Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, May 19, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

My children, I pick up every word you say when you pray the HOLY ROSARY and Our prayers. And I transform them into abundant Graces of Salvation for many souls!
Continue with these prayers, for they are saving many souls every day. I am together with MARIA the Mirror of Justice! Look to Me and you will have this virtue. Seek it in Me and you will find it! Ask of Me and I will give it to you!
This virtue makes the soul fit for the service of the LORD and makes it pleasing to Him, making it walk the paths of righteousness and Perfect Union with the LORD!
With this virtue the soul gives to GOD what is His and to one's neighbor what is due to him, for love of GOD!
I have practiced this virtue perfectly! Through My HOUR OF PRAYER, I will give it and teach everyone who does it.
Marcos peace. Peace My children".
Marcos: Then he spoke to me particularly, blessed me and disappeared.
That was the only public Message this week, all the others were private.