Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, my most loving and most pure Heart, blesses you now in this instant and casts rays of love on you. rays of light. rays of grace. rays of blessings. rays of peace.
"...Dear children, pray full of faith and trust in your hearts. My children, when you pray, ask the Eternal Father for the graces you need for soul and body in the name of Jesus, Mary and in my name. For our merits. Then the Eternal Father, in virtue of our merits, will grant you the graces. I remind you that the graces for the soul, these, the Eternal Father will certainly grant them to you without delay. But the graces for the body, the Father will not always grant them to you because what you ask is not always for your good and for your Salvation. In fact, sometimes many things you ask for will take you away from God instead of approaching him and sanctifying yourself. Therefore, graces for the body will not always be granted. Then your prayers will be applied to yourselves by giving you other graces, which will be applied to the souls in purgatory and to other souls for their conversion. My most loving Heart wants you to live constantly in prayer. If you only knew, my children, how many souls still need to be converted. If you knew how many souls are condemned every day and fall into the fire of hell, you would pray non-stop for nothing. So pray! Pray hard! Pray as much as you can. Prayer is the greatest force in the world! The man who prays is the most powerful because with prayer he can change the course of events, he can prevent many wars, he can achieve the conversion of sinners, he can achieve peace. With prayer you achieve all the graces of God, even those that your merits do not achieve, because if you ask the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus, Mary Most Holy and in My name, then you achieve these graces. With prayer you will be able to overcome everything: your defects, your weaknesses, miseries, sins, vices, and everything in you that is contrary to the Lord our God. With prayer, you become strong as an army in battle order. Therefore, make My hour of prayer every Sunday, at nine o'clock at night. In this hour, which is totally dedicated to me, I correct you, I form you, I strengthen you, I enlighten you, I fill you with new strength. I fill you with new courage, I fill you with new holy desires. I give you the necessary spiritual strength so that you can then fight bravely for your conversion, fighting the good fight, which means fighting your bad inclinations, your corrupted will, your corrupted self, your disordered desires, your earthly attachments so that all your powers, all the faculties of your souls and of your being only want what God wants, only love what He loves and only do what God wants you to do.
Through my hour of prayer, I make you like me, becoming pure, obedient, docile, and ready in the service of the Lord as I have always been. I give you my prudence, I communicate my wisdom to you, I cast light upon your understanding, so that you may understand what is wrong with you, what is wrong with you, and what needs to be improved and converted in you. Through My hour I fill your hearts with love, with peace, so that you may love God with all purity of intention, with all strength of heart, with all energy of your soul. During My hour I fill your souls with profound peace so that you can pass through the tribulations and sufferings of daily life with total peace, with total serenity and unshakeable trust in God, in his providence, and in the maternal love of Mary who watches over you at every moment and who does not forget any of you.
During my hour I carry out in your hearts transformations in profound areas of your being, changing your desires, changing your pendants and inclining you to God and His Most Holy Will. I touch your wounds! I heal them, I heal your spiritual wounds. These wounds are acquired in the fight against the devil, against the world, against temptations, against the enemies of the Lord. Wounds that are often open in your souls, given to living with the people of the world full of coldness, hardness and rebellion against God our Lord. I then close these wounds by pouring over them the balsam of my love, of my sweetness, of my goodness. And during my hour, above all, I review them with my graces and virtues so that then, more strengthened and more immersed in my love and my own grace, you may love, serve and obey God and be for the world a sign of my presence, my love and my mercy for him. Therefore, children, continue always ahead with my hour, making it known, loved and prayed for by all, so that then I may extend my great work of conversion, my great work of salvation and sanctification to the souls of my children farthest from me. I bless you all today and give you the assurance of my love and my peace.