises to the heights of Heaven to the Throne of God, so that it may please the Lord and make the Lord propitious to you by pouring on you a shower of Mercy.
Taste with deeds your love for the Lord, giving Him every day the sincere effort to overcome your defects and sins and thus to exercise yourself more in the search for virtues and holiness. Truly practice what you claim to believe. Practise and prove with deeds that you truly believe what you say in your prayers and that you have as truths of faith in your hearts, so that the Lord will not call you hypocritical Pharisees, but will truly recognize you as His sincere and faithful apostles and disciples.
Taste with deeds your love for the Lord, trying every day to give the Lord the sincere commitment to make war on your defects and sins, to throw them out of your souls so that you may seek all that is holy, pure, beautiful, pleasing, perfect in the eyes of God, so that God may look upon your prayers and your works with pleasure and love, receive them kindly and give you His grace, give you His mercy.
Taste with deeds your love for Mary Immaculate and for Me, showing that you are Our true children with holy works. Enough of promises and never keep them! Do Our Will, leave yours, renounce yourselves and follow us along the path of virtues, perfection and true love. Convert quickly, do not play with holy things, do not play with the Mercy of the Lord or otherwise, I will be forced to drop an unexpected Punishment on you. Convert yourselves truly or otherwise I will abandon you. I am a loving and merciful Father, but I am also Holy and Righteous, I bore even the smallest sin and I cannot enter a heart where My enemy is housed, that is, sin of whatever nature. Therefore, if you will unite with Me, cast out from your hearts My enemy, sin, and then I will unite with you. Otherwise I will forsake you and let Satan do with you as he pleases.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, for through them you will eradicate sin from your souls, tread on Satan's head and his seductive temptations, and draw Me more and more into your hearts.
To all of you at this moment I lovingly bless Marcos, the most ardent devotee of My Heart that I have in the world, My greatest and most ardent servant, the beloved son of My Most Loving Heart, and I also bless all My slaves of love who have given Me here their lives and all My children who sincerely seek conversion for love of Me.