Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Feast of Divine Mercy
Message from the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My children, My Sacred Heart blesses you today and gives you Peace again!
My Mercy is great, it has waited for the world for many centuries to return to Me. My patience has waited for men to answer My calls, to give Me their 'yes' for a long time. But now My children must hasten your return, your conversion to Me, for little is the time of Mercy left for you.
It is a short time of Mercy that remains for you, so I call you all to return to my Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of my Mother and the Heart of St. Joseph, my foster father, nourished and most beloved. So that in this way, I may truly pour into your lives the Ocean of my Mercy, my Grace and my Love. And may I truly transform your existence into a perfect reflection: of my glory, of my grace, of my holiness, of my love, of my goodness. So that every creature who looks at you, glorifies My Name, glorifies My Mercy, gives Me his heart and becomes a living reflection of My glory, My love, My goodness.
It is a short time of Mercy that remains for you, so I say to you, My children: purify your souls immediately through PENITION, so that truly your works may no longer be works of darkness, but works of light, of holiness, of purity and perfection. So that when I return soon, my Sacred Heart will not have to cast you into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But for your works I may give you that reward which from the beginning of the world is promised to the blessed children of my Father. Thus, by making My children yourselves, you will seal for yourselves a happy eternity in My glory, in My friendship, in My love and in the eternal happiness that I have prepared for you in Heaven.
It is a short time of Mercy that remains for you, so I call you all to change your lives, to turn your hearts to Me, to live solely for Me, seeking always and at all times to accomplish that which I, my Blessed Mother, that my Father Saint Joseph has indicated to you and shown you in our Messages here, throughout all these years. So that in this way, truly living in My will, obeying and fulfilling My will, you may soon receive from My Hands the crown of victory, the prize that I have prepared for you.
Turn your lives to Me while you have time, while you still have the extraordinary aids of that time in which you live, that I have given to that time aids never before given in human history with this profusion now given to you. These aids are the Apparitions of My Mother, the Messages that She, that I, that Our Sacred Hearts have given you in so many places on earth for so many years, the prayers that We have given you, that We have taught you. These treasures of grace, of knowledge, of peace and of love that We have given you in Our Apparitions with largesse, these aids that were given to you in such great depth in those times, will soon cease for you, and then your conversion will become much more difficult. And for those who did not want to answer Our calls, who did not want to renounce their own will to accept Ours, for these it will be almost impossible. So turn quickly to Us, turn quickly to Us saying 'yes' to Our United Hearts, accepting what We tell you in Our Messages, accepting the flow of My Mercy while I can still pour it out upon you at this time.
Little is the time of Mercy for you, and very close to you is the great WARNING that I will send to all the Earth, no soul, no human being will escape this WARNING, it will shake the consciences, it will be like a little JUDGE happening in your life, it will be like passing the private judgment after death even before dying. Each one will see his life, each one will see his whole existence, but not with his own eyes, but with the Eyes of God, as God sees your life, as God sees your sins. Each one will see the evil he has done and the good he has not done, and for every evil, for every sin he has committed he will suffer, he will suffer the overwhelming weight of My pain, the pain that caused Me your sins, the pain that caused Me the good you could have done and you did not do because you were chasing after only the satisfaction of your will, your interests, your pleasures. You will suffer the weight of the pain that every good you could have done and did not do in My Heart and in My Mother's Heart, you will feel the pain that caused Us your sins, you will feel the weight of the responsibility for your acts, you will feel the great sorrow that your sins caused Me and My Mother and that made Us shed so many tears even of blood. And this overwhelming weight for many will be so great that some will not endure and die, but will die not of a physical pain, but of a spiritual pain, in the soul, which will be in many so strong that it can give death.
This WARNING will be sent to you soon, in a day and hour that you do not know and that you do not expect and that will surprise everyone in their state, that they are. At that time also good souls will see the good deeds they have done, the many prayers they have prayed, the obedience they have had to My Mother's Messages, the souls they have converted and saved by their efforts, all the good they have produced by their intense and laborious work fulfilling all that We have sent you in Our Messages. And for those souls, all this at that moment will be the greatest consolation, they will see that their time was not lost, they will see that the time dedicated and consecrated to their lives, to Me and to My Mother was the best thing, it was the most blessed thing they have done in all their lives, and at that hour, for those souls, great will be the peace, great will be the consolation that I will give.
This WARNING that is very close to you will come soon My children, it will shake the face of the earth, no man will ever know the truth after it, everyone will know that I exist, everyone will know the truth, everyone will know the 'yes' they must give Me. But, as many will still not change, they will continue to say no to Me and say yes to themselves, to the world and to sin, after the warning I will send MILAGRE, it will be the last anchor of salvation that I will cast to the whole world, and if after him they will not say yes to Me then I will send the CHASTE. This punishment will be the worst that ungrateful and sinful humanity has ever seen.
