Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Message from the Angel Saint Juliel

Dear Brothers! I, JULIEL, again give you peace, I embrace you and I give you my blessing!
Follow firmly the path that Mary Immaculate Our Holy Queen pointed out to you here in these Apparitions and never look back, to the world that calls you back, nor to the creatures that so often require, charge your love, wanting to take the place of the Lord and of her in your hearts. No! Do not give in to the 'song of the deceitful mermaid' who wants to take you back into her arms to bite and suck your blood, kill your soul and throw it back into darkness and spiritual death. No! Follow firmly the path of Love, the path of True Devotion to the Sacred Hearts, obedience to them and perfect fulfillment of all that has been commanded to you here.
Follow firmly the path that Mary Immaculate invited you to follow and to follow here already 20 years ago, because this path, although tight and difficult, is the only one that leads to salvation, that leads to Heaven and makes you safely reach the Lord. Do not deceive yourselves or others by trying to take the easy way, because what you will find then is your destruction and not your salvation, follow this path of penance prayer of renouncing the passing pleasures and enjoyments of this earth, renouncing yourself and your will to adhere to the holy will of God that is always true, eternal and luminous.
Follow the path of Mary Immaculate! On the way she opened for you here, which begins with embracing the daily crosses that the Lord allows you or sends you to help atone for the sins by which He is offended, to beg for the conversion of sinners and to atone for your own sins so that each day you become more and more pure, more immaculate and pleasant before Him, more docile and obedient, more detached from yourselves, from the illusory things of this world, so that you may increasingly grow in love for heavenly things and for God, fulfilling His Holy Will always at all times and everywhere.
Follow the path that Mary Immaculate inaugurated here for you, because this path is the only right, short, gentle, direct, high, sublime one that will lead you to the eternal glory of Heaven. I am with you every day and I never leave you, I am always here in this place from the beginning to the end of the Cenacles and 24 hours a day and anyone can find Me Here, just open your heart to Me, pray sincerely and do not hinder My action in your life. If you do the HOUR OF THE ANGELS, Our Hour with fidelity every Tuesday, We will lead you on a sure way that will lead you to the most consummate high and perfect holiness that will greatly glorify the Lord and Mary Immaculate and will make of you marvelous and extraordinary works that will make all the peoples of the Earth praise and glorify the Lord.
This 'School of Holiness', which are these Apparitions of Jacari, is for you the school that will lead you to the 'perfect love' for the Lord and for Mary Most Holy and in it I occupy the privileged and special place, because I am a teacher of perfect obedience, of ready and ardent love, of docility and complete submission to God and the Blessed Virgin, let yourselves be formed and taught by Me and I will reproduce in you My virtues and you will be like Me. And then in you the Holy Will of the Lord will be fulfilled without obstacle, without distortion, without error or deceit, and in your life a vibrant hymn of love will be written by the Lord Himself and your soul will finally be able to rejoice in God and be a partaker of His eternal happiness and glory in Heaven.
To all at this moment, to all who have the devotion to Us Holy Angels, who pray to Our TIME every Tuesday, I faithfully cover with My Wings and bless you in this solemn moment".
After the message of the Angel Saint Juliel last Sunday, January 23, the seer Marcos Tadeu gave the following messages in preparation for the 20th anniversary of the apparitions:
1st message (summarized):
"...the Angel Saint Juliel, besides the message, asked us, in preparation for the anniversary, from here (today) until the anniversary, to make each day a "SMALL ABSTINENCE", for example: one day to stop eating a candy that you like a lot, another day a candy, another day a juice, another day a soda, meat, potato chips, etc... Or if you don't want to eat something that you like a lot, and you don't like it, then each one of you should find in your spiritual creativity a way to sacrifice each day, to make a little ABSTINENCE every day, and what's that for? it's for you to MORTIFY YOUR WISH, what you like the most, what you want the most, it's for you to learn how to let go of your will. And at the same time, to offer in EXPIRATION OF OWN SINS, OF THE SINS OF THE WORLD AND FOR THE CONVERSION OF SINS, so each day you purify spiritually more and more for the anniversary of the apparitions to come, you are much more purified inside of their attachments, their sins and their faults. In addition, the Angel Juliel asked us to meditate on all the messages that we have received until today and to BEIJAR ALL DAYS TO THE HOLY MEDAL OF PEACE that Our Lady revealed here and to RENEW OUR CONSESSIGRATION TO THEM PRAYING THE PRAYERS THAT WERE Taught SAFETY THE MEDAL EVERY DAYS UP TO FEBRUARY 7. In this way he will diminish the power of Satan over us, the freedom he has to influence in our life, in our thoughts, in our feelings and in everything we do, he will also diminish his power in our family, because he will find barriers of the Holy Medal of Peace, of the prayers in our home. and therefore we will feel a greater influx of grace in our soul and in our life, so the Angel asked us all this in preparation for the anniversary of the apparitions, and of course, to continue with the prayers of each day, the Hour of Peace, of St. Joseph, of the Holy Spirit, of the Angels, of the Saints, of the Sacred Heart, and there is also SETENA and TREZENA, because all this prepares us for the feast of the 7th, prepares us for the 13th of every month, prepares us for every Sunday for every time we get here, we are not so cold, so hardened and so obscured by the darkness of sin and apostasy as unfortunately the other people who do not pray the prayers here are, so let's prepare ourselves firmly for the feast of the 7th, which is not just any feast, it is the feast of 20 years, 20 years! ! And it will certainly be a very, very special day of an enormous influx of graces for those who are less unworthy, more prepared and purified to receive these graces... then let's pray and prepare ourselves!
2nd Message (summarized):
"...Our Lady recently asked that we all spread her messages once a month, so this Saturday now, January 29th, there will be no prayer of the 1000 Hail Marys here at the shrine, you must go out and spread the messages in the mailboxes of the houses, it can be leaflets, cds, dvds, etc. If you have already spread the message in your city and it doesn't seem to bear fruit, go to other cities! Don't worry, everyone does their part and Our Lady will do her, even if only one person accepts the messages, one more soul will be saved, so don't be discouraged! spread the word!