Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear children of mine, dear children! I love you very much!
LOVE never gets tired, LOVE will last forever. The soul that truly loves us, that loves my holy MOTHER, that loves my SAINT JOSEPH FATHER, that loves my Eternal FATHER, that loves the HOLY SPIRIT, that loves ME, that loves my SACRED HEART. this soul seeks us! It seeks us! It loves us! and the more it loves us the more it desires to love us, it never tires of giving itself for Our LOVE, for the LOVE of Our HOLY CAUSE.
The soul that has LOVE for US does not measure sacrifices, does not measure efforts to please us and to please us more each day. When a soul loves us, it does not pray for obligation or duty, nor does it even pray only to obtain spiritual or temporal graces. The soul that loves us prays because it is Our will that she prays, she prays because she knows that prayer is LOVE that goes up to Heaven, she prays because she knows that prayer is the best way to love us and to glorify us, to give us joy and contentment. This is why the soul prays, although one must ask for the grace of Final perseverance and Eternal Salvation of the Soul, not even the soul who loves us prays for this. She loves us above her own salvation and prays more because she knows that prayer makes us happy and pleases us than for her salvation itself.
The soul that loves us looks at all that is relative to US with LOVE, and treats all that refers to OUR SACRED HEARTS with LOVE. That's why the soul that loves us never forgets to pray for what is ours. It never forgets to pray for Our seers, because they are ours! Never forget to pray for this Shrine, because it is Ours! Never forget to pray for Our Messages, because they come from Us! He never stops praying for the salvation of souls, because it is our desire that they be saved!
The soul never stops fighting! to spread Our Messages! to work for Our Holy Cause! Because it knows that this is Our will and it will give us joy.
Because of this the soul that loves us forgets itself, forgets its will, forgets what it wants, to think about what we want, what we desire.
The soul that has "TRUE LOVE" for US, takes care of Our interests, takes care of what is Ours because it knows that this gives Us immense joy and consolation.
The soul that truly loves us is always ready to serve us, no matter the time of day or night, no matter the day of the week or year, no matter where she is and where WE ask her to go, she does everything for LOVE for our greatest joy.
Ah! How beautiful are the souls who love! Ah! How beautiful are the souls that have the "PERFECT LOVE"! They are like luxurious flowers, flowers that with their perfume attract us to her. They are beautiful and luxurious flowers that enchant Our eyes. They are fragrant flowers of splendorous beauty that cheer Our Sacred Hearts and diminish the great sadness we feel, for seeing all the humanity that doesn't know how to love Us, that doesn't have the "TRUE LOVE" for US that is insensitive and more rough than the stones, than the rocks.
Ah! My Children! How beautiful are the souls who have the "PERFECT LOVE". They never say no to Us, they always say yes!
How beautiful are the souls that have the "PERFECT LOVE"! They don't expect Us to call them twice, already the first time they hear Our call, they answer YES and then they sustain that YES obeying us in everything!
The soul that loves us does not obey us or serve us only for a day, a week, a month or a year. but all life. All of life! And she doesn't offer us LOVE just for today, but promises LOVE for all life, even if she may still slip, stumbling in her weakness. But she soon gets up, looks at US with confidence and moves on. Because LOVE. LOVE never gets discouraged. LOVE never gets tired. LOVE can't stand to be far from the Loved One, that is; from Our SACRED Hearts. Even if the soul has sinned, it knows that it saddens Us and hurts Us. But neither this, nor even the sins themselves, does it use as an excuse to stay far away and away from US. Oh no! The souls who "TRUELY LOVE US" pass over their sins, despise them, overcome them to be close to US!
Oh Yes! Oh Yes, my little children! How beautiful are the souls that have the "PERFECT and TRUE LOVE". the soul that possesses the BEAUTIFUL LOVE, loves intensely. its heart is burned by the flames of the ardent divine fire, nothing is impossible to it even that which is hard, which is bitter, which is difficult to bear. LOVE makes her bear everything with patience! May she wait for the hour of Grace with submission and LOVE and in the end she sees that everything that seemed impossible, became possible Thanks to LOVE. who is patient, who endures everything, who hopes everything, who suffers everything, who believes everything.
