Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Feast of the Mother of God - Mary Most Holy
Message from Our Lady

My beloved children! I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD. I AM THEOTOKOS. I am the one who brought and always brings you CHRIST JESUS true God and true Man. In My Divine Motherhood, I come to you to call you all once again to perfect love for God.
Love the Lord perfectly, giving Him all your heart, with all your affections, with all your will, with your freedom and with your life, with your strength and all the powers of your being, so that everything may serve and glorify the Lord, so that everything may cooperate for the realization of His Fatherly plan over you and that everything may serve for your greatest good, the salvation of your souls and the souls of the whole world.
Love the Lord perfectly, living a life of intimacy with Him: through prayer, through meditation, through reading His Word, through meditation on the Messages of Our Sacred Hearts, through the union and conformation of your life and your will to His Most Holy Will. So that your hearts may beat in the same syntony and rhythm as the pulsations of His Divine Love. So that in this way, totally united to Him, you may truly live a true life in Him and lead many other innumerable souls to also live a true life in the Lord.
Love the Lord perfectly, giving Him your total, unrestricted, eternal 'YES' to His Love, to His Will, to the call that He has made to each of you to follow Him closely, much more closely Here. That your life may always be a continuous 'YES', the imitation of My own life and of My own Mother YES, which brought Him from on high to you and transformed Me into the true Mother of God.
Thus My children, the work of salvation can only be continued and completed in time through you, until the number of the elect whom the Lord wants with Me in His glory is completed. Through you the Kingdom of the Lord will come and be established in all hearts, families and peoples and through your 'YES' as an echo and resonance of My own Mother YES the Will of the Lord will once again be done and His Triumph will be absolute on the face of the earth.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, so that through them I may continue to bring about your conversion and that of many other souls throughout the world.
To all I generously bless this day, LOURDES, BEAURAING and JACAREÍ".