Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 25, 2008
( Caravaggio's Anniversary Celebration)
Revelation of the Hour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - every Friday at 9:00 in the evening.

Message of Mary Most Holy
"-My children. Today, when you contemplate Me in My APPARITION in CARAVAGIO, my little daughter GIANNETTA VACCHI and you already celebrate this event; I again invite you to 'True Love' that pleases GOD.
Imitate my little daughter GIANETTA and her love, in their readiness, in all that I say in My Messages! Imitate. my seers, my saints, who in their whole life: have loved me, have served me; without putting any restriction or condition in their love for me!
Follow Me on the road of Holiness. on the road of Love. on the road of Perfection! Try to have all the virtues in you, so that your souls may not be a swamp where only death reigns. But may your souls be a garden; where every flower grows, opens, blossoms and exhales the heavenly perfume of GOD's Grace!
I invite you, from now on, to pray more, that the 2nd WORLD PENTECOST may be hastened, and that my IMMACULATE HEART may triumph as soon as possible, purifying and renewing this world.
Do not doubt for a moment My children! My HEART will triumph! And this society will even become pagan again, contrary to GOD and His Word; it will DISAPPEAR to give way to the new humanity, the new society where I will be the Absolute Queen, and where GOD will once again be Adored, Served and Loved as in the Principle of Creation, when there was no sin!
My HEART will triumph, believe it or not! Expect it from men or not! My IMMACULATE HEART will finally be Lord of all souls and of all hearts.
To hasten this Triumph My beloved Marcos, I want to ask for something new:
I want you to do for these My children "THE TIME OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS" every Friday at 9:00 PM.
This TIME you will include the Adoration of the Holy Cross, which on Fridays should always be done by My Children, with love!
You may put in this HOUR of PRAYER, the Rosary of the SACRED HEART; or the Rosary of the PASSION; or the Rosary of the SANTAS CHAGAS; or the Rosary of DIVINE MERCY; this I leave to your taste.
Then you will place a Message from My Divine Son JESUS CHRIST, given in these Apparitions.
You will also place before the Rosary, 10 minutes of meditation, so that My children may truly plunge into the Ocean of Mercy and Grace of My Son JESUS!
You will intersperse with Adoration, intersperse with Prayers of Reparation and Atonement. And finally, with a brief Consecration to the SACRED HEART of my Son.
In this way you will give the HEART OF JESUS, great Glory, great Praise and great Reparation! And with this very powerful Prayer, you will accelerate the TRIUMPH OF OUR UNITED HEARTS around the world!
I know that you will make Me more of this great Work, for which and this place will be raised to a dignity without peer in the whole world. And with this great Work, know, My son, the TRIUMPH OF THE SACRED HEART of My SON united to MY, prophesied from Paray-Le-Monial to the present day, will surely come true! I promise you!
Go My beloved and dearest son, to whom I can entrust and entrust great tasks, for I know that I will never be disappointed!
Go, do what I tell you and you will see. how the HEART of my DIVINE SON will bring down a flood of MERCY, upon you and upon the whole world.
Marcos peace".