Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy

My children. I am your Mother and I call you to trust in my Love and to give yourself completely to my Immaculate Heart!
How much love and how much trust a little calf has for its mother. has the little kitten for its mother. has the little bunny for its mother! He fears nothing, because he knows that his mother is there beside him and that she will not allow any harm to touch him.
The same trust in My Love I expect from you My children! May you trust in My Love and never be afraid to approach Me, even with your sins and defects; even when your miseries and weaknesses are repeated and their weight is felt on you. Oh, no! I want your hearts to seek Me as soon as possible, so that I may give you My medicine as soon as possible to heal you, before your wounds increase in size and their gravity increases as well.
I want to be with you always in My Arms. No matter what happens to you, no matter how many times you may stumble or fall.
Just like the little child when it hurts its finger on the thorn, or when it cuts itself when it falls, it comes running to its mother to show her the wound and thus receive from its mother not only the medicine that heals the wound, but also the kiss and the hug that comforts and revives the heart; so I want today: to comfort you, console you, encourage you and do this always when your hearts are discouraged, discouraged or downcast by the weight of trials, temptations and difficulties.
When you take My Rosary it is as if you take My Hand! And to each Hail Mary you pray I touch my Hand on your wounds, closing them all with the healing remedy and balm of my Immaculate Heart.
To each Hail Mary I kiss you, I embrace you, I warm you in the fire of my Love! I nourish again your tired and downcast souls and make them strong again, courageous and determined to follow the path of holiness, for the greater honor and glory of the Most High!
You must continue to pray the Rosary every day, because through Him we are plucking many souls from the clutches of Satan and leading them back to the path of the Lord, to the path of Love, to the path of Salvation! Only in Heaven one day will you know all those souls, whom you helped me to rescue with your Rosary.
While you are united to Me by the Rosary I am with you and My enemy has no power over you! If you leave My Rosary I can no longer be united with you and then My enemy will have more power over you and I can no longer help you or defend you as much as I can when you are united with Me in the Prayer that binds Me to you, which is the Holy Rosary! Therefore, My children, remain faithful to this Prayer and I will be faithful to you with My Graces to help you overcome all temptations, suggestions and proposals of My enemy to bring you unharmed, perfect and triumphant in the Glory of Heaven!
To all today I bless you with the immense Graces of my Immaculate Heart!"
Marcos: Beautiful princess of Heaven, who are you?
Message of Saint Helena
"-Marcos, I am Helena, Saint Helena! That today I have come with the Blessed Virgin to bless you, to bless these My brethren in faith and in the Grace of GOD and to pour upon you all the greatest and most immense favors of the Most High!
You know that I was the one who sought the Sacred Cross of Christ in Jerusalem, who recovered it and who recovered so many of the places where Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin lived and so I offered to all Christianity the Relics of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to engrave on your hearts and souls the Cross of the Lord! This Cross that I loved so much and that I did not rest until I found it! I want to engrave this Cross of the Lord in your hearts and in your souls, so that the love of the Cross may be in you and so that you may resist the enticing temptations and suggestions of the Lord's enemy, who in these times constantly seeks to call you and invite you to follow him on the wide and spacious path, easier and more comfortable, but which does not lead to GOD but to the depths of eternal torments!
The way I call you is the way of the Cross! It is the way of suffering yes in this life; supported with patience, hope and trust! It is the narrow path that few choose to follow, but it is the only path that leads to Heaven, that leads to the Lord, that leads to salvation!
The enemy of the Lord seeks at every moment to offer you the glories and vanities of this world, disguised as an apparent good; but behind these appearances of good he hides his fatal poison, with which he wishes to poison your souls and cause them to perish with the rest of the world he brings after him, all poisoned, spiritually dead and spoiled!
I want with My Cloak, I want with My Love to keep you from this terrible temptation and to guide you more and more each day along the path of the True Love of GOD that expresses itself: on the Cross, in Pain, in Suffering, in Trust, in Hope and in the total Consecration of self to the Love of the Lord.
The Lord wants nothing more from you than your Love!
See how His Sacred Heart is burning with Love for you! How He has waited for you until today here! How patiently He has waited for your response, your yes to His Love and how much His Sacred Heart has had to suffer because of your selfishness, your hardness of heart and your slowness to respond to His Love.
See how the Heart of the Blessed Virgin suffered and was covered by deep wounds, caused by your hardness of heart, your wickedness, and your refusal to correspond to Her love and obey Her Will!
How many times have you heard the messages colder and harder than the rocks and drier and more arid than the deserts! And yet this Heavenly Love for you waited, for you kept on fighting, for you kept on searching every day of your life.
No more late! Give yourself to this Love with works, with the total consecration of your life, with the renunciation of your will and with the perfect fulfillment of the Divine will!
See that no one should oppose this Love, not even its weaknesses and miseries, for it is they themselves who have made these Sacred Hearts continue to seek your souls so passionately!
It was these same weaknesses that made these Sacred Hearts United of JESUS, MARIA and JOSÉ continue to walk the Earth and search your hearts minute by minute with such passionate love and it was these same miseries that made Their Hearts beat with burning Love and filled with Mercy, with the desire to save you, to help you and to free you from so much indigence and spiritual misery!
