Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

Dear children. I am your Mother, and I have presented myself here as RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, to bring Peace and the Messages of Peace to your hearts!
May nothing disturb your peace! May nothing disturb the peace of your hearts! May nothing disturb the peace of the world!
Pray, to defend and to preserve peace, first of your hearts then in your home and then throughout the world.
Without the Prayer the Peace does not last long, because Satan seeks at every moment, through atheists, sinners who do not believe in GOD, to destroy your peace, to destroy peace in your families and to destroy peace in the World, he uses those who have no love for GOD, nor for Me, to destroy your peace and to make your future a nightmare of destruction and suffering.
Pray then, to defend peace! Offer renunciations of what you love most, so that peace may be defended by the Grace of the Lord, by the holy angels and by the supernatural power of your prayer!
Believe that your Prayer can do everything with the LORD, it can do wonders in this world, even in those distant places, where you cannot reach and where you by your human limitation cannot reach!
Where your feet cannot reach, your Prayer can; your Rosary prayed in union with Me can!
Where your hands cannot reach and where you cannot act to change things; your Prayer made with Me and through Me can change everything!
I invite you therefore, to burn even more your souls of trust in Prayer and in My Word and in this way, together; let us defend peace, let us defend good, let us defend justice for the good, for souls fearing GOD who suffer in this world!
In this way My children, you will help Me greatly to establish in the world the Kingdom of My IMMACULATE HEART, My Kingdom of Love, so that all tears may be wiped away and the World may finally reach true and lasting PEACE!
To all of you today I bless you: from FÁTIMA, from LOURDES, from MONTICHIARI and from JACAREÍ".