Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, my Immaculate Heart wishes that you all have true and holy love in you and that it grow each day more towards the infinite. to God our Lord!
You should always pay more attention so that your corrupted "I" never stains in your souls the works, prayers and intentions with which you desire to serve God our Lord.
Often the corrupted "I" disguises itself as selfless love, but in the end, it is he who still moves the soul to pray, to do penance, to help others and to cultivate religion within itself.
Oh no My children! You must have pure and unselfish love. Fight it with fervent prayers, with self-denial and, above all, by joyfully embracing the mortification of your own self.
Accept the most painful works.
Accept the humiliations.
Accept the forgetfulness and contempt of other human beings.
Accept the most onerous and unpleasant tasks.
Accept all that is difficult and bitter with joy and love, for then My children, always accepting the thorns and the cross your own self will be mortified and die. and then your rebellious, unworthy, self-interested will finally be vanquished and annihilated in good unselfish. For selfless love. By selfless faith and the desire for holiness that seeks only to please and content God.
In order for you to make spiritual progress in holiness you must, My children, embrace the YELLOW ROSE, the rose of penance. Only in this way can you grow in holiness so that your "I" will disappear so that Christ will show himself in his place. You will do as John the Baptist did, saying: I must diminish so that He, Christ, may grow!
Yes, for Christ to grow and occupy your whole soul, your own "I" must diminish and disappear. Until your "I" diminishes and disappears, until your own will, your disordered attachments continue to take up all the space of your souls, Christ will not be able to grow and take up all your heart.
Therefore, little children, I invite you to imitate me.
I, though Holy and Immaculate Conception, always had myself as the last of sinners.
I considered myself to be the most vile beast and I always tried to mortify myself by renouncing all that I could in order to leave the temple of my soul fully prepared, adorned, perfumed and DISCOUNTED for my Lord.
It is true that because of my Immaculate Conception I never had any desire, impulse or disordered inclination in Myself, but this did not prevent me from also voluntarily renouncing in My full freedom all the things of the world and embracing freely and spontaneously My will, the works, the pains, the humiliations, the forgetfulness, the sufferings, the POVERTY, the persecution and finally the cross.
For this reason little children, if you want to follow Me on the path of holiness, follow My examples, imitate My virtues! Follow Me in the mortification of yourself and then you will truly follow Me on the path of true holiness that pleases and contends the Most High immensely.
I give you Peace. Stay in My Peace My children. Peace to you Marcos, most beloved of mine!"