Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today I thank you for coming, continue to pray all the prayers that I have given you and sent you. The Anniversary of My Apparitions is approaching here, pray, pray for the Grace of renewing the conversion of each one on the day of the Anniversary of My Apparitions. My love has done great things here, throughout all these years and will still do many other great things if you are docile and meek to my motherly action.
I wish each of you to deepen your true devotion to me, to the ANGELS, to MY SPIRIT SAINT JOSEPH, to the HOLY SPIRIT, to MY SON, to GOD. For this, reread all the Messages until the Anniversary of the Apparitions at least "Three" Messages a day, if you truly make My children on the day of the Anniversary of My Apparitions I will be able to accomplish in you a great transformation. I wish that for the Anniversary of the Apparitions you also prepare yourselves, with a week of personal renunciations that you yourselves will be able to choose what to renounce. In this way My Children you will truly purify your hearts for the day of My Feast, and on that day you will be more beautiful, more pure, more open and more detached from the things of the earth, and therefore more open and more prepared to receive the things of Heaven. I bless you all today.