Therefore My children, little is the time of Mercy left for you. Be converted without delay! Change your hearts. My eyes are exhausted from so much crying to see that I sent My Mother and I myself went with her to many places on earth, calling for PRAYER and PENITHENCE, but almost no one wanted to answer Our calls. For this reason, My children, I tell you: long ago I gave you the day of Mercy and sent My servant Faustina, My servant Marcos, My servant Lucia, Jacinta, Francisco, Bernadette and so many others, to call you to CONVERSION and PENITHENCE. Now, soon, I will send these prophets to earth no longer calling you to conversion, but the Reaper Angels of God's justice, to cut the weeds in the midst of the wheat and throw them into the burning furnace so that the bad seed will no longer suffocate and kill the wheat. And there those sheaves will burn, those sheaves of weeds, the sinners, those who did not want to heed My calls, will burn in flames that will no longer go out.
You who are my cities, my holy cities, turn to me, for I want to dwell in you, I want to fill you with my great love, I want to fill you with my great peace, with my great mercy I truly want to make the rivers of my grace and mercy overflow in you. I want to rebuild My cities that have been demolished and razed to the ground by My adversary, by My enemy. I want to expel from My cities all the serpents, scorpions: from the sins, from the vices, from the apostasy of this world. I want to banish from it all darkness and darkness and make the sun of My Justice, of My Love and of My Grace shine in it once more.
I want to make shine in all of you, My children, who are My cities, that light of Mine, which knows no sunset* and which will make in you neither day nor night, but all will be a single luminous day of grace, holiness, glory and perfection and love!
I want to rebuild your walls again, raise them up to the very top, raise these walls in you made of bricks of virtues, of good works, of perfection and holiness. That you may be well fortified cities against every kind of enemy and adversary of your salvation and of My Empire in you, in your souls. I want again to rebuild My Sanctuary in you, rebuild My Throne, My Holy Altar in you, and again rekindle in you My flame so that it may burn on My altar night and day. You are my altars and I want to rekindle in you the flame of my love, the flame of my Holy Spirit who is truth, who is love, who is charity. So that with this flame of divine love you may love Me, adore Me, serve Me every day of your life, and I may delight in you by giving you ever more to taste My great love, My great goodness, My great Mercy.
Turn back while it is time for My cities, for your King is already on his way back to you. You can already see your King over the hills, coming to dwell in you again. Prepare My city, clean it, rebuild it, open the doors for your coming King. Open the doors of your soul, of your spiritual city to Me, so that I your King may enter and rule in it again, fill it with joy, and the songs of life, of happiness, joy and joy may be sung in it again.
Behold, I have sent My Mother, the Queen, before Me as My Messenger to prepare My way back to you. She came and cried out in your squares, in your streets, in your gardens and in the corner of houses, calling you, calling you to PRAYER and PENITHENCE. But you did not hear her, but closed your ears, the doors and windows of your houses to the voice of my Mother.
Do not remain hardened to My Mother's voice if you do not want Me later to harden My Heart as well and be hard with you. Open your ears to the voice of My Mother who cries in your squares, calling you to PRAYER and PENITHENCE. Open your hearts to her, so that then I may be merciful and gracious to you on the day of my return.
Return to Me, for little is the time of Mercy left to you. Yes, here, in this sacred place of my Mother's apparitions, with my saints and angels I continue and I will finish the great work of my mercy begun with my daughter FAUSTINA KOVALSKA, I will finish this work and bring it to full success, to its fulfillment. You all, you are the soldiers of My Mercy, you are the ones who must bring the water of My Mercy to the whole world, who must make the rivers of My Mercy reach everyone, like aqueducts. You are to bring to all the mystical light of My Mercy, you are to be the reflectors of My light, of My Mercy to the whole world. Only in this way will My Merciful Heart triumph in every soul, in every home, in every nation.
Forward My children! Do not weaken! We still have much to fight for, much to do, many souls to conquer. My Mercy will not rest until I rescue the last soul, the last of my lost sheep that I want to lead back to the safe enclosure of my Sacred Heart.
Go ahead! Speak up! Announce Our Messages ever more. Pray! Bring to all the flame of Our Love.
Continue praying all the prayers that We have given you here, announcing above the rooftops and also under them from house to house, making the Cenacles that Ours, My and Your Mother sent you to make, carrying Our Messages to all souls and hearts. So that as soon as possible all souls may know the ocean of My Mercy and take the way back to Me!
To all at this moment, with my Immaculate Mother I generously bless you. And I also give the plenary indulgence of my Sacred Heart to all who pray my Rosary of Mercy, who spread my Messages given to my daughter FAUSTINA, my Messages given here and who are the apostles of my Mercy.