Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Revelation of the Medal of the Most Loving Heart of St. José
Message from the Loving Heart of Saint Joseph to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira

"-Marcos, my beloved son, I come today to give you a great grace from my Heart! I come to give my children a great Blessing and a great gift of my love, to help them in their afflictions and difficulties and also to defend them from all evil.
This Gift, is My MEDAL, the MEDAL OF MY HEART!
Take a good look at what I am going to show you now and record it in your heart.
(Words of the seer Marcos Thaddeus:) "- I saw in St. Joseph's breast his Most Loving Heart burning with love like a shining sun of light. Then the following words appeared around St. Joseph in golden and luminous letters:
Under the cloud where St. Joseph's feet rested, today's date has appeared:
Around St. Joseph's head, there were also many shines, many rays of light.
The oval picture turned, and on the reverse side I saw two lilies rising from both sides of the Medal to the top. Below, the luminous words:
In the center there was a Cross. More or less in the middle of this Cross was the Sacred Heart of Jesus Crowned of Thorns. Further down on the right was the Immaculate Heart of Mary surrounded by thorns; and further to the left was the Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph, surrounded by flames of love and also with thorns but not around him but nailed to him. Punched into him. Then St. Joseph said to me, "
(St. Joseph) "- Son I have kept this great grace for many centuries. This revelation of My Medal to the world to give and reveal it to you in this time. This Grace, no one else has received it or will receive it in the world but you. This is due to the great love that I have for you Marcos, the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, and also, to the great love that I have for this place that is so dear to My Most Beloved Heart and the Lord.
This place Blessed and chosen by Our Sacred Hearts United, is the place where we pour out the riches of Our Love and where we manifest the greatest mercies of Our Hearts United inseparably: In Love, in Pain, and in Glory.
For this reason, have a Medal minted according to the model you saw so that everyone will carry it around their necks, and thus receive great graces from my Heart.
It will be a powerful sign of my love in the midst of my children and will draw upon them the blessings of the Lord. Tell My children also that I promise you:".
1st Those who wear My Medal with confidence, will be guarded by Me at all moments of their lives, especially in the dangers and will always be covered with My Cloak.
2nd Will not be plagued by spiritual or temporal misery.
3. They will not lack the aids and means necessary to live a dignified life. In other words, they will not lack work and charitable help in order to have a dignified life.
4. Those who wear My Medal and pray My Holy Hour on Sundays will not be overcome by the temptations of the devil. I will diminish the influence of Satan over them. I will free their houses, goods, bodies and souls from any satanic domination.
5th Will be blessed in their works and works.
6th Will be relieved and comforted by Me in their infirmities and sufferings.
8th Those who wear My Medal with love will not know the eternal flames.
9th Those who wear my Medal and have true devotion to my heart will not die in mortal sin.
10th Their families will be helped by Me in their needs and will be covered by my mantle.
11. Young people who wear My Medal with love, following My examples and virtues, will not fall into sin. If they have fallen, they will return to the path of virtue. The pure and chaste youth will remain pure and will receive from Me all the means, strength and grace, to persevere until the end on the path of chastity and holiness.
12th This Medal will awaken in many souls the holy desire to consecrate themselves to Me and to dedicate themselves to a life of prayer, contemplation and total surrender to God through My Heart.
13th This Medal will diminish in the souls that wear My Medal, until the disordered love of themselves, of the world and of the creatures disappears completely, and it will increase ever more the divine and celestial love, the taste for the things of God and the love of the virtues.
14ª They will be enlightened on the mysteries of redemption and on how much My sufferings, united to those of Jesus and Mary, have collaborated in the work of human redemption. They will be enlightened on My virtues, merits, the gifts that I have received from the Most Holy Trinity and the immense love that She had and has for Me.
15ª They will be heard by Me in all their prayers, and whatever they ask of Me, I will grant them. (as long as it is not contrary to God's will)
16th The agonizing will be comforted by Me in the last moments of her life on Earth. They will not be tormented by demons in their agony. They will receive My visit and they will receive My paternal embrace sneezing softly in My arms.
17ª Parents will receive My continuous assistance in their difficulties and will have the necessary lights to educate their children in the holy love of God.
18th Little by little, Peace will return to the families and cities where My Medal is known, loved and spread. Peace and concord will reign where I am loved and venerated through it. Wars will be stopped, removed, or their duration diminished. Violence will disappear.
19th The hearts bound in sin will be touched by grace and will return to the bosom of Holy Catholic Faith and will walk with a firm step on the path of holiness.
20th Those who wear My Medal will receive the grace to be taken by Me directly to Paradise after death, and will be placed next to My throne in Heaven where they will know My mysteries and secrets and where they will enjoy indescribable happiness at My side forever.
(MARCOS): And finally Saint Joseph said that through this Medal true devotion to Him, to His Heart will quickly spread throughout the world, that through this Medal he will be placed in a place of honor from where He was taken over the centuries, until almost falling into oblivion by the Christian people, the Catholic people. St. Joseph will shine with a glory with which He never shone before, thanks to this Medal.
St. Joseph also said that this Medal was revealed here in this place, because of the immense love that He has for this place that is more dear to His Heart than the whole world and that this Medal will hasten the triumph of His Heart, of Our Lady, the triumph of God in souls, in families and in nations. Therefore, I had the mission to have this Medal minted as soon as possible and to make it accessible to all souls, all His children as fast as I can.