Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

My little children, I am your Mother and throughout all these years I have pointed out to you the way of salvation. But many have preferred to follow their own paths. For this reason, the world has been filled with corruption, evil, injustice, sin, violence and the darkness of errors and hardness of heart.
This prayer, at the same time intense, SIMPLE and that you can make anywhere, at any time and in any way to then attain from the Lord His grace, His Mercy, His Love.
My Rosary prayed at any time, anywhere and in any situation where you find yourself, is the link of love that unites you with me and with God and that makes the graces and the influences of the Divine life itself be transmitted to you. In this way My children, through the Rosary, I can console you, I can help you, I can protect you, I can defend you, I can carry you in My arms at any time and in any place.
Pray My Rosary! To the Rosary I have given all my graces, I have told you here many, many times!
Trust in Him! Trust in this prayer that I myself came from Heaven to give and teach my son Dominic of Gusmão. This prayer of which I spoke, I recommended, I taught to all My saints. my little daughter Bernadette, Catherine Labouré and many and many of My servants.
It is through this prayer that I will save you, that I will lead you, that I will introduce you to the eternal dwellings one day, My children. Trust in My Love, trust in My Heart.
When you suffer, I am not far from you; on the contrary, I am as close to you as I was to my son Jesus at the height of Calvary. When you are suffering, when you are on the cross it is not at the foot of the ordeal that I find myself, oh no! It is at the foot of the ordeal, well together, well embraced to your cross. And just as I remained with my son until the end with you, so will I remain. And just as in the resurrection and victory of My Son, there I was with Him, also at the moment of your triumph, I will be with you to crown you with the crown you will deserve for your trust, for your prayer, for your perseverance, for your love and for your patience.
To all, My children, I bless you abundantly from Caravaggio, from Oliveto Citra and from Jacarei".