Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Message of Our Lady

Oh, my children, it has been 16 years that I am appearing here and communicating messages with my Divine Son Jesus Christ, Saint Joseph, the Holy Spirit and our Angels and Saints. I invite you, once again, to reaffirm your hearts in the reading of my Messages, in prayer, conversion and penance. I invite you to Love-Friendship. You must overcome the servile love of God, that is, the love that makes the soul serve Him more for fear of punishment and the fire of hell than because God is kind. You must go beyond the self-interested love that sees in God a source of graces and benefits, whether spiritual, temporal or eternal, so that your love may be a pure, unselfish and sincere love.
You must also go beyond the love that sees in God someone who can make you wise, full of knowledge or great in the eyes of men, so that your love (pause) for God may not be a love in search of glory. of fame. or of the esteem of men, but a love that wants to love him filially. eternally.
Finally, my children, you must attain "Love-Friendship" the love that loves God at Heart., the love that makes the soul be a friend of God, that makes the soul seek God with all its strength to love Him, serve Him, adore Him and offer Him and rejoice in Him. You must overcome my children, every kind of love that is not true love. The love that seeks itself and not God. The love that wants to make God realize his own interests and his own will.
You must go beyond all this, my children, to attain true love, tender, filial, sincere, unselfish, good, persevering love for God.
I thank you all for coming today on My feast day.
I am waiting for you here soon my children so that I may continue your conversion. Continue with all the prayers that I have given you and commanded you to do. Soon, my beloved son Marcos will give you the HOLY HOUR OF YEARS that you must do every Tuesday at nine o'clock at night as My son Jesus himself sent you on February 7 of this year.
Wait for my children and as soon as you have it, begin to do it with love and fidelity every Tuesday and you will see how the holy angels will act in your lives helping you to progress and advance on the path of holiness. To all my children I give Peace and thank you for your sacrifices made here today for my love. Go in the Peace of the Lord and in my Peace too".