Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, I bless you all today with the effective graces of my Immaculate Heart.
Follow the path of self-denial; and you will find true peace!
Follow the path of detachment from yourselves; and you will find true happiness!
Understand, little children, that happiness, peace, and fullness of joy are not in you and do not come from you, but only from GOD!
But in order for Him to give this fullness to the soul, He demands that the soul be willing to sacrifice everything for love of Him; so that her GOD, the only object and only end of the soul, may the LORD truly reign in her and thus pour upon her the fullness of peace, happiness and joy that only spring from the mystical and supernatural presence of GOD!
You must therefore, My children, be willing to the sacrificial love that GOD wants and expects from you all!
In everything in your life, do not seek that which gives you more taste, but that which contradicts your sensitive delight. Do not give yourself that which satisfies your hearts the most; but that which mortifies your sensitive appetite for pleasure, satisfaction and compensation.
In this way your senses will close to all that is ephemeral and miserable, to finally open yourselves to that which is truly rich, eternal and immutable!
Message of Saint Ursula
"- Dear Brothers in Christ, in Mary and Joseph! I, URSULA, bless you today with the Mother of GOD and give you peace!
I love you very much and I want to help you achieve holiness, especially this year. For this, put on the weapons of faith and the will decided by GOD, so that you can follow the path that Heaven points out to you and invites you to follow.
For the journey of holiness, which is long, which is difficult; you must carry neither a purse, nor a sandal, nor a cloak, that is; you must strip yourselves of what you are still attached to and which still draws you and pulls you down!
So that then you can truly look and seek things from above.
With my powerful help I will lead you, just as I led my companions, to the perfect holiness that GOD desires of you!
I shed my blood for Christ, it was a great honor for Me! But you, the holiness GOD wants from you; this is what is taught and proposed to you here in these Apparitions, not elsewhere!
The state of holiness which the Most Sacred Hearts call you here is the best form of holiness, chosen by Heaven itself! By GOD Himself! By the very Sacred Hearts, for you of these times, of this region, of this country, of this world!
Follow these Messages! Follow these teachings! Be docile to the direction that is given to you here!
Be obedient to these commands that are given to you here, and you will arrive at the best form of holiness that you could arrive at on this earth!
Even if you lived 1000 years, seeking holiness on your own and even if you had achieved it on your own, you would not give GOD and THE SAVED HEARTS the glory you could give; renouncing your way of seeing, wanting and doing, in order to follow their orders and will here in these Apparitions.
If you choose the best part, I assure you: It will not be taken from you.
Be brave fighters of the faith! Fight, even more for the cause of GOD, of the Holy Virgin and of HEAVEN in these apparitions.
Continue, fighting always, for the prayer, the messages that you hear here and the truth that is given to you here; it contains in itself a light that the darkness of the world cannot bring through!
Therefore, follow, courageous soldiers of CHRIST and MARY; praying, spreading peace, spreading conversion and the perfume of holiness, all over the earth. So that the nauseating smoke of the great infernal dragon[1] may be finally dispelled and shine on the world the light and odor of the Grace and Triumph of GOD and of the SACRED UNITED HEART.
Continue with all the prayers given to you here, because by them you will overcome all obstacles and will surely reach that eternal 'Crown of Glory' which the Mother of GOD makes with her Immaculate Hands for you in Heaven.
Pray, trust, wait. And you will see the Triumph of GOD's Grace. Peace, Marcos! I bless you, my beloved".
1] Nauseabunda: disgusting