Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, great is the love of God who has chosen you! And for great things this love has chosen you. Do not be negligent! Do not be cowardly, my children! Fight the 'good fight' of daily conversion with courage and determination. Don't be content with just praying: you have to be saints!!! You must make all the virtues grow in you if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Fight the good fight, fighting against your faults. Seeking to be better. Seeking to overcome your corrupted nature. Seeking to bend your will to the will of God, so that in you the will of the Most High may be fulfilled and happen.
It is time for the light of faith to shine on all the earth. Take faith where it has been extinguished. Take faith and light the flame of faith where it has never, never been born, where it has never been lit. Take the love of God, the love of my Divine Son, the love of me to all the corners of the earth. Be true apostles! Be true children of mine who fight the darkness with the light of love, with the light of prayer, with the light of truth, with the light of penance, with the light of courage!
I told you that as soon as you begin to pray the first Hail Marys of the Holy Rosary, hundreds of demons soon fall prostrate like flies killed by insecticides. And so it is true my children. This is the great power of the Holy Rosary! This happens with demons and, on the other hand, when you pray the Holy Rosary, a huge crowd of souls like a swarm of bees come out of purgatory and fly to the sky. Today, with the Rosary and the prayers you made here, I freed FOURTH MILLIONS OF PURGATORY SUMMERS and I will take them now, at the end of the Apparition, with me to heaven. You must pray full of faith, love and perseverance, certain that every day in various parts of the world, I convert different hearts. That is why I want to ask: Pray more! SPEAK LESS AND PRAY MORE ROSARIES. SPEAK LESS AND PRAY MORE! SPEND LESS TIME ON VAIN THINGS AND PRAY MORE ROSARIES FOR THE SALVATION OF MORE SOULS.
I am the Lady of the Rosary and the one who prays my Rosary with love and piety every day, the one who IMITATES MY VIRTUES, the one who puts into practice the lessons that the mysteries of the Rosary contain, the one who will not perish! He will not know the eternal fire. You must strive to be better every day. The prayer of the Holy Rosary is the favorite prayer of my Heart. And it is the one that has the most power to increase the true love in your hearts.
It is the most effective prayer to increase perfect love. It is the most effective prayer to receive the strength, the energy necessary to overcome your will, renounce it and do God's will. With the prayer of the Rosary, you will always be able to say "NO" to your impulses, desires and wills, and you will be able to have your spirit decided, to always say "YES" to what the Lord wants from you. To what I desire from you in our Messages. With the prayer of the Rosary you will be strong! With the prayer of the Rosary you will have in you an armour, a breastplate and an unbreakable shield with which you will overcome every kind of temptation, every kind of evil, you will overcome all trials and reach victory, you will reach heaven, you will reach salvation!
Read the heavenly word every day! Meditate on it! Correspond to the love that God has shown you and has healed you with these Messages. Try to be more intimate with me and with the Lord by reading our Messages, meditating on our Messages. Be silent a few moments after you have read some Messages so that then our word can act in you. May it take root in you, may it enlighten your soul, may it dispel the darkness of your ignorance by making you see your sins. May it make you see your souls full of spiritual wounds. May it make you see how far behind you still are on the path to holiness. And then pray! And then after you pray, try to keep that word within you by thinking about it often during the day and begging the angels and the saints to help you to be holy and able to fulfill my words.
Then you will be truly pleasing in the eyes of the Lord and each day you will become more beautiful. You will become more pure. You will become holier and more pleasing in the eyes of the Lord like flowers that grow, bloom and show all their beauty and beauty. I pray for you every day. Continue to dry my tears, our tears, with your prayers. Meditate again on the Message that my children RITA and BENEDITO gave you here. Listen to them again. Read them again if you can, so that then my children, the heavenly word may produce in you abundant fruits of love and holiness. Peace."
Message of Saint Joseph
"-...I Joseph, I bless you and tell you: continue to make My hour every Sunday at nine o'clock at night. During my Holy Hour, I visit purgatory and free many souls from that devouring fire and lead them with me to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. I also travel the earth touching different hearts so that they may open themselves and welcome our love. I hurry to spread our messages, to spread our apparitions. Above all, pray more intensely during this month of July the TERRY OF THE BLOODS, begging that the blessed tears of Mary may fall on souls and raise up new propagators of Her Messages, new instruments and apostles for Her Immaculate Heart. I bless you all. I bless you all.