Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - Message of St. Caio

Marcos: To always be praised! (Pause) Who is the most beautiful Prince of Heaven?
"-Dear My Brothers! I, CAIO, servant of the Lord, servant of Mary Most Holy, servant of St. Joseph, servant of truth and grace, bless you today and give you peace!
Follow in the footsteps of Christ, on the way of love, on the way of holiness, truth, goodness and grace, making ever more of your life a perfect copy of Christ's life. So that you may thus be a sign of Him and as if a continuation of Him on earth, radiating to all the light of His divine Love, the light of grace that conquers sin, the light of life that conquers death and hellish darkness.
Follow in the footsteps of Christ, making more and more of your life a continual renunciation of yourself, so that you do not follow the inordinate appetites of your passions, of your human and natural inclinations and the search for immediate satisfaction of sensitive pleasures. But that you, truly mortified, dead to yourselves, to the world and to the passing things of this earth, may live ever more in search of divine grace, of holiness, of God's love, of the fulfillment of His Holy Will. And ever more in search of knowing Him, loving Him so that you may be united with Him by the eternal and indissoluble bonds of true love.
Follow in the footsteps of Christ, carrying your cross each day of your life, making ever more of your duty an offering to God, offering to Him all the sufferings for you borne with patience, in an act of atonement for the sins that He is offended and also to beg for the conversion of sinners and wicked people. So that in this way, following in the footsteps of Jesus Crucified, you too, like Him, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, may help to take away the sin of the world and purify the earth from so many evils and make the light of grace, peace and salvation shine for this world.
I followed in the footsteps of Christ, imitating HOLY VIRGIN and SAINT JOSEPH, who were those who followed in the footsteps of Christ with the greatest possible perfection to a pure creature. So that you, following the path they left you with a decisive and firm step, may each day progress more and more in the exercise of all the virtues, in the growth of true love ever more suitable and identical to the mission God has called you to, to which God has called you and ever more like Christ.
Follow in Our footsteps, the footsteps of the Saints, which We leave you as luminous signs so that you may follow and not get lost or miss your path. If you follow in Our footsteps, you will surely reach the house of the FATHER, where He awaits you with His Divine and Eternal Love to make you happy beside Him and in Him forever.
Follow in My footsteps, for I have given My life for CHRIST. I offered myself to Him, to glorify Him with My existence offered entirely in His praise and honor.
Follow in my footsteps and I will lead you safely on the path of holiness and bring you to that indescribable Glory and that incomprehensible Light to all human intelligence, where I live and reign with CHRIST for all eternity.
To everyone at this moment, with loving blessing".