Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Announcement Party
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. Today you contemplate Me in the Mystery of the Annunciation, the Incarnation and my FIATof my YESto the will of the LORD.
I answered "YES" always! I have been an eternal "YES" of LOVE to my GOD and LORD! Just as I gave my "YES", fruit of my TRUE and IMMENSE LOVE for my GOD, I wish that you too, my Children, give your "YES" that is fruit of 'true love' to GOD OUR LORD.
Love GOD. Love Him sincerely. Love Him truly. When I say truly love GOD, I say obey the MESSAGES and WORDS OF GOD out of love, without seeking yourselves, that is, seeking your interests and desires in your treatment and relationship with GOD.
Love GOD! Obey Him for love! Why does HE deserve to be loved! Because HE deserves to be obeyed! Because HE deserves to be corresponded for all your love, with all your love! With all your soul! With all your strength! And with all your intelligence and your understanding!
Love GOD, How I have loved Him! Imitate me in My LOVE to GOD and you will have the Peace and Happiness of GOD's Friendship in your lives!
Love GOD as I have loved him! And you will have in your souls the light of GOD's presence, Friendship, Company and Grace always present and always working.
Love GOD as I have loved him and give me your "YES" today. Renew your consecration to GOD!
Renew your consecration to ME as slaves of love today!
Renew your "YES"! So that it may always be perennial and so that it may be the light that illuminates you, that illuminates your souls and that illuminates your daily journey.
To all of you today, my children, I bless you. Particularly to those who greet me every day with the Angelus prayer, and particularly to all those who on March 25th of each year always remember me and always honor me with special love, prayers, supplications and praise.
I bless all My children who sincerely want Me. Who sincerely serve Me. Who sincerely obey Me. Who sincerely seek Me.
Continue to dry MY PRAYERS with all the prayers that I have given you and sent you here.
I bless all who pray MY ROSARY every day and who always greet the Mystery of the Annunciation and Incarnation of GOD in ME in the 1st Joyful Mystery.
I bless all My true children who are always with Me, who do not abandon Me in My Apparitions! Who recognize the Great Gift and Value of My physical presence here! Presence that in other places and in the houses there is not!
I bless My Children who never lack My APPARITIONS, and who make every sacrifice and effort to be close to MY HEART, so that I may dispose of them as I so desire, and so that they may always be here attentive to MY DESIRING, to MY Sorrow, to MY LANGUAGES to console me promptly and without delay!
I bless all My children who, like true angels, never leave My sight.
To all PEACE".