Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Message from Saint Alano De La Roche

Dear My Brothers! I, ALANO DE LA ROCHE, am very happy to be with you again and to be able to speak to you manifesting to you once again the will of the Lord and what His loving plan is for you and for you!
Open your hearts to God's love, letting Him come into you, transform you and make you ever more, be the flames of light, be the perfumed vessels of the Lord that exhale to all the perfumes of virtues, of His presence and of His love.
Be the living lukewarm lukewarm of love for the Lord, making known to the whole world how good the Lord is, how sweet to serve Him, how sweet to be in His presence, in His home, in His divine service. And how much only in the Lord is found true peace, true joy, true life for which all men were created. So that all, all without distinction: know the Love of God, surrender yourselves to the Love of God, live in the Love and for the Love of God.
Be the living sugars of the Lord, exhaling for all the perfume of virtues, in the midst of this immense stinking swamp that has become the world, so full of sins, of the disordered love of creatures and of passing things, of indifference, of cold, of the selfishness of so many hearts that no longer love God, not even their neighbor and themselves, giving themselves openly: to the life of sin, to the life of pleasures, to the life of looking at this world alone as the ultimate goal of man. So that your perfume may soar this horrible stench of sin, and so the perfume of grace, of the grace of the Lord, of His Love once more fill the airs, the souls, the hearts, the families, the society, the world, making the grace of the Lord, His Love and His Law shine in it again.
Be the fragrant and lively sugars of the Lord, giving everyone to taste the sweet odor of your life, full of prayer, meditation, searching, thirsting for the divine Word, for your deep, total and complete abandonment, giving yourself unreservedly to the Hands of the Lord. So that everyone, seeing how admirably you live immersed in the transcendence of divine Love, wants to know this love, to find this love, to taste this love, to possess this love. And so, 'divine love' takes the place of earthly and purely carnal love in the hearts of men. And so the world can find its way back to its Creator and Lord who waits with His Arms and the Heart open to save, protect, love and make everyone a partaker of His eternal glory and happiness in Heaven!
Thus, being the living and fragrant Azores of the Lord, you, in the midst of this immense desert that is the world, will be an oasis, an ever living and green garden, which you can offer to all together with the perfume of your holiness, of divine love and of the active grace of the Lord in you, also the water of love, of peace, of the full happiness that the human heart mistakenly seeks in the things of this world. And that only God can give, only God can finally give His children to quench their immense hunger and thirst for Love and Peace.
Thus you will fulfill the mission for which you were born and for which you were created: to bring many souls to the knowledge of the love of God and of His Most Holy Mother, thus increasing in the world and in time the Kingdom of the Lord, the Mastery of the Lord, the Triumph and the Holy Family of the Lord. And then Peace may finally reign among men and on earth.
I, ALANO DE ROCHE, apostle of the Rosary, servant of the Rosary of Mary Most Holy, who received from her those precious promises that you already know well and who was an ardent, intrepid propagator of this saving and certain devotion, certain of salvation, to you again I recommend:
REZE THE ROSARY, to find the strength to renounce your will, to die to yourself and finally to accept the will of the Lord which is always contrary to that of man.
PRAY THE ROSARY to be able to die for the world, to die for the vain glories of this Earth, so that you can love the celestial things, cherish them more than life itself and seek them with all your soul and all your heart above all, before all, every day of your life.
I PROMISE TO PRAY THE ROSARY INVOICE, to reach you with these very high graces, which few ask for, so few possess. But those who possess it, have everything, they lack nothing because they have conquered the world, they have conquered the devil and themselves. And now they live perfectly free, available, docile and immersed in the Love of their Lord and in the Love of their Lord.
I, ALANO DE LA ROCHE, want to lead you to a great, very high holiness. Give me your hands and I will lead you! Meditate deeply on the lessons that the Mysteries of the Most Sacred Rosary hide, because in the Rosary the Treasury is hidden. And those who discover the Treasury will be rich for all eternity. I promise to help you find the Treasury! I will take your hands and your feet and lead you to the Treasury. And then you will become rich from the Treasure of the ROSARY SACRATISTIC, which is a treasure of glory and eternal life, of endless beatitude and which on earth is a treasure of love for the Lord, of love for the cross, of love for humility, of love for holy poverty, of love for holy innocence, of love for heavenly things, of love for virtue and of love for the holy Law of the Lord.
And then, my friends, I promise you: great will be your joy, both on earth and in heaven. And then by my side you will praise and praise together the Lord of our hearts and souls and that most holy Queen Immaculate and sinless, for whom we live and in whom we serve the Lord Jesus each day.
To all of you at this moment, I generously bless you with the blessings of the ROSSIAN SACRATISTIC OF THE MOTHER OF GOD and also the virtues of the Mysteries, Life, Passion, Death and Glorification of the Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mysteries of the Rosary".