Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. I am the Lady of the Rosary and the Assumption. I bless you all today on this wonderful day.
Have My children, much veneration for My Glorious Body here present from which come down to you so many blessings, so many lights and so much peace. All this rich meditation of today must be guarded, meditated on and, above all, passed on to others by all of you with all love.
How salutary it is to meditate on eternal life. How salutary it is to meditate on the "very new of man", to meditate on the eternal destiny of man and the happiness for which man was created.
The human being was not created to be a slave to the things of the earth nor to give himself up to them to sin.
The human being was created to enjoy the infinite happiness of God in Heaven. To be with Him eternally sharing in His glory of His grace of joy, for ever and ever.
The human being is in this world, to learn to love the Lord with perfect love, for this they must live continually renouncing themselves to their own will. dying to themselves, that is, mortifying themselves.
The human being must live in continual penance, incessant fervent prayer, CONTINUOUS AND PERSEVERANT SURVEILLANCE because his enemies. the devil. THE WORLD with its people and creatures and the Flesh at every moment will try to bring it down and drag it to perdition.
If the human being, does not live constantly garrisoned and "framed" of his enemies soon, falls and perishes.
This is why he must always have the lamp of faith, of the love of VIGILANCE of meditation and constancy burning in his soul.
The way the devil most deceives the human being is the way of appearances, that is, the human being often wants good, so the devil presents him with something, with the shape and appearance of good but in truth, it is evil . and then the human being deceives himself and follows the false path.
This is how it happens in human relationships, in human attachments, in dealing with the things and creatures of the century and most of the time in the business of the mundane.
So that the soul, which is of the Lord, who wants to be his true son, is not deceived by the appearance of good, must be continually with its eyes fixed on Me.
Always imitating My virtues and always distrusting everything that seems to be good but which takes peace from the heart, disturbs the peace and serenity that always accompany things from Heaven.
This serenity that always accompanies the works of God is felt in the Holy Doctrine that teaches men the way of penance, of renouncing the prayer of personal contempt and mortification and not in those things that often flatter man, magnify, excite his passions, his pride and the greed of life seeking in this way to give the soul poison in a glass of juice.
In this way the soul is able to identify what comes from heaven from the devil and the flesh.
That is why I come from Heaven, forever putting you on guard My children, forever leaving you stationed and vigilant against your enemies because they are fierce and plot your eternal perdition at every moment.
They want to drag as much as possible along with them and that is why I fight every day in My apparitions to stop them, to annihilate their plans and to keep safe, firm and constant My true children born of My tears of blood and My sorrows.
I have the mission to keep for the Lord a faithful people, a faithful flock, a crown of souls faithful to His love, to the truth, to His Grace, to His Law. And that is why I am here in this noble and holy mission.
That is why, little children, turn your eyes to My Glorious Body today and you will never deceive yourself, you will never err, you will never take false shortcuts that will not take you to Heaven, but to the abyss.
With your eyes fixed on Me LIGHTY STAR from Heaven, your steps will always be firm, sure and secure and you will triumph over your enemies.
I will place upon your head the crown of eternal life on the day of rewarding the good and punishing the evil. On the day of retribution, I want to have you all together crowned with me as heroes, as saints, as souls who knew how to renounce themselves, who knew how to mortify themselves, who knew how to penance themselves, who knew how to pray, who knew how to love, who knew how to suffer, who knew how to wait until they achieved victory.
In this way My children, you will give me holy joy, contentment and satisfaction and you will also give honor and perfect glory to the Most High The Almighty.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you here that it is through them that I will mold you as saints, as heroes, as seraphim of love. Continue to dry my Tears with them and always be constant in meditation of the Messages, of my life. And imitate this, MY VIRTUES.
To all today, with great love, I bless".