Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Message of the Divine Holy Spirit

I am the giver of life. Whoever does not believe in Me lives in death.
I am life. Whoever does not believe in Me, even though he is alive, wastes away and dies.
I am the water of life. Whoever does not drink Me will die eternally.
He who comes to Me and drinks of Me, has eternal life!
The vessel which I pour out and give myself to drink to souls is THE VIRGIN MARY, My Mystical Wife.
The only clean, pure and crystalline cup in which I can pour Myself and in which you can drink Me and receive Me into your souls, is THE VIRGIN MARY!
Do not come to Me, therefore, with the contaminated cups of your souls, full of sins.
If you come to Me through MARY and with Her, pour Myself so abundantly into you, until My Grace overflows into your souls.
MARY alone is enough:
Pure, to receive Me;
Good, to possess Me;
Holy, to keep Me;
Immaculate, to look upon Me;
Worthy, to speak to me;
Faithful, not to lose Me;
Great, to contain Me;
Tall, to reach me;
Small, to hide myself in her;
Luminous, to shine in her;
Loyal, to deserve Me!
Come therefore to Her, and you will come to Me. If you come to me without her, I will never come to you.
I am the impetuous wind that no creature can encompass or contain.
I come to blow on you so hard until I push you forward, until you reach the summit of holiness!
I come to move you forward and even to drag you out of the lethargic point where you lie and even to break the bonds of your personal attachments until you are light enough that I lift you up, lift you up, and carry you to the summit of holiness so that I may be pleased in you and you in Me.
Oh! Do not resist Me!!! Do not delay!!! Do not listen all the time without ever coming to know.
Come, for I want to breathe in My sanctifying breath and pour the streams of My Love into you!
Renounce your attachments and sins, one by one, and you will see that My Arms will approach you and yours to Me. At each renunciation I will strengthen the bonds between you and Me until we become one!
Peace, Marcos, My favorite Messenger and target of My Love!
Peace to all! My beloved ones.