Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Message of the Divine Holy Spirit

I bless these Medals of the Lady of Tears, My Heavenly Wife, and grant them the Grace of My Eternal Love. Wherever they come, there will also come my grace and my sanctifying love. Through them I will convert many sinners, free many slaves of the devil, and turn back the wave of perdition that drags today's youth. Through it I will cause the forces of hell to recede and be annihilated. By the power of the Tears of my dear Mary, the infernal empire will be overthrown. I will bring down the infernal empire through the tears of Mary to make better shine the merits, sorrows, sacrifices and martyrdom of her with which she redeemed the world with Jesus. and so the whole knee bends before her and every tongue proclaims that she is the Lady.
Yes. My love wanted all this for these Apparitions of Jacari. My love, reserved for this Apparition the task and grace to remake this Medal, to take it out of hiding and finally make it known, loved and worn by all my beloved children. The devil will rage before her, but. he will not prevail because I gave Mary's tears a virtue against which he can do nothing. This Medal, like the Medal of Peace, is the powerful sign against hell and the sure shield we offer to all those who fight for Our Messages and are persecuted because of Our Apparitions. The resurgence of this Medal already heralds the defeat of Hell and the fall of Satan. Above all, it will be a sign of failure for the red dragon. This Medal marks the time already near My second descent because the tears of Mary with her rosary will purify and prepare the world for My second descent. Son, have My Peace. Rejoice in the mission accomplished, and be sure that the great trust I place in you in entrusting you with these high and important tasks demonstrates how much I love you and how much I have placed in you My complacencies. My favorite son. Peace. My Love is yours forever and ever".
Note: Mary blessed these Medals and while she was doing so, luminous stones of her hands fell on them. The Blessed Mother of God was visibly so moved that Her beautiful eyes began to shed tears of light that flowed down Her cheeks to Her chin. Her tears of emotion and happiness spoke more than a million words.