Ah! How beautiful are the souls that possess the TRUE LOVE! These souls, even when they are asleep, do not separate from WE. Oh No! Their soul is well united to Our SACRATISTIC HEARTS and even their sleep ends up becoming a prayer of LOVE and Praise to Us.
Ouch! How beautiful are the souls who possess the "PERFECT LOVE"! Everything they do gives Glory to Our SACRED Hearts, everything she does is with perfection. it's with dedication. it's with LOVE. it's with care. it's with whim. it's with the juicy desire to please us and give us joy!
That's why she fights from sun to sun, day by day for US without ever getting tired. And even passing the years she remains inalterable in her service, in her dedication, in her LOVE TO US. That's why LOVE will never end, LOVE will eternalize the soul, will eternalize the union that she already has on earth with us and will only elevate her to an intense degree in eternity. But this will be Heaven for the soul that loves us, Heaven will be the union with Us that the soul already has on earth eternalized forever! And now free from the dangers and threats that exist in the world, which can break up, destroy this union of the soul with us. In Heaven the soul no longer fears this, because it is already out of the reach of its enemies who can destroy its union with us. That is Heaven. the peace of the certainty of being united to WE forever. forever.
Oh! how beautiful are the souls that possess the "PERFECT LOVE"! The "PERFECT LOVE" is more valuable than all the treasures in the world! The "PERFECT LOVE" is more desirable than pearls and rubies! PERFECT LOVE" is more sublime and more desirable than beauty, than wealth, than health, than Glory. Oh Yes! The soul that possesses it will be beautiful and pleasing to Our eyes, it will be Our friend, Our companion, WE will admit it in Our Royal Lodge. WE will share Our "SECRETS of LOVE" with her and she will have everything in common with Us.
Oh! Yes! How beautiful are the souls who possess the "TRUE and PERFECT LOVE". They are happy, they possess everything! They possess OUR LOVE! They live together with Us! And they desire nothing more. That's why they despise smiling - fame, glory, human esteem, wealth, power, earthly love.
Oh yes! The soul that "TRUE LOVE", is not sad, on the contrary, she is happy, she is joyful, in her chest there is a fire that consumes her night and day! And the more it consumes her the more she lives and is happy. the more she loves and the more she rejoices. WE are already her heritage and her reward. She has put in WE her inheritance, her reward, she has chosen the best part that will not be taken from her. She trusted in WE, we will not abandon her, she made of WE her treasure, her reward, her inheritance. And that is why she will have Us as her inheritance forever in Heaven!
Oh! Blessed souls who possess the "TRUE LOVE" for US, they are in a way more adventurous than the ANGELS themselves. Yes! Because we give them, on earth, the grace to join us in a supernatural, intimate and profound way. Not that the ANGELS do not possess that union in paradise. Oh yes, they do! But human beings receiving this Grace now through these Apparitions can already in a way foreshadow the joy and happiness of Paradise on earth, in this time of so much evil and so much hatred of God and Our Hearts.
Oh! Blessed souls! May they feel Our LOVE and understand this Our LOVE. When they discover what treasure this "PERFECT LOVE" is, they will desire nothing more. They will not have another affection more begging or searching, because they will have everything, they will be immensely happy, they will have our own HEARTS for Friends, for Companions, for Parents, for their home, for their refuge, for their inheritance and reward.
To all of you we now bless, MY MOTHER, MY FATHER HOLY JOSEPH and I.
We give you the blessing of Our SACRED Hearts and finally I say to you:- Pray, asking for the Grace of possessing OUR PERFECT LOVE, sacrifice yourselves to possess that PERFECT LOVE, despise everything else so that you can know and possess this OUR TRUE LOVE and you will have everything. you will be happy, you will have the possession of OUR ETERNAL FRIENCE guaranteed to you by OUR MERCY and OUR EXTREMOUS LOVE for you! Continue with all the prayers that WE send you, because they will make you arrive safely to this PERFECT LOVE that pleases us and that we demand from you.