Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Feast of Corpus Christ - Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My beloved children! My SACRATED HEART blesses you today on this Feast of My SACRATED BODY!
My HEART thanks you for your Prayers of Love, Adoration, Praise and Reparation that you have made to Me here, today, in this Sacred Chapel, in this Elected and Favorite Place of My SACRATISIMO CORACÃO.
And My HEART was truly comforted! Comforted by so many sins with which He is offended daily. Comforted by the abandonment in which so many of My children leave Me today. Comforted by the betrayals of many of My servants, apostles and ministers; who betray Me just as Judas betrayed Me at the Last Supper, at the very moment when I gave My Sacrament of Love to the world, someone who put His Hand with Me on the plate and sat at My Table, had already perpetrated to deliver Me into the hands of My enemies!
How many today betray Me in the same way, giving up My Goods, My Treasures and all that I have left in the world to be plundered and destroyed by the feet of My enemies.
How many crucify Me again, through their life which is a true and aberrant denial of My Love and all that I have taught!
That is why My Heart truly needs to be comforted, because His pain, His loneliness is as atrocious as the one I suffered in the Garden of Olives! Comforted must be My HEART for you My children! May you faithfully obey the Messages of my holy Mother and may you be her little children whom she nourishes, whom she forms, whom she educates and makes grow each day in the safe enclosure of her IMMACULATE HEART! You who are the most viscous flowers in My Mother's Garden and who fulfill all that She says, who cultivate and practice the Christian virtues even when the most intense and painful sacrifice is required of you, you are those flowers that come to take the place of the thorns that pierce My HEART today and make it bleed.
You are the rose buds that My Mother grows each day in the Safe Garden of Her HEART and that She makes grow each day more: in virtues, in Love of GOD, in True Charity, in Conformity to the Holy Will of the LORD and in Perfect Correspondence to His Desires. You are those buttons of perfumed roses that come to take the place of the Crown of Thorns, which My enemies have placed and place unceasingly on My Head: for their sins, for their hatred, for their opposition to Me. And in this way you offer Me immense joy, immense contentment and satisfaction, for seeing that in the Garden of My HEAVEN MOTHER sprouts and grows true flowers of love, fidelity, obedience and sincere desire: to love Me, to console Me, to praise Me and adore Me!
You are these flowers that enchant My Eyes and that replace My Blood Tears with true smiles of joy! So you must continue to be. You must continue to be for the true joy of My HEART. And in this way you will form around Me the most perfect cut of love, affection and true and sincere affection that I hope to receive from you all.
Each day more and more try to conform your will, with the will of My SACRED HEART; renouncing yourselves and what you want most, your attachments; for otherwise I will never be united with you and I will never be able to establish in you: My Resting Home, My Resting Garden and My Palace of Love!
Only when your hearts are Mine, without any shadow of opposition or rivals, will My SACRED HEART truly reign in you and truly take over all your life, transforming it, already, into a foretaste of Heaven on Earth for the perfect union of your souls with Me.
What My Sacred Heart seeks is Love. Perfect Love. But it does not find it in any soul. Just as I asked the Samaritan woman for water by saying ":- Give me a drink! The same I say to you today: Give Me to drink! Give Me to drink at the well of your love. Give me drink at the fountain of your pure, sincere and faithful Love! Give Me to drink at the well of your heart full of true works of Love, which I prove your faith, your love and your obedience to My voice!
Do not be a well without water, because I say to you: -The soul that is a well without water and that I thus find it when I return, this soul, I say to you, I will cast out of My presence and she who has left Me passing thirsty. Be of her love during her life here on earth, this soul will be condemned to the eternal thirst of Me in hell. And this thirst for love, peace, grace and salvation that she will suffer there will never be quenched or extinguished, because those eternal flames will renew for ever and ever her thirst for salvation, grace and peace without anyone ever quenching it!
The soul that does not give Me the bread of its love here on Earth, this soul will be condemned to eternal hunger**, to the eternal absence of Me and My Love in the hellish flames from which it will never be able to escape!
That is why, my children, I ask you: be wells filled with water, with water of love, with water of true correspondence and obedience to my commandments. And then in Heaven I will give you to take a Fountain of Living Water: of My Love, of My Delicacies, of the knowledge of My Sacred and Most High Mysteries for all Eternity, and then you will never be again!
Whoever drinks from Me, whoever eats from Me will live forever! I will live in this soul and We will be one for centuries, for centuries in Love.
I don't care about your miseries! I don't care about your defects! Little by little I will burn them all in the Flames that come out of My Sacred Heart, if you give yourselves completely to Me and are totally docile to My will and to My Divine Blessing.
To all today I bless you abundantly through My Holy Mother and through My FATHER SÂO JOSEPH, pouring upon you the copious blessings of My SACRED HEART".
*** Note: Eternal hunger and thirst***
Clarification of the Seer Marcos Thaddeus about what JESUS said in His Message about the eternal hunger of souls who deny Him the bread of love here on Earth, the eternal thirst of souls who deny Him the water of their love here on Earth will suffer there in the infernal flames.
"Whoever goes to hell does not thirst for GOD, does not desire GOD. The hunger that the condemned suffer in hell is eternal hunger, hunger for eternal damnation, hunger for tender damnation, hunger for eternal solitude, hunger for eternal separation from GOD, hunger for eternal love. There the soul will suffer the hunger of death, that is, it will wither for ever and ever: without love, without consolation, without any hope of one day it can unite with GOD, love GOD or even leave that place of torment, in the company of those terrible demons that torment.
This is the hunger that JESUS spoke of in today's Message: that every soul who denies him the bread of his love, the water of his love, will suffer in this life.
They love everyone! But JESUS and OUR LADY do not! They are good and helpful to everyone, but not to JESUS and OUR LADY! There is time for everyone, not for them! There is strength, health, youth courage, will for everything! Not for them. They dedicate their lives to serve everyone, but not to them!
Those souls who deny them the bread of their love, the water of their love in this life, in the next, will suffer for all ages the eternal hunger the eternal thirst in the fire of hell. And there will be no one to quench it; for they will suffer eternal hunger and thirst for all ages in eternal damnation, eternal and irreparable separation from the only Source of Love that can quench the human soul.