It was your nothingness that attracted these Hearts to you, not your virtues. Oh, no! It was your misery, it was your baseness that attracted the eyes of those Sovereign Kings of Heaven and made them wait standing at the door of your hearts, for so many years waiting for them to open!
Open the door for them, receive them, call them in! Give them not a guest place in your life. Oh, no! Do not give them a guest room, give them the main room, the main room of your lives, so that they may become like the people of your family; people who truly live with you and with whom you are truly united!
Give them your heart. Give them your YES, not this petty and selfish YES that gives the leftovers of time, youth, strength, love to them. Oh, no! Give them all your life, all your love, all your affection and all your heart! And then you will live a true life in GOD, a true life in the United Sacred Hearts, and you will know the happiness of loving them and being loved by them with a Love of special predilection!
The measure of your love for them will be the measure with which, they will communicate to you their love, their grace and their own life, the heavenly sap; so that your souls may then feed on the sap from the trunk and produce the fruits of holiness that the Lord expects from you!
You must have a mature faith! You must have a virile faith! You must have a decisive faith, a ready and energetic faith! This virtue that I possess in heroic degree, I want to communicate to you every day in Prayer if you ask Me, if you turn to Me!
Just as I spared no effort to recover the Lord's Cross and thus the Holy Relics of His Passion. Just as I spared no effort to make the Catholic Faith the Official Faith of My son Constantine's Empire, and while I have not seen this Faith triumph, I have not rested; you too cannot rest until you see the Holy Catholic Faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ triumphing on earth and see in this world the Kingdom of His Most Sacred Heart with the Kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Saint Joseph!
Be brave fighters of the Faith!
Be brave workers of the Faith!
Be brave agents of faith, peace, love and salvation!
Do not sleep now while the sun is shining. Work, work without rest! Work without ceasing! Pray constantly without ever interrupting your supernatural and spiritual union with GOD, keeping your hearts united to GOD, for the mystical union of your souls and for the prayer that springs from life itself, which springs from the depths of the well-dipped spirit, well grounded in GOD!
Soon the night will come and you will no longer be able to work. The time given by the Lord for men to know Him, to love Him, to work for His Glory and for Salvation itself and to work for the salvation of the world will come to an end. Then the Master, the Lord will call each of His servants and give the payment, each one according to his works, according to what he has done and what he has deserved.
And woe to those who sat while others worked!
And woe to them who have sat idly and vagabonds while others have worked the earth of this world and their own soul; planting the seed, watering it, fertilizing it with prayers, sacrifices, and good works, and making it grow by defending these plants, the plant of the soul and the personal sanctification of the weeds and plagues that the enemy sows in the midst of the Lord's field. And thus producing the most beautiful and tasty fruits to please the demanding and very keen palate of the Master, the Lord!
Woe to those who have become idle! To these He will command His Makers, to bind them with feet and hands and throw them into the eternal flames, together with all the straw and weeds that have grown in His field and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for all the centuries!
If you, My Brothers, do not want to have that sad fate, be the laborious bees, be the swift hares that do not stop running everywhere. Be the brave and ardent workers of the vineyard of the Lord who go, who labor and who do not rest until they produce the most beautiful fruits of the field of the Lord, to deliver to Him when He returns.
You will be accused according to the talents you have received from the Lord; he who has received more will have to give back more, he who has received less will have to give back less, but he will have to give back, for this Lord will ask for an account even of the fields he has not sown and even of the Vineyards he has not planted. The more you do not escape from giving an account to this Lord, who has given you so much and who has favored you so much in this Most Sacred Chosen Place of these Apparitions, who is more dear and loved by GOD and His Mother than the rest of the world.
I, Helen, extend to you my Hand! I cast down my ropes, my anchors, so that you may hold on to them. And so, well united, well bound to me, may you follow the path of holiness, which is difficult for those who do not have the Saints by their side, but which is accessible, easy and right for those who have us by their side; for those who copy our examples and virtues, for those who give themselves to our protection and direction, and for those who live very well united to us through true devotion: to us, to the Blessed Virgin, to St. Joseph and to the Lord!
I, Helen, pray the Holy Rosary with you every day, it is I myself who gather every Hail Mary that comes out of your mouth, every luminous globe of Hail Marys that comes out of your mouth, I bring these globes to the presence of the Lord and the Blessed Mother; to present you more luminous, more refulgent, more brilliant, through contact with my own holiness and personal merits, to achieve more effusive, more abundant graces from you: of love, of salvation, of sanctification and Divine help for your souls.
Pray to Me, I will protect you! I will especially protect the concrete Works that you do for the Lord, for I am the Patroness of all those who build for the Lord, who build concrete things for GOD and His Mother on this earth, for those who truly strive to build the Kingdom of the Lord on this earth as He is in Heaven, as He exists and is in Heaven!
I will help you, I will bless your hands so that your work may be more perfect, more effective and more lasting.
As Patron of all GOD's workers and workers, I will make your works, works of life, works of love that remain forever as long as GOD is GOD!
I, at this time, bless you all abundantly".